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Posts posted by PhazeFadis

  1. The only issue I have with warzones is the matchmaking. With no brackets getting a premade team of 50s versus a pug with 11s - 20s is not my idea of fun.


    If they can fix the matchmaking to make it more competitive it will make a world of difference.


    If there were brackets, Imperials would queue up and wait for days,,,

  2. I unsubscribed... then again, I tend to do that for every MMO that makes me subscribe to just play my free month.


    Whether or not I'll continue is up in the air... but I originally figured this game would give me about 6 weeks of entertainment before I no longer cared to login... so there is a decent chance I'll re-up on Jan. 19th.



    I've found unsubscribing can also be a nice way to get some freebies :) Probably too early in TOR for that to work, though.

  3. This happens to me from time to time... can't find a pattern... but for extended periods of time, suddenly my laser bolts will do 0 damage and the only way to kill anything is with missles.


    Sometimes it will last for a couple of waves of fighters... others it will last much longer.


    Doesn't happen every mission... but enough that it is irritating... especially when it kicks in and causes a mission to fail. (Yes, it is possible to fail a mission if you can't shoot anything!!!)


    Any ideas? Am I missing something?

  4. I assume this is a bug... as I've had it happen in a variety of the space missions.


    I'll be mowing through the patterns for the 100th time... when all of a sudden, a series of fighters will just become immune to my blasters.


    I'm not talking about the bosses... not talking about the 'elite' ships... just your run of the mill interceptors that would die in a shot or two in any of the previous times I've done the exact same mission...


    This will happen for maybe 10 to 12 fighters... then everything will go back to normal. Strangely, they WILL die to missiles.


    Is this some kind of lag? A bug? Working as intended and I'm missing what's really happening?




    Anyone else see this?

  5. Apparently you can kill someone when they click the rez - but are still in the process of being revived by a probe.


    Do whatever the bounty hunter skill is to fly up in the air and shoot the aoe missiles at the ground below where the person is rezzing...


    Fun griefing tactic!

  6. Pretty BS in my opinion Healers are not very common. You think you'd want to do more to promote playing healers, not limiting it. Next time I get the chance to get the credits and respec i am never going to ever heal again until they give me some sort of dual spec.


    Because then you won't re-roll and won't stay subbed as long?


    RIFT allowed ultimate customization... which was great for me... which also meant I had tried everything I wanted to try in about 6 weeks and had no need to re-roll more characters... so I left. Bad for them.



    I completed the mission today - my 4th attempt at this method (first 3 failed in the final 30 seconds) - by doing nothing other than moving my ship to the center of the screen at the start of the mission and holding down the fire key. Didn't move the mouse once. If I'd had a piece of tape, I would've completed the mission AFK.


    Also completed the bonus.


    Logging in is more challenging than the Fondor Escort mission... I have no idea how anyone actually trying could ever fail it.

  8. IMHO....


    If you can get to 50 in ~3 days.


    The game is broken.



    Game shouldn't be designed with 90% of the content = 'levelling content.'


    No reason we shouldn't be at max level after the capital world, then with all the other planets various stages of endgame content. Nobody would've done all of THAT, already.


    As it stands... sure the levels 50's are level 50... but most of what they skipped is worthless to them now.

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