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Posts posted by PhazeFadis

  1. I wasted countless tens of thousands of credits crafting and RE for purples... only to finally realize it's such a waste. You don't need them for levelling... and often they aren't all that great compared to a blue, anyway.


    Then... when I hit 50... and spent a LOT of resources RE for a few purple.. it turned out those items weren't good compared to what I was getting elsewhere.

  2. Ilum is stupid. Anyone whoever thought it would be anything but stupid... is stupid.


    Giant animated tanks get dropped from the sky. They stand there doing their animations, but not actually DOING anything... oooh! how impressive!.... you click on them, they explode.... after some lag.




    If there is someone out there with a title of "lead PvP designer for SWtoR" - that person should look for a new job.

  3. Those "airlocks" are meant to add to the immersion of the game and the story. It adds "reality" to the game. You may not like it, but Role Players do.


    My *****!


    When was there ever an awesome airlock scene in a Star Wars movie? Bioware cut corners on a million features we'd all like to provide immersion (day/night... ambient noise... movable npcs... spaceships that fly) BUT YOU ARE TELLING ME THEY DECIDED TO ADD LONG HALLWAYS AND EMPTY ORBITAL STATIONS TO BRING US IMMERSION!?!?!?!?


    Stop trolling!

  4. *sigh* a sign of new content and its not even 30 day after launch and all it seems to do is give people 1 more thing to ***** about, why cant you *********** ever enjoy the game for what it is?!?!?!?!!?


    because it is FUNNY!



    If you were to make a poll of potential ideas for additonal content - I'll bet you zombies would be a strong contender for last place... neck and neck with pandas.

  5. I think I'm going to be sick. This is the last thing I was expecting to hear from Bioware: a lie.


    I really don't know what to say except I'm gone in 1 week. Forget it. There is no way in hell I'm going to play a 2012 MMO that has the texture quality of World of Warcraft when I saw high-res nice textures in Beta.


    I'm not going to stand here and be straight-up lied to.



    OK - so it wasn't my imagination. I swear I remember a really nice robe my consular had... sometimes anyway... other times the texture would glitch.... this was back in April.

  6. It's not about how fast you reach 50 - it's about how much there is to do once you reach 50.



    Whether it takes you 1 week... 3 weeks.... 2 months... you all get to the same place.




    I keep saying the biggest mistake these MMOs make is not making the 1-> max level process extremely short... with the vast bulk of the content as an open world(s) you are free to explore and conquer at your leisure.... instead of walking quest hub to quest hub... planet to planet... per the pathway.

  7. No, graphically the same on the screen you're looking at that displays the game.



    Now please do me a favor, and read these words carefully: The game's graphics AKA the textures, lighting, how much grass you see at a distance etc. Have not changed at all, they are exactly the same.


    The performance of the game AKA how fluid animations are, the frames per second, sound matching what you're doing, better combat because you aren't playing a snapshot, etc are the only things that will improve because you upgraded your CPU, fans, memory, etc.


    Perhaps he had a cracked and blurry monitor... that has now been upgraded... so the game does in fact look better!



    Really... your point makes perfect sense, and if he can't or refuses to understand it... don't waste your time.





    I could've sworn there were glitchy high-res textures in the March/April beta... I swear I remember my consular having some really sweet robes that would at one moment look fantastic... and the next look like blurry grey blobs.

  8. Meaningful story can't be generated fast enough...


    BUT consumers have shown that enough are willing to stick around and pay their monthly fees if MMO companies just throw out a new 'heroic'/'super heroic'/'super super heroic' mode for dungeons.... or add daily token/faction grinding quests... all to get the next tier+1 gear... until some legit content is available.

  9. I can't seem to figure it out.


    Trying to just blow up the engins on a star destroyer - it won't let me shoot my regular missiles... I only get the red lockon display... and once I've destroyed the 3 engines.. and am completely out of proton missiles, I still can't blow up the last engine!


    Is there a toggle, or something?


    Sad to fail missions I was previously beating with my eyes closed :D

  10. Also agree, Rift had far more "ambiance" over SWTOR it wasnt even close. Rift was better overall in everyway (graphics, ambiance wise), shame it really was WoW 2.0, but w/e


    One of the reasons I have a LOT of hope for the sci-fi MMO TRION is making... now if they could only work out some legit PvP/RvR.


    I've simply done the Arena/Warfront gear-grind too many times for it to be fun.


    Unsubbed from TOR already...

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