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Posts posted by Kooshdin

  1. I agree with the OP. Because the OP and I did not have faith and spend $59.99+ on the game the moment it came out... we are to suffer. WE ARE TO BLAME, because WE DID NOT BUY THEIR PRODUCTS SOONER. EA and BIOWARE WILL PUNISH US FOR NOT SPENDING MONEY SOONER. I repent, EA, I repent! I offer more money, so I can play now... please


    Its called favouritism ,these people are better than you because they payed £5 before you did.


    Its a form of punishment for new people who only hear about pre orders late. If you sufddenly find swtor today and you pay pre order then sorry bnut you are not so good because you never pre ordered in july, sorry bout that but these guys are better than you.


    I think this is why6 i fel discomfort

  2. Damn, the guy at Stabucks this morning favored the people in front of me in line because they got their drinks first....


    When will you people get over this and figure out that this is what they said they were going to do all along?


    I'm beginning to wonder if the people slinging around all the internet hate-words like favoratism and prejudice even understand what they mean any more....



    Trust me its not normal for me to not like something about an mmo, but i am being made to feel this way . again saorry if you didnt understand


    Im not hating the game im trying to explain something i dont normally experience.


    The game is ace i played beta, its this watching other people play swtor and levelling while you could be waiting for days.



    Again sorry ifd you didnt undedrstand im not sith ! I was experiencing a moment of discomfort which was not normal for me :(

  3. Just go play Rift then. Better than sitting there stinking up the place with your hate.


    Im sorry im a republic , but im finding forced horribleness in my body because I dislike this staggered system, sorry for that if you didnt understand my post, I feel a dark presense that is all because of this sytem :mad:


    I cant play Rift too as i played that from early access and played all maps

  4. Whats going on is it just me or is this favouritism ?


    I feel like ive done a bad thing by pre-ordering. Ive been watching other people online playing early access, and it feels like im being punished.


    I put my pre -order code in my acvcount on 15th of November but i cant playnow so other people who paid earlier gain access..


    Seems a bit like favouritism to me and itys very uncomfortable not getting access while othwersa do.



    I preferred rifts early access, where everyone got to play right away. That was a much bettter system, than this o you can play first because your better than others who paid up front after you.


    I am hating i dont like it, im feleing horrible ! Im wondering if what im feeling now is what other people are feeling playing other mmos where they complain on forums.


    I have never had this issue before till now.


    I think staggered early access for me is not the way to go because I could be sitting for days before i get in to play, while others venture ahead of me because they are better than me.



    Favouritism :(

  5. The benefits of working, is that your income level isnt capped so you can at least make as much cash as you want. You can have any pc you want, a women, a nice house and kids.


    I live on benefits for my illness, and I have to work with around minimum wage income, living in a bedsit ongoing, no girlfriend, no life outside my pc/bedsit. The illness is self inflicted though which is why I hate my life for doing the things i did when a ragfing teenager.


    There is nothing worse as well when playing an mmo, and on monday morning you login to see the servers at low because everyone else is working. I cant join guilds as I have difficulty following whats going on, and hate always discussing my illness and that I dont work . Its a kick in the butt indeed. Id rather be working myself.


    Even though you have to work, there is bonuses for you, trust me if you didnt work youd be like I am and others like me.

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