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10 Good

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  • Interests
    hair metal and star wars
  • Occupation
    desk jockey
  1. I was a homeless bounty hunter on Hutta doing odd jobs for the various gangs just to have something to eat on a daily basis. Then I found Legacy. First they gave me a fish, then they gave me a fishing pole, then they made me fish until I could provide enough for a fish fry every Friday. At least I'm not homeless any more...now I can afford to live in a box under the bridge by the waterworks. I hope to some day have enough to buy an escape pod. They allow me to go with on raids, but it's usually to clean the blood and guts off their armor and weaponry. Sometimes the remains of the mobs are in good enough condition to cook...I eat well on those nights. They promised me my very own set of blasters if I keep the guild ship clean. I have a blast in this guild - a lot of fun people, and enjoy raiding and pvp. There's always someone around to group with, or chat with - great folks in this guild.
  2. As others have said: Arsenal - good burst - quick initial damage, but needs to turret to finish the job it seems. IO - good damage over time, if left alone you can tear some classes apart (but isn't that the case for anyone?). Overall - we're often destroyed in pvp. It's been my main since beta, and in pvp I'm often worthless unless the other team simply ignores me (or if we have a healer that'll spend 90% of their time on me), but IF that happens, I can put up some very nice damage and kills. But it almost never happens. We're just too easy to kill. Assassins, PTs, Sorcs and Juggs pretty much just laugh at me as they kill me. PTs I can hurt, but I'll lose. Sorcs I can hurt, but I'll lose and they'll be healed up before I can even respawn. Assassins and guardians - seems I can't do squat to them at all. Especially assassins. If a jugg blows his CDs, sometimes I can leave a mark. Assassins...ya, it's just as effective if I stand there and die instead of attack. This is what I find, anyways. And yes, I know I'm not the best at pvp. I do the best I can do. And I am persistent. What is horrible though is when I do venture in to ranked (sometimes I just feel like taking abuse I guess). Ranked often offers 2 forms of humiliation - being insta-killed, and having your team tell you how awful you are for being insta-killed.
  3. ^ yep. I'm decent, not great by any means, but I can hold my own. In ranked I am generally focused almost immediately and die very quickly. If I cc break right away, I get hit with another cc and am down and out. If I don't cc break right away, the cc wears off because I've been killed. In regs, I'm generally not focused and can definitely inflict some pain. Unfortunately, I rarely play ranked anymore - it often irritates the team I end up on that they have a merc, and let's say they're less than kind if I am shut down by the other team with haste.
  4. Both have their ups and downs - do both, see which you prefer. I prefer my merc overall, except for arenas. In arena pvp, reg or ranked, I get focused and utterly obliterated almost immediately - almost without fail every time. In the very few instances where I wasn't insta-focused and killed, the following round the opposing team changed to that tactic. If left alone, mercs can be mobile snipers with off-healing...just like someone else stated. And that's something you don't want against your team, so the opposing team generally reacts accordingly.
  5. Hmm, impossible to kill them? Sweet, I have done the impossible a great many times! There's got to money in that, right? Somehow?...
  6. Completely agree. I frequently get focused in PVP. While I'm rarely at the top for dps in a match, I'm really good at ripping healers apart in a hurry, and the opposing teams don't seem to like that. Best part is, focusing a lethality sniper is great for team tactics - while 2-4 opposing people jump all over me, my team gets objectives done.
  7. Definitely get a tank to guard you, and hope/pray the opposing team doesn't mark you...or if they do, that they don't pay attention to it. I've had matches where I know I end up being marked as a healer and I spend most of the match behind the forcewall waiting to rejoin the match to be insta-killed again. But I keep coming back for more...I love it.
  8. I came to the same conclusion. However, such a consequence should be specifically noted in some capacity, instead it isn't addressed at all. This quite easily leaves a person to expect that canceling might be no different than letting the listing expire.
  9. So I've just learned that if you cancel an item you have for sale on the GTN, you do not receive your deposit back. The manual page lists nothing about this that I see, and was told that this is just how it works. If a listing expires, you receive your deposit back. If you cancel the listing, you're out the credits - though there is no indication that this will be the result. Since there was no specific direction on canceling a listing, is it not reasonable to expect that your deposit would be refunded? I would expect this to be addressed in the game manual. I'm rather irritated with the outcome at losing quite a few credits when I pulled an item from the GTN and being told "That's just how it is".
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