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10 Good
  1. They are doing a server restart for NA servers. Apparently there were some issues in PvP, I think...
  2. I didn't download anything. But all of a sudden I have the 5.7 patch and a periodic unspecified error when trying to get into the game. If I restart my computer I seem to be able to get into the game. But the 5.7 patch remains.
  3. Last week, on Oct. 21st, I submitted a ticket for my missing class quest. I searched the forums for others with the same problem, and many of us have this issue. I totally understand there are kinks in any new roll out or update. But it has been 8 days! EIGHT DAYS! Not only does that that seem to be an extraordinarily long time, but no one, I mean NO ONE has responded or even acknowledged my ticket. Not even a protocol droid. Come on guys, at least send out something saying you know about the issue and are looking for a solution!! Attempting to play Tu'uli, Jedi Counselor Sage on The Shadowlands server.
  4. Character: Tu'uli Class: Jedi Counselor Sage Server: The Shadowlands Ticket No: 20995845 Missing Quest: The final quest of Chapter 1, fighting Lord Vivicar. It is gone, nothing, can't do anything. Patch 4.0.1 didn't fix anything either. The ticket has been in since 10/21/15.
  5. I, too, have lost my class quest. I was playing a Jedi Counselor Sage on The Shadowlands server. I was in the middle of the battle with Lord Vivicar when the new 4.0 update came out. Now, nothing. I submitted a ticket last night. And the 4.0a patch didn't fix it either. Good luck everyone! I hope we all can finish our respective class quests.
  6. Hey Bioware! Could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE adjust the cost of training at the higher levels?? I just leveled and trained again and now I am broke, again! It seems very out of whack to me. I have been trying to save up for the level 40 speeder license, but I will never get there with cost of training! I dread it every time, but if I hold back a level or two it's even worse!!! Please?? Daph
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