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Posts posted by Arysta

  1. I like how I am being punished by this game, for not having the money to pre-order a game as soon as I see it. Also, my friends have already gotten in two days ago, friends who I was supposed to level and play with. This means that when I finally get in tomorrow, hopefully, I will be AGES behind them, and I won't be able to catch up. All this means that I will be all alone in a new game till I reach level 50. Way to go BioWare.


    This doesn't make any sense. Unless you didn't have $5, you don't have to pay for the game until it's officially released.

  2. I just read an article referencing a report released yesterday. Android holds 53% of the smartphone market while iOS only holds 29%. I'd venture to say those Android numbers are even higher among the mmo crowd. They'd be foolish to not release an Android app as soon as possible.
  3. I'm glad people are canceling over this. If people can't handle something as friggin' absurd as not getting in 7 days early when they were promised UP TO 5 days, then I don't want them in the game anyway. These are the people who whine so hard about PVP that it upsets PVE balance and vice versa... good riddance!
  4. So, what you're saying here is that ONLY people who start on the very first day of release and get to max level within approx 2-5 days will be the only ones to EVER be able to survive long enough to level up and reach the higher levels? That high level characters sit there all day and headshot low level characters nonstop?


    I was under the impression that most games have level restrictions to stop gankers when it comes to PVP. Does SWTOR not have these?


    I was looking forward to eventually checking out a pvp server once I got the hang of the game, but people are making it sound torturous and lame.

  5. I think what the OP is saying here is that his personal experience will be ruined because he's a "big epeen" kind of guy. He can't handle not being the best of the best at all times, and Bioware has taken that ability away from him... for a few days at least. I don't usually wish people would get a life, because mine isn't the coolest ever, but damn son, get a life.
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