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Everything posted by seektravota

  1. Your toon looks like an awesome cat~
  2. I heard people who have toons on both harbinger and bastion. they say PVP is exactly the same on both server. not much difference. it's probably a rumor that bastion is good, harbinger is not as good... they just want to attract more players to bastion but it probably is a waste of money to transfer and won't make a difference. i'd be especially pissed off if you pay for the transfer then they introduce cross-server later.
  3. Oh these are the old campaign boots. Yeah my toon looks pretty ridiculous. They say I look like Buu from Dragonball Z lol. The idea of this thread is to have fun with the game. It's not always about who's got the best numbers who's the best player etc. I can see people are having fun customizing their look.
  4. Oh... so MLP stands for My little pony LOL
  5. This is my "best dressed" toon http://s1.postimg.org/s777jyq7z/twi_yunfat.jpg
  6. Upload a picture of your toon. Vote for who you think is best dressed. Spib http://imageshack.us/a/img521/850/49969636.jpg Psirebral http://i.imgur.com/GCBiens.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Q4mvd7V.jpg Xaro'thann http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/2383354/pics/original/1764824.jpg Nekron http://i.imgur.com/KZNaRb6.jpg Plaje http://oi44.tinypic.com/2uf8qvm.jpg Starmarc http://i.imgur.com/zecYrFl.jpghttp:// Opfotm http://i.imgur.com/uioKMi7.jpg Twi-yunfat http://s1.postimg.org/s777jyq7z/twi_yunfat.jpg Aldasin http://i.imgur.com/ev5yw7v.jpg K-tap http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb66/K-Tap/Thundercats_zps1ee015b0.jpg Double'o http://i.imgur.com/4lxYCJu.jpg Choff http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r713/choffware/boba_zps83ae4498.png Rigpa http://s24.postimg.org/wey2w6ymt/rigpa_doc.png Shao'Kahn http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/195625/module_gallery/original/1259411.jpg Kronkitis http://postimg.org/image/9uj0sikij/ Xami http://i.imgur.com/sINV3qW.jpg Johner http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/3711/johnercontestentery.jpg Trancedzero http://i.imgur.com/WjIgVSf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wP7UdeM.jpg Rigpa http://postimg.org/image/73d0oe13b/full/ Gonnosuke http://imageshack.us/a/img266/6661/nols.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img42/5498/closeinshadow.jpg
  7. Twi-yunfat Sentinel (Combat 5/26/5) 2698.72 http://www.torparse.com/a/250424/time/1369570247/1369570598/0/Damage+Dealt Just got an underworld power clicky. Still 69mainhand. Wish I had a 72 mainhand then can probably add lots more
  8. the only way to revitalize PVP is to draw what works from other games. Make a league of legends type of map, so you get to fight alongside NPCs and push towards enemy base. That'll be a great map that draws both PVP and PVE players. It's sort of like star wars battlefront but plus you get to fight alongside NPCs.
  9. Hutball is hands down the best PVP creation ever of so many other MMOs. The coding is already there. So why don't you make another huttball type map with different terrains?
  10. hey what talent points you have? and what weapons you using? 2754 is pretty viable for the right tree.
  11. cuz bioware only has 4 employees left. everyone else lost their job. the only 4 employees are: janitor, caterer, demolisher, driver.
  12. The blue font color for repubs are too dark, can't see. Can you make simple brighter blue?
  13. They should just put cross server PVP. problem solved. suck *** bioware. Cuz I have toons that I want both PVP and PVE. But I wouldn't go to Bastion just for PVP because the best place to PVE is still here on Harbinger.
  14. And yeah, when I see you landing your hits, these are not just any hits. they come from world no.1 carnage parser. I was like oh *****t...
  15. Qaemmali biggest heal 9183 http://postimg.org/image/qf6dw6hl5/full/
  16. wait a minute, did you get a screenshot? 1700 dps can be put on the record thread!
  17. You didn't swap the old link . This is the correct link for my Qaemmali (sage) 2552 dps http://www.torparse.com/a/238618/time/1369008763/1369009132/0/Damage+Dealt
  18. Next time, don't hit me, hit the other guys! You'll get record numbers lol
  19. Nah. He's not with anybody lol. Smoochie is kind of on its own. But we like talking fun about him when we see him.
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