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Everything posted by GCasIII

  1. As a level 32 assassin (this is my alternate character) I can say the Darkness spec is good in PvP, I can say that it still is strong. Earlier I was in a war zone and did very well. I feel that it isn't too overpowered and has the right feel. With the proper ability set up, it's very easy to have a long combo going (especially when you get the Sith Blood spec in the Darkness tree)
  2. UFBH (United Federation of Bounty Hunters) is looking for and recruiting all players-new and old! Help us grow!
  3. Feel free to join our new guild UFBH (United Federation of Bounty Hunters) Members will be added to our guild's Facebook page! All are welcome!
  4. I noticed this too. I just dismissed and resummoned him. The thing I think is more annoying is that he will continue doing it in cut-sceens. At first I thought going to a cut-screen would fix it, but he actually grunted through the whole thing! It was funny though: "Oh, Master Jedi-" "Gruh, gah, ugh!" "I am in need of your assistance." "Gruh, gah, ugh!"
  5. I've played this story as a Sorcerer and loved the look my ancestor's items gave me. The lightsaber was fantastic, it sounded good, looked great, felt unique to my character, etc. I decided to reroll as an Assassin and was disappointed by my ancestor's double bladed lightsaber. It's the same hilt as when you first pick to be an assassin. Which in my opinion feels out of place. Here's the Sorcerer's hilt: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120124130239/starwars/images/a/ab/Aloysius_Kallig_lightsaber.png Here's the Assassin's hilt: http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/images/11274.jpg They don't match. I feel that your ancestor's double-bladed lightsaber hilt should be the same design as the Honored Assassin's Double-bladed Lightsaber, you get when you get your ancestor's mask. The top one is the Honored Assassin's Double-bladed Lightsaber hilt: http://images.wikia.com/swtor/images/a/a3/Sith-double-blades.jpg Notice how similar the Sorcerer's hilt and this one are? -Same wires wrapped around -Same grip style -Same red slits on the sides -Very similar blade guards I'm not sure how difficult of a fix this would be, and I'm more than aware that this is something very small and nothing to fret over; but sometimes, it's the smallest things that make the biggest differences.
  6. All of the previously mentioned reasons are true. I'm not going to go over them again. So all of that plus what I will add here: Personally, I feel that it gets so much hate because it was rushed. Think about it, the prolog and act I are so good, the story is amazing and hooks you, after that...That's it, after that is just, "Oh, this happened go and fix it." meanwhile while you're doing that you have to go get 19 Gungan shebs for some guy who gives you a weapon that's more than capable of killing said Gungans. Now, how does that feel rushed? Because They claimed each story was going to have 200+ hours of game play but in reality it's only 80, tops. Also, did any one else noticed that as soon as 1313 (Which was cancelled, Thank God! It was going to be another FU II) gained traction this game was pumped out? It was. As soon as the newer game was on the horizon LucasArts (Who sunk almost all their money into this game) pushed for this game to get out and FAST! They needed more money and needed it ASAP, so what did they do? The rushed this game and had it released incomplete-just like KOTOR II (One of my favourite Star Wars games. I love Darth Traya) Summery of that first part: It was rushed, with and strong first part of story but not a good second part, and didn't achieve the 200+ hours of game play. With that being said, the story falls apart, but not only that but that it doesn't always feel Star Wars-y. In KOTOR I felt that everything was Star Wars like, in this game...it does feel too MMO like. And yes, before you chew my head off I know it's an MMO; however, so much of it doesn't feel Star Wars like. The Ratguls (Spelling?) that was annoying. And yes, I know enemies are supposed to respawn, that's how others are to fight them, but it's extremely annoying when I kill a group of 7 guys, go behind a hut, destroy their power generator, only to turn around and find them all back. Another thing that got really annoying. Lastly-and this is more personal than not-I don't enjoy PvP and I feel that this game forces you to PvP. I do every quest, flash points, space battles and am always just on the level par. Never above. However those who PvP all day end up higher levels really fast. Ergo, to get the edge you have to PvP but not everyone likes PvP and so that's why some people complain. Again, all that was previously said is true and this is my 2 credits worth. [Edit] This is coming from a Subscriber who was following this game since it was announced and has been playing this game on and off since release.
  7. I took a very accurate "What Star Wars profession are you?" quiz a few years back (so accurate that my friend who's going to school for engineering got engineer.). My result was bounty hunter. So I knew from there that I had to play one. BEST CHOICE EVER!
  8. /signed I've been wanting this for some time, being Mandalorian is an honour!
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