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Everything posted by Smurfsauce

  1. Complaining about inviting more people would just lead back to you/others not being able to play the game, which is my point. Unless you really did mean something besides this.
  2. Wasn't your initial argument that you were mad that they could've very well invited more people than they had? I could have this wrong, but I kindly ask, would you state your argument good sir?
  3. All anyone has to do is realize that the complainers just want to play the game. Every point they make leads back to not being able to play today. Though if they were capable of playing, they'd either shut up or complain about something else that resulted from them playing, i.e. they're whiners. Just note, the only truly bad thing that has happened today is not the launch itself, but the PvP exploit; and even that's trivial unless you're on a PvP server.
  4. WHOOSH! You even quoted it and the point still went way over your head. 3 hour queue time for a week -> month vs 3 day queue time with no actual queue when you log in. People like you really don't understand how this launch even works I bet, despite them telling you from the beginning what was going to happen. At least Bioware is in control of their launch.
  5. This must be why there is a decline in RPing irl. No chat bubbles overhead in reality.
  6. You didn't play when everyone else was playing. Or by the time you got in queue, everyone got tired and turned off the game, significantly lowering the queue. I'm not doubting your experience, but I was one of those Aion followers who even played during the Betas. The early access for Aion was bad, and then when the game was released, it was way worse that very evening. It wasn't 15 minutes for me. I'd sit down and play Disgaea 2 for at least an hour; then turn back to my computer screen and see that I'd still be in queue. =( God forbid anyone get dc'd during the wait. They'd have to restart the entire client and get back in line (at any point in the game, be it in queue or actually playing).
  7. It wasn't a grief (using that term very loosely) fest at all actually. When you died, you were sent back home (to a bind point). So assuming you're using the term the way I think you are, there wasn't really any griefing. It's good that you didn't play it though. You didn't miss out on much. In short, better character customization, you could dye clothing, and there were a few gameplay mechanics that were neat to see at the time. Overall it probably wouldn't beat TOR though.
  8. I'm aware of that. But that's generally what this feels like since I haven't heard a reason yet for them doing it this way. ;(
  9. Sure there is. The excuse is that it's their game and this is how they feel like doing it. Kinda their dealwithit.jpg on the matter.
  10. All I ever hear from people is that this is a horrible release. The only truly valid complaint is the PvP exploit; and yet even though that exists, I don't even give a **** considering it's their character and not mine. Why would I even care what other people are doing? Sure, I guess it can be a problem for PvP servers, but it's only limited to that. Not to mention Bioware already knows about it and is working on it. They've stated so already. THANK YOU! Some people are just not using their heads on this one...
  11. They are technically, but I digress. I was referring to his statement that even if a person was capable of logging on for only one hour, it was a memorable.
  12. By your logic OP, one could say they were aiming for something entirely different from the norm.
  13. If you let that happen, the Pandas will just scare him back to her quicker than usual.
  14. That sounds 100% like an idiotic idea to implement on so many levels. The only good thing about it is having the name you want and even THAT's going to bite the developers in the ***. Good thing I set my phaser on "run".
  15. OP, your argument is literally this-- "There wasn't a lot of people on my server from day one of early access, so are we going to get a Dungeon Finder soon? I mean, these numbers are going to be vastly higher in the coming days, but I don't care. Dungeon Finder. Raid Finder too." You'll live. There will be people to do dungeons with. It's just day one.
  16. You can buy it alone on Origin, too.
  17. If you're saying what I think you mean, that would end up meaning characters are saved on your own personal hard drive actually. That would be bad. I'm unsure, but I think that's the only way to make characters that have whatever name you desire, even if someone else has it. Unless you mean some other method, but that's the only one I've ever experienced and it was a bad one through a few games. Is ImAnIdiot is available?
  18. Wait... No limit on character creation? I feared there'd be like 8 or something; but no limit? That's actually GREAT! And yes, OP sounds more like he's just joking around even if it were a post that was meant to sound serious.
  19. Man, I literally just got back to this forum after remembering it was back up so I decided to play a little game of "Click a Random Thread" or CRT. But it seems as if every thread I'm clicking on is the exact same one with a different creator. What are you, Sheeple of some sort? You and all the others are just being herded (not heard-ed) by Bioware and they probably don't even care about what you're saying.
  20. I think it's just some first day blues. I wouldn't be surprised if they invited one and a half times the amount of people they invited today tomorrow. Unless it was an odd number, which we'd then have to round up.
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