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10 Good
  1. ok, I'll check out what adaptive armors are available Thanks all!
  2. Hi all, I understand that companion gear is now only cosmetic and that the "Customize Appearance" feature is not available for companions. So is there a way (maybe via cartel market?) to allow a companion who can only wear light armor to also wear medium or heavy armor? Thanks!
  3. No idea. Had a similar problem myself last night..I think I'll just delete my character and start over on a new server this weekend.
  4. I wouldn't get too riled up. Even if you get access, you may not be able to play due to queues, especially on a friday night. Last night, for example, I couldn't get in at all, partially due to a couple disconnects while in queue. I'm beginning to think of the early access people less like 'the privileged few' and more like 'the guinea pigs used to even out server balance so launch day goes smoothly' Still, no complaints here. Big fan so far.
  5. I'd echo other comments here in saying enjoying a mmo does not = being a hardcore player. I've done that before, and all I end up with is something that feels like a 2nd job running a treadmill and I burn out. For me, MMOs are best when you find a group of people with a modicum of maturity and real life obligations that can have fun without pumping 20 hours/week into a game. The problems you point out are valid...MMOs, even swtor, won't equal the immersive experience of high quality single player rpg. But a good guild can make up for the difference.
  6. hopefully they'll add more servers with the additional waves of pre-orders logging in over the weekend, or at least tell people which servers are getting full so it doesn't get worse. But then again, they're all full. For those not yet playing, choose a server with a boring name! All my memorable server name will get me is longer queues.
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