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Everything posted by JediMasterSLC

  1. Strange- I don't recall ever playing that game.
  2. Why not both But anyway cross faction should require less resources and completely kill Q synching by itself.
  3. ffs stop with these posts. if you don't lose rating when you lose, it ceases to be ranked and becomes something akin to conquest point farming.
  4. Acting like a run of the mill swtor forums ignoramus =/= trolling.
  5. that's not how it works. if you have 30% crit chance and hit a tank with 30% shield chance, there's a 30% chance to crit, 30% to shield, and 40% chance to hit normally. only autocrits negate shield chance. lolwut
  6. That doesn't apply to moronic suggestions like getting >95% acc
  7. This system is too simple. It doesn't differentiate between a 1000 rating difference and a 100 rating one.
  8. This. If BW is gonna make the highest level of PvP completely unrelated to the war, at least get rid of the imbalance that dual factions places on solo ranked. It would eliminate q synching, and while you would still sometimes get unlucky with teammates, at least you aren't getting a disproportionate amount of bad teammates via more bads queuing on your faction at that time than on the opposing one. Dual factions and a functioning elo system are actually not very compatible unless you're manually forming the team yourself (group ranked).
  9. i think you need to read the 1.4 (or whatever patch it was) patch notes lol. I mean I could be wrong, but I really don't think you can currently be white barred for that long.
  10. The number of people that have spent $300+ on the CM? I think it's pretty safe to say that that population is relatively small.
  11. It may contribute to the game's financial success, but it hurts the game in that it encourages eaware to invest more into milking a relatively small number of people for cosmetic item purchases, rather than improving the actual game and making it more desirable to real gamers that prefer to actually pve and pvp rather than just play dress up and house.
  12. I don't think you know how resolve works lol. Under no circumstances on live can you be white barred for even close to 20 seconds/achieve 2k resolve. You'd still have to be CCd in some way to be able to pop your breaker btw, just like on live.
  13. Well no, madness sorc has no 35 m abilities. Thank god lol
  14. I don't think this is the answer. I prefer stun breaker giving 1000 points of resolve.
  15. Any accuracy above 95% only goes towards hitting sorcs, sins, and tanks.
  16. Wishing that focus was better than vig? You should read more- I already said that vig was superior. Focus has been nerfed to the ground and is trash in any kind of competitive setting. Your point is the same as mine: focus is a spec for noobs. OP is a noob looking for a spec to play...
  17. What makes you say that? Why is taking damage- on top of being ranged out of your desired abilities via enemy movement and abilities- a necessary condition of being kited? A think if a sniper leg shots you, attacks someone else until you're in range, then rolls away, keeps attacking someone else, then flashes you when you're about to be in range, then runs 35 m away from you and attacks someone else, then leg shots again when flash ends... you're being kited, even though you took minimal damage. I'm assuming that the origin of the term "kiting" in MMOs came from the analogy of pulling a kite behind you. Why do you have to be shooting the kite for the term to still be applicable lol. But anyway, this is a useless debate over terminology. The point is that focus's damage output is not as hampered by anti-melee-esque abilities as vig's is. Vig doesn't have a QOL problem with being kited, no one's saying that- it just doesn't have the advantage that focus does in that regard. Minimal/no effort is required to ensure that your damage lands. Vig requires a little bit of effort. I'm just answering the OP's question. He will get less frustrated with his master strike's being interrupted and being out of range for overhead slash and plasma brand if he plays focus spec instead.
  18. So we both think our own definition of kiting is the correct one. What a high-tech debate we've got going on.
  19. Your definition is arbitrary and stupid
  20. Let's see here. If your damage was avoided by means of your opponent creating distance (via kb, sprint, hydraulics etc.), I'd say that's called being kited. I'm not saying vengeance has a major kitage issue. I'm saying that focus is less kitable.
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