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Everything posted by Niddhog

  1. Target of target YES YES YES! Been screaming for this since the start. In big messy pulls/more than one tank present, it can be a little tricky to tell who has aggro and from what. Yes, I can see that a dps is taking damage... is that splash aoe from a mob? If he does have aggro... what target is aggroing him specifically? If I could just tab through and look for target/target and see what isn't my name/the other tanks.... yeah. Threat meters would also help you preemptively know who is about to pull aggro. This is especially true in AoE packs. Is someone just doing that much aoe/about to pull off one... who is ignoring the focus target and buidling way to much threat on a mob they shouldn't? Would be huge quality of life changes Mouseovers? Never liked them, and with how terrible click-targeting is in this game, mouseover taunts wouldn't be that good either.
  2. Probably should have put title as something inflamatory "ALL WZ QUITTERS SHOULD BE PERMA BANNED" or something, then I might have gotten hits >.>
  3. I got really lucky on mine... maybe 10 7-8 total crafts to get both of mine to crit. I did RE the "failures," but I only remember getting back 2 corusca gems... not any of the alloys. On another note, for ***** 'n giggles I've been making the lightsabers/RE'ing them in the hopes I'll get an artifact (or at least crit craft) version. Heh, at 3 alloys a pop, and made 4 so far to RE and nada >.>
  4. Hmmm I could see this. My only concern is that if crafting had no benefit beyond credits (as you could simply pay other crafters for their best items), then crafting would be 100% optional. A lot less people would craft, so many less that it might hurt the economy far more than this would help. A lot of people try their hand at crafting/selling to recoup losses on making their BoP gear, without those there would be EVEN MORE holes in the market than there are now due to fewer crafters. It might eventually balance out, with people seeing the holes/their own market flooding, and adjust accordingly for profit... with the increase in sales stimulating the economy enough to actually make said credits worthwhile... which might encourage more to craft... Its a lot of "what ifs" that are contingent on one another, and far from as certain as you seem to think. I'm just bitter at how half-assed (hell... quarter assed at best) crafting is in this game, and would be willing to try it out. Couldn't be much worse than things are now.
  5. To play devil's advocate... When you make it a collective effort, people will individually slack off more. The more responsibility is shared/the less actually gets done. So I work my *** off killing healers, capturing points, etc while you fail even at killfarm (get most damage by fire pit medal XD) and we get the same reward? This would literally encourage afk in the corner. I can do none of the effort while enjoying the efforts of others' work.
  6. Hmmm perhaps tie it to a neutral, end game level area. Maybe make a new planet it huttspace (neutral faction) giving dailies to both factions. It would funnel lvl 50s of both sides to the planet (while still having it linked to the one on nar shadaa for lower levels). This planet could also have some open world pvp? The idea would be something like isle of quel'donas in WoW's Burning Cursade expansion- a shared max level daily area. So it would be lore friendly, would not be out of the way, and would funnel max levels from both sides to it. Seems like a win win! Ofc designing a new planet from scratch would take a long time ._. hope they are already doing it. And just sticking an HTN kiosk in both fleets would be a dirty quick fix, as would just linking the HTN into the greater GTN (why even have a distinction then?)
  7. Actually... that makes a lot of sense, would be an easy fix, and would alleviate some burden on GM's having to undelete characters. Good idea!
  8. I know wow had a problem where the RNG of loot would be "seeded" based on the party leader's class (aka whose zone it is). I've had terrible luck gaining jedi knight gear w/out a JK in my FP's... and even in raids too! In two nights of raiding HM EV and HH.... our one JK literally got 6 upgrades, 4 of which were rakata. I mean hes a great guy... but it was seriously out of hand. I'd like to see a feature where the RNG is seeded based on group composition. If there are no smugglers in the group, smuggler tokens shouldn't drop! If my group has 2 troopers, there should be an increase in trooper gear drops (maybe not double... but 20%? 50%? something like that). BTW, if there was a token swap feature... what would prevent a jerk from just needing someone else's gear token to turn in for his gear? It would devolve into "one token fits all" type of play.
  9. oh yes... ofc if you put up a buy order you would immediately put up the money to go with said order. So in other words you couldn't put up more buy orders for goods than money you have. In runescape (like eve) you would always get the most favorable price for your order. So if I put up a buy order for 2000, and their are sell orders for 1500/2000, the 1500 would be exhausted first.
  10. It has been confirmed that we will at least get speeders at an earlier level from legacy. I believe they also mentioned races... but I think they ment republic could roll chiss/Empire roll miraluka instead of actually adding "new" races (THEY ARE ALREADY IN THE GAME LET ME BE A KALESH D: D: D: D:) There was also a confirmed dev post saying you could tweak how your alt gained EXP. They directly mentioned increasing exp from PvP, meaning if you really loved pvp, it would be far easier to level 10-50 inside WZ (and their should be a 4th WZ by the time legacy goes live, right?).
  11. These changes won't fix everything wrong with pvp, I just hope they would encourage people to actually play the WZ. Specifically, I want to discourage medal farmers, afking in a corner, and quitters. To accomplish this, I figure we need to lessen the impact of losing, while increasing the rewards for actually staying, while punishing AFKers making a sandwhich instead of helping their team win. 1) Scrap valor/commendations from medals, leave them as cosmetic thing/epeen. Possibly add in more medals for objective (say for capping turrets, defusing bombs, scoring goals, etc)/retweak their thresholds. 2) Keep MVP, and perhaps increase its rewards somewhat (as a fun/epeen thing). With medals tracking more things, it might be best to increase commendations from these. I feel commendations should be roughly the same win/loss (maybe 100/80?), but playing better/helping the team more should increase your piece of the pie. There will still be people just voting their friends up, but the person with 2 bomb diffusions and a door cap, along with high damage/heals in voidstar should at least get a 1-2 votes? 3) Make the wins/losses somewhat comparable in valor/commendations (1200/800 for valor, maybe. 80/60 for commendations?). This would mean 2 wins=3 losses in valor rewarded. Incentive winning, without harshly penalizing losses 4) .Make the daily/weekly be based on amount of valor from WZ (say 3600, basically 3 wins/5 losses, or 2 wins, 2 losses... no more than 5 games played) 5) Make it so you need a certain amount of medals to get credit to prevent afk/corner. Perhaps lower the total damage/healing/protection thresholds (50k damage should be reasonable?) and require at least one of these, or 3-4 "smaller" medals to gain WZ valor. If you join part way through, reduce these requirements 6) add a report AFK 7) Allow queueing 8 people at a time, only match premades with premades 8) Cross server WZ queues to alleviate server faction imbalance "always huttball" woes, and the prevalence of douchebag premades farming pugs (which varies depending on your server, at valor 40 I have never once been farmed by a premade... guess we don't have those guys on my server?) 9) More pvp brackets, perhaps based on valor rank. Without sharding them too much (I'd say... under 20, 20-60, 60+?), and with cross-server queueing, there should be enough in each bracket to get reliable queues. 10)Entry level crafted pvp gear! It could be level 45 as well, and be rated so that its artifact version, while still being useful, is inferior to centurion gear. Maybe it can be 4-5% expertise for a full set? Its by no means perfect, but I feel it would more properly motivate people to actually play games. and not just medal farm. The #s would need to be balanced so as not to punish people defending/focusing on objectives (capping a door medal= valor credit?), while still preventing people from just afking in a corner for their 5 wins. At the same time I would like a system that rewards you for actually winning WZ, but doesn't punish you too severely if you are having a bad day. 1200/800 win/loss, with 3600 total WZ valor needed for a daily Is basically 3 wins/5 losses, or 2 wins/2 losses- either way you need at most 5 games to get credit. This is also set up so that 2 wins=3 losses in pure valor... not too punishing, but also rewards those that win (which if it didn't... whats the point of winning!? O.o) People use a handful or reasons for quitting (which everyone agrees makes it harder for the other members on your team, regardless of w/e justification you use). If you are tired of being BM premade stomped? Premades only fight premades, and/or pvp brackets meaning you as a fresh 50 won't fight full champion geared people. If you are tired of people medal farming for commendations? Well that would be silly seeing as commendations don't come from medals anymore so that should stop soon Even with cheap entry level pvp gear, you will still find 12kers at level 50 too lazy to actually buy/collect pvp gear... this is just the ugly side of human nature. Same with the quitters who leave as soon as the other side makes the first score, same as the people using exploits, etc. We can't prevent this 100%, but we can try and do the best we can for the rest! All in all, like the last sentence says- the idea is to encourage people actually playing/trying to win in pvp, while removing most of the grievances that are preventing the fun. While everyone can't win all the time (if so winning would be empty/not fun!), I hope these will level the playing field more on one hand, and preventing the "rotten eggs" from spoiling the fun for everyone else. I have to say this as well, at least browse through the entire list/skim the paragraphs before latching onto one point flaming it- I set this up as a system to address most problems you might mention.
  12. As the name says, I'd like to see some changes to the RE system. Specifically, random chance being random, this gets -very- frustrating after someone's 100th RE for a pattern. This is especially so when they know someone who got the same pattern in under 5 tries (it happens). Every time you fail at RE'ing a pattern, you get a stacking 1% increased chance to learn on the next RE attempt #s can always be tweaked, ofc, but the idea is that every time you fail at RE'ing an item, you learn something, thus improving your chances next time. Even if the only thing you learn is "well crud, that didn't work!" you still learned not to do it again Basically, its "practice makes perfect." With the RNG still in place, every time you fail you get "this" much closer to your goal, while at the same time leaving room for "eureka/breakthrough" moments where you (through blind luck or genius) succeed with only a few tries. So either you put in long hours of experimenting and steadily "improving" (gaining a higher chance) your project till you succeed (increase its strength), or you get a breakthrough/stroke of genius and everything falls into place. Not only would this mirror real life tinkering/product improvement, but it would be far less frustrating. Even if base rate is 1%, you would have a 10% chance of succeeding on your 10th try, 20% by your 20th... so on. This might accelerate the success rate too much for BW's taste, but the stacking rate can always be tweaked to make the average closer to 20/30, or w/e they feel is right. I just hate it/so very frustrating when people get screwed by RNG >( No one should have to suffer 100+ attempts to get a pattern! Only items intended for a tank should be able to gain the redoubt/+defense prefix. Conversely, items that are ONLY useable by a tank (like shield generators) should not be able to proc dps only prefixes aka Assault/Overkill At least from an artifcer's standpoint, I don't want to RE a shield generator and get dps prefixes! Conversely, no one wants defense stats unless they are a tank, so why do non shield generators have a chance of RE'ing into "Redoubt" (defense). When these happen... well they are useless items. Also no one wearing medium armor is a tank, so all synthweaving/armortech medium armor patterns shouldn't proc redoubt either. While it would be nice to be able to choose at will which prefixes are added on a successful RE... at least screen out the useless ones for us ahead of time. Combined with the first change, it wouldn't be as painful to keep RE'ing until you got the "ideal" item. After all the time I spent into getting a focus up to artifact quality/crit crafted it, a guildy complained that it had alacrity on it. I would have throttled that person had he been sitting next to me! >( Anywho, thats my 2 cents on the matter.
  13. I was actually going to suggest just this thing, giving healers medals for cleansing dots. Nice idea on the protection side, but might be tricky to implement (adding lines of code that check how many ticks left in a dot at time of cleansing, then give corresponding defender points on it). Especially in voidstar games this could really give you more protection than a tank O.o I was actually just thinking about a counter.... 5/25/100 dots cleansed or something. Also, if they are not already so, make the cleanses mid/deepish in the healing tree. Maybe 20 points in? I don't want it too deep, but deep enough to prevent QQ storms "ZOMG SORCS ARE GETTING EVEN MORE MEDALS WITH THEIR 5000000000 DAMAGE AND HEALING A MATCH"
  14. The auction house in Runescape was both of these. The buyers side worked exactly as you said- you typed in the name of what you are looking for, a list pops up/you select what you want and slap a price on it. This worked -very- well for me. On one hand if someone had an outstanding buy order for what I wanted to sell, it was instant money. On the other hand I could log off with a buy order up for a material/item I wanted. If I didn't instantly get it, it was usually in my box the next morning. Think about it, if you want an item thats missing on the GTN (and honestly... thats most of the time) you can put up a buy order and forget about it: continue leveling, go pvp, do an operation, make a sandwhich. You won't have to stand around like an idiot in carrick spamming "WTB _____"
  15. Just saying its a possibility that people can/have done. I'm not doing it as it is an abuse to the system, and well... I'm lazy . As far as credit costs...? credits are worthless, this doesn't need to be said again. However you can easily buy the reusables from another biochem as long as you have 400 skill (in fact I've seen some bios try and sell these for pathetic prices). Also... what is its CD? 2 minutes? Using it every time its up in a 15 minute match (just say 6, what with defending/waiting for oppurtune times) and 3 hours of pvp with your friends/guildies. Waiting 5 minutes in queue between 15 minute matches is 3 matches an hour. 9 matches in 3 hours, 6 uses a match. Thats 54 uses in that night. Adrenals (before the mat change) would go around 10k each if you could even find. Its just nice to know its always there, and you'll never have to do dailies to afford another batch again... ever, while maintaining the full benefits of chain popping adrenals. Idk, if I hadn't learned about that after getting 400 artifice/my crit crafted relics, I would have rerolled. Its just a very appealing bonus to me, which is why I'm leveling my alts as biochem.
  16. My idea to fix this (and prevent moochers like yourself) is to: 1) Scrap valor from medals, leave them as cosmetic thing/epeen. Possibly add in more medals for objective (say for capping turrets, defusing bombs, scoring goals, etc)/retweak their thresholds. 2) Make the wins/losses somewhat comparable in valor (1200/800, maybe) 3) Make the daily/weekly be based on amount of valor from WZ (say 3600, basically 3 wins/5 losses) 4) Keep MVP, and perhaps increase its rewards somewhat (as a fun/epeen thing) 5) 30 minute deserter debuff 6) Make it so you need a certain amount of medals to get credit to prevent afk/corner. Perhaps lower the total damage/healing/protection thresholds (50k damage should be reasonable?) and require at least one of these, or 3-4 "smaller" medals to gain WZ valor. If you join part way through, reduce these requirements 7) add a report AFK Its by no means perfect, but I feel it would more properly motivate people to actually play games. and not just medal farm. The #s would need to be balanced so as not to punish people defending/focusing on objectives (capping a door medal= valor credit?), while still preventing people from just afking in a corner for their 5 wins. At the same time I would like a system that rewards you for actually winning WZ, but doesn't punish you too severely if you are having a bad day. 1200/800 win/loss, with 3600 total WZ valor needed for a daily Is basically 3 wins/5 losses, or 2 wins/2 losses- either way you need at most 5 games to get credit. This is also set up so that 2 wins=3 losses in pure valor... not too punishing, but also rewards those that win (which if it didn't... whats the point of winning!? O.o) Sadly I'm afraid this would just bug out and prevent people from getting valor when they should, what with BW's track record so far with bugs. Also to the OP... you have already made up your mind NOT to have fun with pvp, so you are now going to spoil everyone else's fun. You are the little kid on the beach kicking over other kids' sand castles because you tripped on yours. If you can't have fun... why should they? Does it not in the least bit bother you how horribly immature that is? If you would just TRY and learn how to counter sorcs (or w/e your personal gripe with PvP is)... or TRY and learn the finer points of teamwork/winning WZ.... perhaps (heaven forbid) make some friends (on an MMO! NO!) to queue with. Yes, you will still fail against more skilled/geared groups, you will still fail when your team mates are drooling on your keyboard with 12k HP. However if you can still pull off a win even with an inferior team, that proves just how much more skilled you are! You will never feel the rush of a well earned victory if all you do is quit w/out trying. If the win was too easy... whats the point? its meaningless! *sigh* I know you won't listen, but I have to at least try. Just as I point out advice to others in my WZ, I will at least offer my hand. It is up to you to take it or remain miserable. The choice is yours.
  17. As a shadow tank, all our threat moves are force based. The only melee move I use is double strike- project, force breach, slow time, telekinetic throw... these are all force based attacks. While double strike is effecient for its damage/force power cost... it has no bonus threat coeffecients and is mainly used to proc particle acceleration... which forces the next project to crit (project in turn is talented for bonus threat). Slow time is -very- force/damage effecient, and generates bonus threat+ is aoe+ adds two debuffs to every target. Breach is AoE and also leaves a debuff (force effecient for damage, no bonus threat however). ST/project both stack harnessed shadows... which increase TK throw damage. at 3 stacks also causes TK throw to do self healing... As far as "directly affects tanking ability" Doesn't matter what my defensive stats are, if I don't have threat I'm not tanking. As a new shadow tank (what you are talking about) threat can most definately be an issue- especially when one is getting a feel for best threat rotation. Even guarding a geared dps, the threat difference can be too much (like when I started doing FP's as a fresh 50 with 2 geared smugglers.... I learned threat quickly O.o) TL;DR Melee crit is a -very- insignificant part of a shadow tank's threat output. Our only melee skill (other than lol 0 force attack for filler) is used ONLY to proc a more powerful FORCE attack. Everything else (force attacks) are our real bread/butter. So no.. in fact you DON'T need melee as a shadow tank. In fact I can/have successfully tanked using only my force abilities at 10m range when the situation demands. yes I do suffer a threat loss (small) but only because I can't use my 1 melee ability to proc tasty project crits. The wise speak only of what they know: please learn a class before talking down to someone about it. That being str WILL improve threat for a shadow/sin tank, but very marginally compared to WP. The oversight of missing a craftable offhand/matrix cube for us... while annoying at best, is not fair. Shadow tanks should not be forced to take sub-par gear due to a 2 month (since live) developer oversight. Combined with the fact that there is no willpower/defense based matrix cube... and its a rather harsh slap in the face for Shadow/Sin tanks.
  18. Oh yes, there are mission discoveries for all mission skills, and all ranks of said skills (1-6 grade)
  19. crafting missions. You can always buy a UT trading mission discovery off the GTN/from a slicer friend. These are a lot longer/more expensive, but guarantee artifact grade mats (along with everything else you could get from UT). Even at 10k crafting, you will still rarely get artifact mats. Maybe 1/6 1/10 for me with TH and a 10k comp. However I can always just buy x5 crafting missions off the GTN and send them all off before going to bed... log in with 15-30 something artifact crystals, 5 gifts, crap ton of prototype grade gems! The missions themselves usually cost 20-25k though, but I'll get no less than 2 artifact gems (10k each) and the other mats, so its break even at worst. The main thing is that its a garaunteed artifact mat.
  20. Sounds like you are describing EVE Its a cut throat economic simulator with massive social side (lots of guild infiltrators/spies, even year+ in the making to destroy a rival). Outside of "carebear space" most of the game exists in a 100% lawless winner-takes all type environment. I think there are several hundred/thousand something solar systems, 2/3 of which are outside "empire/carebear" space. When you die you lose your ship/all its mods/cargo. Traders get blasted (even in carebear space!) by people in cheap suicide-gank ships. Jita, the hugest trading hub, is infamous for this. Big defenseless cargo freighter riding low (slow) with cargo? Get in a cheap *** tier 1 destroyer, blow the **** out of it/have a friend ready to pick through what cargo is left to take it. People do the same at gate points (entrance/exit to zones). People literally put out hits on others/mercenary guilds. You have an economic rival cornering your market? Pay someone to scare him out of your turf. Your guild (corporation actually, and greater alliance group) will coordinate to claim turf, then defend it from fleet invasions/invade other sectors. Within said sector you mine ores/gasses, extract goods from planets for production chains (by their manufacturers) for the best starships (Titans are literally mobile space station/fortresses that create their own warp fields to move between systems @.@) all this is made using blueprints researchers improved upon/created in the first place... and these researchers gained the parts to gain the tech 2/3/whatever blueprints from archaeologists/worm hole hunters within their sectors... and so forth. The game is a complete sandbox, you pve for a week to support 2-3 ships for an evening slugfest (its a common saying in EVE- "Never fly a ship you can't afford 3 of") So basically you can play a pirate, a speculator, a space trucker, a minor, an industrial tycoon, a mission runner (pve mostly), researcher, scanner (looking for anomolies... wormhole space, research components, rich mineral deposits), salvager (scavenge debris of ships/fleet battles for parts)... or anything in between within the massive sandbox world. You support your guild (or rat it out to rivals for the right price). Alone? You die. The pvp is high risk as well. The only real problem is that skills are a time investment. Basically every second that ticks (online/off) you gain an experience point towards a skill. Skill ranks take exponentially more EXP to gain as well, and some skills take literally months to just unlock. Some rank V (max) of skills take 3+ months alone to learn. While this might just be 3 months for 2% more damage on your ship... but every bit helps OH YES! Ship customization is amazingly in depth. Every ship has different high/mid/low slots for modules. Module types take different classes (weapons are always high, shield mods are usually mid, armor low, etc), and some are "hardpoints" that only take one type (like missile hardpoints only take missile launchers). On top of this ships have 3 paramaters. CPU/Powergrid/Calibration. Calibration is used for "rigs" which are interesting upgrades that increase one stat at the expense of another. These are also in their own class (nothing takes calibration but rigs... it was something added a few years in). All other equipment take CPU/Powergrid of different amounts. Sometimes waiting that extra month will drop the powergrid/CPU requirements of a piece of equipment just enough to fit in your perfect pvp set up with .1 CPU/power grid to spare, for example. Installing CPU upgrades will generally drastically drain powergrid and vice/versa. All ships also have capacitor energy/recharge rates. These govern how long you can use your equipment. Its very hard to have a perpetual rig, you usually can only attack in bursts/have to throttle your attacks for your ship to be able to keep up with the energy demands you are putting on it. These also take up (possibly) valuable low/mid slots you might want to put in other mods. Ships also have size/trackign speed. basically the bigger gun is, the slower it tracks things. This is basically not a problem fighting same size ships (relative speed is in league with relative tracking speed) HOWEVER.... if a small wasp sized frigate/destroyer gets too close to a slower cruiser.... the cruiser's slower turrets will have no chance of hitting that frigate flying circles around it chipping it down. The thing is if that same cruiser could get in just a few good hits at 10km+ (or w/e its optimum range is) at a good velocity to the frigate... it will be blown to pieces. (shooting a target moving at an angle to your turrets reduces accuracy.. aka speed tanking). This leads to a whole web of tactics in big fleet/fleet battles. You have a horde of "speed tacklers" that are the destroyers/frigates that use speed mods to haul *** inside the range of the larger, more powerful ships and swarm them dead/keep them from escaping while other destroyers either engage these or the other sides cruisers... while the heavier ships duke out with each other... electronic warfare is there as well (draining energy from ships, jamming targeting, making it easier for friendlies to target, etc). Their are drones to send out/drone motherships, implants that increase fleet effeciency/ships that boost damage/increase mind link implants and so forth. *sigh* I've been rambling. The game is incredibly complex with a -very- in depth ship/skill customization system. Their are implants to put on top of this, massive social setting with guilds, HUGE economic system to manipulate/exploit... and BRUTAL high risk PVP all in a giant sand box world.
  21. WZ quitters are a downward spiral. The more people that quit, the more hopeless everyone else becomes, the less they feel like actually trying, the more it causes people to label those bads and quit themselves... (even though they are guilty of the same thing... not trying). And as others have said, I enjoy the come back games so.very.much! Was in a ~300/5 alderaan (losing) when we managed a 3 cap. And held it! XD Was screaming EAT A DICK *****ES!!! As the other team was no doubt starring blankly at the "DEFEAT" screen going "da ****?" Again, if you don't even try you are on the same level as the medal farmers not even trying either, and if you win even with so many bads, doesn't that make you even better of a pvp'er? As far as "I don't give a **** about you its my 15 a month...." You have to keep in mind everyone else is saying the same right back at you, except this time its 7 different peoples' 15/month (105, to be exact) against your single 15. Is your 15 worth the suffer of the 105? I suppose by that logic you support griefers. Their 15/month pays for their right to ruin the 15/month of everyone they come across (like the sith that abuse the wonky aggro in the Republic Ilum quest "Darkness on ilum" with all the sith friendly NPC packs).
  22. Actually, a lot of people that leave do so because they figure the game is hopeless/they don't want to try. Its quicker (to get their daily done) to quit and requeue. When you slap 30 minutes on to this, it no long makes it quicker (back to back queues, 30 minutes is 2 games). Will this stop everyone? Of course not. No system is going to be perfect... however what you are not factoring into this is how much it ruins the experience for everyone to join losing games. Often, in say huttball when one team scores in the first minute and a half, you can guarantee 2 will leave if not more. Now while we are waiting for 2-4 more people to accept queue, wait for their loading screens/get past the load door... we are down those people and usually get scored on again. Which causes another person or two to leave.... and so forth. This ruins the game for those on the losing team. Honestly, most games that we get scored on in the beginning aren't hopelessly lopsided- the other team just caught mine off guard/before it could sync up. I'm simply asking for SOMETHING to be done, so as to improve the quality of game for the rest of us. Will this "screw over" people that get D/C's RL issue? Yes, but honestly this is an online game. If you have D/C problems its going to be very hard to play anyway. And as far as RL issues? **** happens, but you are overplaying this unless someone is a stay at-home parent... in which case they don't need to be playing games that keep them occupied away from the infant. I also feel you are over-blowing the frequency of these occurances. On top of that... what about the people that only have time for one more WZ before RL/bedtime pulls them away for the day? Work, homework, etc. When their (potentially last) win of the day is sabotaged by a dip **** quitter that can't even put forth the effort to try (probably swearing non stop about how its not worth trying cause Sorcs are so OP/they nerfed my surge blah blah blah QQ)... it ruins their day even more. Not everyone has the time to queue 10 WZ a day for the hopes of winning just 3. Again, no system is perfect, but something DOES need to be done with rampant quitting. The few people that will be inconvenienced by it are unfortunate, but far less than those being screwed over by the current system. If not this though, how would you solve this problem? Or do you hold that there isn't a problem to solve/its impossible to do so?
  23. Behemoth boss in Kaon is easy. The lamp posts with the exploding barrels? There is nook you can put your back too to prevent eat the knockback. Yes he still deaggros, but since you weren't knocked 20000 yards away, its an easy taunt fix. Now when he does the frenzy... yeah begin kiting. Also, as a shadow tank, I can effectively tank from 10m range. Threat is a bit lower, and I sacrifice self healing, but if I really need to I can. Main thing I hate is that first boss in Eternity vaults.... As a shadow my force speed is -usually- back on CD every time he hits me.... USUALLY (its about 40m knockback, and there is nothing to put back against/can't move boss). Well that first boss in Maelstrom prison (the robot) is worse (chains stuns plus knockbacks, I spend literally half the fight not tanking) but I don't even think it drops loot (crystal).
  24. I know you don't care about spelling but for the love of God its ENOUGH not enouf
  25. Oh yeah... have yall played kingdom of Amalur: reckoning? HOLY **** They really put time/effort into their voice acting. I mean seriously... every named NPC in towns (and there are more named NPC's than questgivers, actually) is fully voiced with multiple UNIQUE lines of dialogue for the same topics. Basically when you talk to someone a list of topics to select will be presented. There could be only 1, or even 15 different topics (with more unlocking as they mention it in a previous clips). THESE ARE ALL UNIQUE!!!!!! The poor simple peasant girl will give superstitious mumbo-jumbo/down to earth view on a topic. A person linked to a faction will give obviously biased responses (with the odd refreshing harsh criticism, depending on person). Rivals will bash each other, faction members will praise/grumble about leaders. Even irrelevant npc's that could have easily been made generic have little back stories/personalities you can hunt for. In the first town there is a healer. She is very sad/defeated, as she was burnt out by all the death/destruction she witnessed in the war. Her most poignant response was when you ask her directly about said war. She will respond (in a melancholy voice) "I lost everything I was in the war (pause) that is all I have the strength to say." I was like HOLY **** @.@ that actually gave me chills. There are many more examples of this. Everyone has their own view points on the world/its factions, their own personalities. And they all have unique dialogue that matches this. A lot of it is filler/fluff, but thats real too. Not everyone is an expert on every topic. It adds a metric *** load of immersion to the game as well, especially when you realize that a lot of people will probably just space bar through the opening dialogue, click "remove curse" on the heal sub menu, and then escape, walking away from the above healer without even realizing the depth of the writing/VO that is presented.
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