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Everything posted by HanuRhim

  1. I am missing in this list a favourite world of mine, which is Mon Calamari. The world is mostly aquatic and is featured in the newer Clone Wars cartoons. An aquatic world would give a whole new 3D experience and would provide an opportunity to aquire a whole new set of gear, vehicles etc for submerged travel and combat. Imagine a submerged PvP warzone a little like Alderaan but with 3D movement (could be capture-the-flag style for variation) or a Flashpoint where you have to active devices in the 8 corners of a cube-like area
  2. My idea was to allow for high level toons to do low level PvE content to help friends and guild mates. In PvP I quite like the current system that basically boosts all non-50s to lvl 49ish. For this PvE system I guess you could strip toons of skills from tiers not available to the target level, but stripping individual points might be a bit much work for little effort. After all beeing just slightly overpowered is not too much of a deal in PvE
  3. To build on my Legacy I roll an alt and start leveling. I ask in guild if someone is willing to join me to do some H2s or H4s and plenty of people want to, but as they are much higher level than me I would get no XP from grouping with them. To remedy this - and build on the story of Star Wars - I hope to see a "Mentoring Group" feature in a future patch. This is how it will work: Just like you can /inv to group or /ginv to guild, you can now /minv to mentoring group Based on class you may want to call it apprentice/master, padawan/master or whatever, but mentoring would do for me as a general term In a mentoring group the survivability, damage and healing output of a toon is scaled down to be on par with the lowest level member of the group This will allow you to do low level content without being overpowered and without the need to reduce XP gain for low level members of the group. If you want to make it spicy throw in a 2-seater speeder as a reward for getting to say Social Level III The scaling should work much like WZ for lvl 10-49s except the other way 'round.
  4. Are you planning on making a visual cue for when you have aggro on given enemies like e.g. coloring the health bar flaoting over mobs red = aggro, yellow = on the brink of aggroing, blue = safe, or something like that? - or ofc you could have a threat display, but I rather like the very tidy UI you have managed to keep so far. For tanking this would be For healing I'd love to see the operation frame be clickable with different heal options. That is: in preferences be able to keymap a heal ability to clicking, another to CTRL-clicking, a third to ALT-clicking etc on a player or companion in the Operation frame. Btw - why don't companions show in the Operation frame? For dailies in small groups this leads to the deaths of dozens of companions
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