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Everything posted by Solgath

  1. i found it really easy to lvl my sith jug as tank spec, once you get the jug's scream bubble ur pretty much unstoppable, and if ur using quinn make sure he is in healing stance rather than dps stance and that his gear is up to date. i lvled as tank from 10 to 50 with no issues, and with the right gear and companion you can solo H2s if ur careful and know your skills and limits
  2. i would be all for this, one of my favorite games uses BOKU for mobile payments, as well as the fact that EA is listed as a place u can use BOKU to pay for stuff, so hopefully it becomes an option.
  3. ah, i'm republic, jedi Knight, yeah i noticed that on Tor head, i did find 2 ancient paragon items on the vendor on voss, just need to find the others now
  4. seeing as there is no "items" forums, I figured I'd post here to give this post more circulation, I'm trying to locate the full Ancient Paragon Armour set, recently scored the helm and chest piece from the GTN and have to admit its a brilliant looking set, and was hoping someone would have more info on where to locate it, I tried Torhead but it doesn't appear to have any info at all. thanks to anyone who can help me out with this.
  5. i'd like to know where i might locate the full set, it looks really good, and i scored the chest and head from the GTN
  6. awesome thanks, i think i might the tokens i need to get the omen bringer
  7. does anyone know where i could find a main hand version of the following saber model, been looking every where for one of these models, due to the crystal in the hilt and all, looks mad, heres the link: http://www.torhead.com/item/f7qXXeJ/venerable-ardent-blades-lightsaber any help would be appreciated
  8. still doesn't change the fact that they are still working on WAR and that bioware has some experience with MMOs, that the crap the first pulled with the release of this game should have been some indication of how things where going to progress, things are going the same way as Age of Conan, more focused on content than fixing bugs and the content they have released is crap anyway
  9. funny, all them BIOWARE posters on the site i'm looking at right now must be my imagination, might have wanted to check before u called me on it
  10. and for all those who say Bioware is new to the MMO scene, your WRONG, they have Warhammer online, which, was a great game till they started nerfing left right and centre and bringing out crap content... seems they still haven't learnt there lesson.
  11. i agree only worth while items are the mod-able class restricted custom gear, and tbh, it looks like ***, any weapon i get, i won't use cause i generally only roll force users and then take artifice so my weapon is always up to the best it can be, and to be blunt i didn't make squat up in my head, when i heard legacy items, i took them to work the same way as the WoW heirlooms, and i'm sure a lot of other ppl did, so before you start bashing others, maybe see where we are coming from in the fact that these so called "powerful legacy items" ain't so powerful at all. total waste of time if you have a profession that lets u make mods for your custom weapon you get for your class at lvl 10 and beyond. hence why i say, useless waste of time, and not worth getting in the slightest.
  12. there is, u can send any item so long as it is unbound to any char within ur legacy, eg cash, materials and so on
  13. yep, my view of the legacy would have been items u can send to any char, lightsabers being restricted to force users only, and then lvling as you do, and maybe giving you some advantage like improved xp or something like the heirlooms in WoW, even the appearence of the custom gear is a let down
  14. yeah but they can't be used by said character if for eg u by the sith warrior one, totally useless to a sin, and given they don't lvl its a waste of time, only thing useful i see for any class would be the custom gear, but tbh, it looks like crap
  15. all the "powerful legacy items" you can get, seem to me, totally useless, they are only usable on the character u get them for, lvl restricted and do not lvl with you char, so for the most part, unless its the orange gear, its pointless, cause ur just gonna out lvl the gear u buy with those tokens, so much for being "powerful"
  16. yeah really appears Bioware missed the mark with these legacy items, when i heard about it myself i was like, cool heirlooms for my char that lvl as i do... but no, i feel so totally let down with this patch
  17. no it doesn't appear they do, nor do they work for any character but that class, so if u have a sith warrior, and get one of those items, its only usable by a sith warrior, and no one else, nor does it have any slots or customization available, so as it stands, legacy items are totally and utterly useless
  18. yeah the only draw back to reverse engineering is that its all about luck, i think u also have a higher change of getting the next lvl of the item if its exceptional as well, hilts up ur DPS in your saber as well, the better the rating the better the damage it will do.
  19. you can improve on any hilt, crystal, enchanment, and mod u make, with reverse engineering, u make a few greens, reverse engineer the hilt/crystal/mod/enhancement till u learn a blue schematic, then do the same with the blue u learnt, if ur lucky u can get a purple hilt, which if its for u lvl, will be infinitly better than anything u can get from a vendor.
  20. i don't know about some ppl and i know how to tank to so the "your doing it wrong" is a waste of breath, i have sat and watched my skills while i was tanking, and one skill does nothing, which is Guard, i put that on my mate who was healer, had the Soresu form up, can't use guard if i don't, and had him wait till i was at half hp while i was tanking 2 mobs, and one heal he cast took all threat off me in one cast, so yeah, i'm thinking the Soresu form and guard are screwed some how, then there is the devirting part of the damage to you, he was getting attacked and my hp wasn't moving, and guard was up the entire time, so i think bioware needs to take a closer look at juggernaut tanking cause for me it doesn't appear to be working right.
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