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    A Whales ******
  1. actually I rerolled into Rep side due to the fact of most Rep's suck at PvP...the fact that there is less should only hut u on Illum....b4 they instanced it...there are still plenty of people on Rep to guild up together and roll any random Pug empire or trash empire premades, just because people want to actually try being the imperials for the first time instead of the constant "good guys" as every other star wars game isn't Biowares fault
  2. seriously it's pretty even it's not that you don't know how to ply it's that you don't know how to fight that class you immediately assume they are OP because you don't know how to best them, some of the easiest ways....definitly(spelling) not the quickest way is to make a toon with that class and see what people do to stop u from doing **** and beating you, sorc/sage do not need to be nerfed...**** i dont think ops and scoundrels needed to be nerfed every so often when I let my gaurd down they get me in a couple seconds but normally they can't do anything.
  3. once you find a class that works with your play style you should be fine(agreeing with you) but people would rather cry and say PvP is broke instead of finding something they like
  4. There is absolutely way to much crying going on, is it because SWTOR pulled from the Halo/MW3 community or something, **** if ur angry that your spawn is getting camped then that's your fault...MMO's are 24/7.....well more like 24/6 and a 18/1 with weekly maint. either come back when there aren't a bunch of people, or better yet don't be such a fail player with a fail guild, IDC if 1 faction out numbers another, you picked that faction deal with or make a new character on the other faction....I went from having my main on the Imp's to making a Char as a Rep because the majority of Rep(except of The Crucible Pit) is trash when it comes to PvP so being an Imp makes PvP WAY TO EASY. I'm not saying there aren't good Rep Players out there but all in all they don't unify. Which is funny because in SW lore that the major fail of the Sith Empire through out their time. Back to Illum problems I think the need to get rid of the screen updates because they happen way too much or at least give the ability to turn it off, I have tried all fly text options and they aren't any of them. Take out the instancing on Illum, if you feel like unsubing then go ahead you have that right, but stop crying because your butthurts from being stomped on the trash toon you have spent days leveling or go play so MW3 on a console or Halo they have Autoaim on that so it's easy to be good
  5. xlastlnlinex

    Nerf ok BUT

    I've been dropped by many Scoundrels and Operatives it's frustrating, but I don't think they should be nerfed just yet. My main is a Sniper so I was constantly getting 2 shoted by em. But you can't nerf a class because people are too lazy to learn how to better themselves and learn how to fight there characters. I have learned recently to counter any opener from a Scoundrel or Operatives....also since they changed it so Push backs and Dots knock em out of stealth helps me kill them. But to that end I think they should keep the 30 seconds to get out of combat, because anything else is too short, this is just from my opinion because I have not made a Scoundrel yet so I do not fully comprehend how to play one, but anything less than 30 seconds is as good as having another vanish.
  6. Seem's like there are a bunch of cry babies out there, from what I saw Illum ran like a wartorn planet should have ran when one side is terrible and the other isn't, just because you and ur guild/op are scrubs can't can't retake Illum it's not Bioware's fault it's yours. But yes the Valor thing is pretty bad
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