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Everything posted by Zrodin

  1. For speeding through tons of mobs at rapid speeds, try the rage tree. Did hoth-voss with that spec and I would just about 1 shot all normal mobs with smash.
  2. Would you mind directing me to some of these threads?
  3. Is there a thread about the community's plans to focus on making a handful of heavy population servers? Is there even such a plan? There should be one. What I mean is there should be maybe 10-20 servers that should be named as destinations for free xfers (when they go live) to help build a handful of heavy pop servers as opposed to a million servers with 20 players on it. If no one's stepped forward to lead something like this, someone should.
  4. With the recent addition to an additional stack of TA for the Medicine line, I find this rotation useful: Keep Kolto Probe up on Main tank, O/T and the other healer. The ticks of that will hit for over 700 for me and crit for around 1300. In keeping that up on multiple targets, you'll almost always have 3 TAs up at any given time. For me, KInfusion is very useful when I can maintain the probes on multiple targets. Shorter activation, lower energy cost, and I've had it crit for well over 5k. However, keep Injection ready at all times, because it is still the main used heal.
  5. I never noticed the cover bug till post patch on my 50 operative myself. I assume we're talking about the bug where you do the cover animation but don't acutally enter cover?
  6. Zrodin

    Objective Points

    Can someone explain to me how objective points are gained in huttball? I've been in games where I've done nothing but passed/ran with the ball, scoring multiple times and get no objective points. Other times I'll just smash my face on the keyboard doing damage and get 4k points.... I really have no idea how it works.
  7. They're also by far the funnest to play.
  8. I've been doing HM ops on my concealment operative and having little issues with dps. Often times I'm the best geared dps there and we still have few problems. Haven't tried lethality at all because there is no need to, if you know how to play/build your toon. If you stick with the default mods/enhancements you'll have like 400% accuracy and hit for 100. By swapping out for a useful stat I have 103% accuracy and hit for 200. For ****'s sake my rifle shot crits for 1200.
  9. Noob question, but if I do 8 man KP today, am I locked out of 16 man KP before the locks reset?
  10. No, that's not the point I'm trying to make. It seems like every time I'm trying to help gear out some fresh 50 guildies, the one class that isn't present always always drops. It's happening very consistently now and is getting very frustrating.
  11. I'm an operative with 2 5 sets of columi gear. I'm in a guild where not everyone has that much gear, so when I put together a run trying to help gear out a new Merc with a group consisting of an Assassin tank, 1 Merc DPS, 1 Sorc DPS and 1 OP Healer, why in the sam hill does the sith warrior token drop? Happened with other group makeups as well, the one class not present gets the drop. I'm sure there have been many posts about this, but just consider myself another frustrated customer.
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