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Everything posted by Bilirubin

  1. Way back in the day when installing Quake it prompted me for a name and this popped into my head, having attended a fellow student's presentation earlier in the day. It was on the Y axis of one of his graphs and it stuck in my head.
  2. How are you drawing repair bills from fights in the Outlaws Den?
  3. Oh agreed, and your efforts are appreciated. Not casting any sort of blame. Just starting a conversation that will hopefully help illustrate the slate of problems for Eric.
  4. Eric, Just FWIW I noticed floating text on fleet this morning while standing in the PvE gear area. Hopefully this issue isn't cascading.
  5. So KBN Xin et al. If you had known we only had 3 instead of 6 questions to work with, what would our top three have been? I still contend that we should by default be given an answer on tank spikiness since they confirmed they were looking into this over two months ago. Just feels like we needlessly burned a question there.
  6. Even bad early mornings with a light server population.
  7. I and my guild left in July 2012 because we had ran out of things to do (plus bugs--hard to hit SOA when he's fallen through the ground). Now the end game is a great deal improved, as well as the overall quality of the game, and I am back subbed as a result. Like the game more than ever.
  8. I regret this decision. I certainly understand it from what you said Eric, but better communication in and of itself is good and healthy. Had we known this ahead of time, it might have changed the questions asked in the Shadow set--there was a great deal of coordination done between the Shadow and Assassin communities to avoid repetition. Expecting for repeats in just the first round of questions does us a bit of a disservice. And I do think your devs should consider taking, say, the madness/balance question off the bonus set and answering it because, to be fair, you all had said you were looking into the tank spike issue months ago. That should really be an automatically forthcoming answer without a need for us to ask. Still, I am looking forward to seeing what the answers will be.
  9. Just ran the second Czerka, supposedly the hardest, as tank for the first time last night. I was sure to tell my group it was my first time before we started to be sure they knew what they were getting into. My guildie wasn't the best at explaining the fights in chat (at his admission) so after two wipes I asked the rest what was wrong with my positioning. Other DPS corrected me, next pull was magic. Next boss, asked for a run down, cleared it first pull. Didn't die for the rest of the run in fact, the final boss was quite easy (my guildie explained that fight quite well). So if this is the hardest content for flash points, I would say the difficulty is just fine once one minds the mechanics.
  10. Thanks. Started using force pull as my opener last night in flashpoints to get into the habit, and never had a problem with threat.
  11. I have been opening with slow time and force breach and that has mostly been sufficient for generating and holding threat for me. However having just ran a 16 man TfB and that rotation lead to DPS stripping me of threat p fast. Part of the problem was that DPS was a pug and was jumping in as soon as I opened, but that lead me to wonder whether I should be upping my game. So a question. Do you open against a boss with force pull? Will this generate threat even if the boss is immune to the actual pull? If a boss or mob can be pulled, where do you typically place them wrt ranged/heals?
  12. Nice work you all, and thanks for stepping in when needed KBN
  13. Just tanked my first 16 man TfB, no wipes (although I died twice, think I might have taken one add too far from the healer once). Good fun! Got Arakian bracers to drop. The day after I bought and modded the BM ones :\ Aw heck, prefer the stats off them anyway. Might be the last 16 man though, man all those blaster bolts just crushed my system
  14. Man back when it first came out it caused some grief. My first two attempts were wipe fests on the first boss--tried tanking it all over the place, various strats. My guild was convinced that two melee could not do it. Then one day a group of us went in, two melee, me tank, and our core healer, and when they started about various tanking strats I just said "forget all that stuff, stay out of the lightning and get the ads" and we mowed it down with me dragging its robot butt along the periphery of the room. Never really had a problem with it again once I quit trying to follow published strats and just went with what was logical at the time. Gear might have also been involved but still, what a challenging (and expensive in repair bills) instance.
  15. Just a suggestion, but how about asking HOW we might L2P since its clear that most of us just don't get it? IDK, I haven't even bothered starting to gear up my DPS off spec to current content. EDIT: actually thinking more about the balance point, I don't like stating how it is mindless, because that will provoke the reply "tough". How about "despite its seeming simplicity, only a rare few are able to get DPS out of Balance to a level comparable to the other DPS classes"?
  16. OK I'll play, although my screen shots aren't a nice as many here. My main, a Shadow tank. I dyed her Rakata orange so she'd be easy to follow through an instance. Decided the green xl looked better than any of the oranges I tried (including blod red!). http://imageshack.us/a/img543/4895/wh27.png And her favourite speeder. Unfortunately it takes two to drive it only goes around in circles http://imageshack.us/a/img543/7506/ufb7.png
  17. Drat, bought it a little more than a week before the cartel coin cut off date. Oh well, been an entertaining enough $10.
  18. Or The Bastion pub side. My Rakata set is orange now too
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