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Everything posted by Covaltage

  1. Again, not just me. I have 2 roommates and 4 other RL friends who play this game. I'm also in a guild. I can tell you with absolute certainty that 0% of the people I know who play this game have gotten a chance to try the nightmare modes introduced in 2.2. Thanks for insulting me personally because we have differing views on videogames though! Perhaps you could take a "morale" from that?
  2. But you do see that only a fraction of this game's population has access to that right? You can imagine how a player who isn't in a raiding guild would view 2.2 as "the patch they added huttball uniforms and a cool assault cannon to the cartel market".
  3. Considering the only content in 2.2 (for anybody I know or anyone in my guild) was was in cartel packs, yes I would consider that paid content.
  4. CC the healer? AOE mezz the team and focus the healer? Push the tank out of guard range and root him? How do you deal with healers in WZ now?
  5. I would be. Unless if by "new" you mean "nightmare mode"
  6. My desktop has a 3750K in it with HD4000 onboard graphics, and when my video card went out (I tried a little too hard on overclocking) I continued to play SWTOR. I didn't mess with the settings too much, since I didn't have much faith in onboard chipsets, but on the lowest settings at 1080p I never saw my framerate stutter from anything other than server lag. Hope this helps!
  7. This kind of bothers me, I bought this game 3 weeks before the deadline for "founder" titles, but since my credit card wasn't charged for a "subscription" until a week after the deadline, I never got my founder title. So they really were counting me as a subscriber during that time period huh?
  8. Can't bro, our work computers won't run SWTOR
  9. But doesn't purchasing a copy of the game come with a month's subscription and apply subscriber status to the new account? I know mine did, so I think you could call those sales "subscribers" if you wanted.
  10. The "significant power boost" is my problem with this. I play a Focus Guardian, so more power and surge for less crit is exactly what I do for min/max anyways. I just want a little sense of accomplishment when I get a new piece of gear, it doesn't need to be game-breaking but it certainly can't be a downgrade like it is now. I'm also going to go ahead and point out here that bolster isn't leveling the playing field at all anymore. When I go into WZs, I inspect my teammates and regularly see that more than half of my team has more HP and damage than I do and they aren't wearing any sort of PvP gear. I mean, I use my CCs and know how to play together with my team so I still have an >50% win rate in regs, but it doesn't feel like I'm working toward anything since the gear we get now is only good for WPvP and the credit payout has been nerfed as hard as it has. Skill < Gear with bolster. It's just not PvP gear.
  11. That's the funniest thing about 2.2, the claim was that this would be a content patch and was therefore devoid of CM "features". But of course, packs are not considered "features" by BW, and the "new content" is only accessible to a tiny selection of the playerbase (people already wearing full 72s). So for the majority (actually all) of the people I know who play (my guild, RL friends), the only things 2.2 brought were the new cartel pack and a little bit worse bolster to accommodate for Krayt Dragon gear. Thanks for the great patch BW! Are the new daily quests in 2.3 going to be in RNG packs too?
  12. You know, I thought this was a really cool and sensible addition to the cartel packs, when I assumed they were common. Huttball uniform pieces made perfect sense to me as the "common" or "filler" items for packs. Then I saw some hypercrate results on the forums, and my roommate bought a few packs. These items are rare as hell and I don't want to imagine what the "rotworm home" chestpiece is going to cost on the GTN.
  13. Really? In 1.7 I had an augmented WH lightsaber that I used for everything. Dailies, PvP, FPs, Ops, EVERYTHING. I still have this lightsaber, it has a power crystal in it now. I have an augmented Partisan lightsaber, and if I equip it instead of my WH one, I lose close to a hundred (!) main hand damage. I have 2 augmented conqueror relics that aren't worth equipping because they aren't as good as matrix cubes. This isn't about stomping ungeared players, it's about making the gear grind worth our time.
  14. War Hero gear is obsolete PvP gear and has been replaced by Partisan, which you can buy with WZ comms from the PvP vendors on the fleet The Basic < Elite < Ultimate system is for PvE gear, and Ultimate gear is BiS.
  15. You use threat generation as your excuse for Alacrity? I'll just ask, how much threat generation are you losing by ignoring Crit, Surge, Accuracy and other offensive stats? Does your tank even wear a shield?
  16. Read the thread. For Knights/Warriors, Alacrity only lowers the GCD and reduces channel time of master strike. You need tank stats for tanking, and alacrity isn't one of them.
  17. If he's on the forums, he's subbed. It's 9.99.
  18. NO! Only grade 28 and above requires the expansion! Grade 27 and below are all level 50 to equip.
  19. They've been replaced! You can get grade 25 armorings, mods, etc. with planetary comms. 26 comes from classic comms, 27 from level 50 hardmode Flashpoint drops, 28 is level 53 crafted, 30 drops from 55 Hardmode Flashpoints (or can be crafted with mats from 55 Hardmode Ops) 31 drops from 55 Hardmode Ops After tuesday, 31 will be craftable with mats from 55 Nightmare Ops, and 32 will drop in 55 Nightmare Ops.
  20. How is that relevant? This thread is about an ability change proposed for PvP.
  21. If the hilt is low enough level not to be bound to offhand. Pretty much just blue pieces and items under level 50. For example, Campaign Offhands from the Classic Comm vendor have hilts, armorings and barrels that are bound to offhand. Even crafted armorings over level 50 become bound to their item type after use.
  22. I hate this, whenever I make a new character, I always run through BT/Esseles until I get the chestpiece for my class (IMO, always the coolest available custom piece at level 10). The last few times I've done it I've lost rolls to companions and eventually just ended up getting a guildie to run me through with a 55 for the gear. Of course, then I see all sorts of people whining in general chat that they can't get queue pops for group finder. Guess what? Don't need roll on stuff for your companions and maybe people will group with you! In any case, subscribers are causing at least as much trouble here as F2P, maybe more as I don't think I've had an F2P player do this to me yet.
  23. Don't make the lack of content updates a "PvE vs. PvP" thing. We all want content and we don't need to be divisive about it. For the record, I quit PvP after 2.0 because of bolster and mostly do Ops now. My wishlist for 2.2 was new 55 FPs.
  24. There is only one WZ that keeps count of player kills or tells you to kill players, and even on that one you don't get credit for your kills unless you cap a pylon. By your definition, does this game even have PvP?
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