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Everything posted by Jeckll

  1. I don't see this being such an incredible issue. I pretty much enjoy the triple crit provided by Project/Upheaval/Force Breach and it feels kind of instant This hole matter may ONLY matter in an direct 1on1 engagement between assassin and shadow and even then, it's not an issue in most cases. It this is the most annoying thing for shadows, our class is pretty damn good.
  2. I suggest using an infiltration specc for solo leveling and Qyzen as your main companion. Worked for me very well. I never managed to kill strong storyline bosses with other companions.
  3. This! Never played enhancement shaman but I think bearform druid is quite similar as well.
  4. Only important thing is: stick to light OR dark. I played the Consular storyline as light and helped a teammate who played dark and I have to say - you're much faster with dark...you trade all the diplomacy and persuade stuff with "meh - I'll kill you". Light V / Dark V grats you access to a lvl50 Speeder and sone nice relics you might use until you get the pvp or the matrix shard ones.
  5. You know you can hotkey all four bars, right? And you defiantly need all four of them.
  6. Like all Vanish-like abilities in all MMOs i played, Force Cloak suffers from latency and server lag. To avoid it, i recommence running a few meters away from the mobs you're fighting and switching your companion to passive before using Force Cloak. That doesn't fix it but it helps a bit.
  7. Do not judge your class until you're 50. Using all abilities AND getting the beautiful champion gear raised my personal joy while playing shadow significantly.
  8. I know you can pop Force Potency AFTER launching the Project and if the rock didn't hit the target yet, Force Potency is still applied. So I'm quite sure the damage is not applied instantly.
  9. Without Combatlog/Damage Meter, I think it's pretty damn hard to compare the dps of 2 classes. Warzones are no good indicator for DPS. Obviously, Scoundrels openers hit very hard. harder than shadows. But a shadow rotation is quite fierce as well. Don't know what's better, I wait for the combat log BioWare promised.
  10. As Infiltration shadow, I rarely switch techniques, so "Force Technique" may be an ability you don't need. And there surely are not many situations where you have to use Combat Technique and Guard as INF. Other than that - yeah, you need everything you have. Clairvoyant Strike replaces Double Strike.
  11. It's quite hard to go for an individual stat in SW:TOR since PvP Gear is already extremly good and it has predefined stats on it. Sure, you can alter the Mods/Enchantments but I never saw better mods than the ones that are already in the Champion/Battlemaster Gear.
  12. Your questions can all be answered by reading AstralFires Shadow Handbook (Sticky Thread). In PvP, I personally use Theran all the time. In PvE, you might use him as well, but I prefer Qyzen when fighting elite. Nadia is by far the strongest Damage Dealer in your arsenal. I use her for grinding non elite Mobs. I suggest using Bio as crewskill if you're interested in PvE and cybertech if you're more into PvP. Synthweaving seams week since you'll usually use the PvP Gear anyways. It's easy to obtain and extremly strong.
  13. Hi AstralFire. I have a question regarding your choice to go balance. The advantages you mentioned are really great and I see why you went balance. But most of the utility you gain seems to be centered around solo play in warzones. Am i right? I only play in a fixed group setup with a guardian guarding me, a Sage for heal and a sentinel who's assisting me. Would you say in this specific environment, my choice to go infiltration(2/31/8) is still viable or would you go balance anyways? BTW: Thanks for the handbook. Helped my a lot.
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