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10 Good
  1. Are there plans to adress people's fps problems in warzones, ilum and other places?
  2. I think you are making some sort of confusion with Zen... you should check that out
  3. Sorry for wall of text... I have a screenshot of a warzone, if you want, of me doing 557k dmg in a warzone, along with 110k healing. In previous warzones in the same day (dont have screenshots of these) I had 490k and 521k dmg, with healing way above the 75k medal. These were on Voidstars. With dedicated healer on the 490k one, and none on the other 2. Now... I could argue about luck, but then again... I score the grand majority above 300k while many of the rest of the battleground dpsers cant even get to this mark. The more the game drags, the bigger this gap usually becomes. Of course, I sometimes get outdpsed or get lower than 300k; when the enemy gives up and starts leaving or camping a single point like in alderaan, or when I get focused a lot... which beings me to my next point. I play as Watchman, and from my perspective our damage is actually quite high. Our burst damage is certainly good, and our sustained is certainly great. Our main problem, in my opinion only, is our survivability. I will elaborate... Surviving a fight as a sentinel is not that hard, we certainly got quite a few great cds for it. However they are just that... cds. These same cooldowns wont save us from focus targeting, and rightfully so. So Id argue here that we do need to choose our oponents and our fights. Being melee also puts us in this position - we do need to know where we are going to dive, and when. I honestly dont usually have problems in 1v1 situations - its arguable if our 1v1 capability is the best in the game; however, pvp that matters is not 1v1, which again brings us to choosing fights and targets. Id even dare say 1v2 is sometimes possible as a sentinel. Despite all of this, generally we are considerable squishy, and this squishiness halts our dps. If we cannot survive long enough on a target how can we dish out our apparently great dps? Sure we have nice cooldowns, sure we have to pick fights. But I do believe even with this, we end up being quite squishy. When facing an enemy without cds, or without even some of them, or without our gap closers, or some of them, we do get an uphill battle. The articulation of all our tools is what makes us able to stay there, but once tools start being used, the differences start being noticeable. I would say to fix our survivability, in my opinion, we need another form of cc. The form itself is arguable, as it depends how it would fit into our whole toolset. I would argue against a force push for example, and i think a force pull would be too much considering our output. maybe make one of our already in-game abilities do a slight stun, like bladestorm. It could do half duration on players for example? well that argument is not for this thread... Another way would be to either reduce slightly some cds, so that we at least can maintain a certain rotation of each defense that we have, or increase the duration slightly of said cds. I am not talking all of them. For example... if rebuke had a total of 40 second duration, or even id stretch to 45, that would leave us with only 15 seconds without the actual buff of 20% extra dmg reduction. Rebuke however is a great skill so I understand why this could not be a good approach. Maybe lowering the cd on saber ward, or increasing its duration; or even its effect? Merely suggestions that would need careful thought... CC immunity would be nice for a single defensive ability, glue it to one already existing. Guarded by the force comes to mind, or even the leap knockback immunity suggestion... anyway the specifics are also not part of this thread. All in all, in my opinion, our dps is quite high. It is our survivability, whether through cds or actual cc output, that makes us suffer... but then again we cant ask to be good at everything. All this goes without mentioning... the resolve mechanic is fishy... I would reduce it to 2 forms of cc and then resolve would be up. And also I would grant this to all forms of loss of control. But that is a more global subject... Again, sorry for wall of text. I hope I dont get flamed for any misudnerstanding or wrong comment i made :x
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