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Posts posted by GrizzMeshurik

  1. You haven't been invited because, as I stated, I had to put a stop to this madness. When I see two Vanguards crush an Imp team in arena completely naked with the exception of a non-modded cowboy hat, their rifles, and their off-hands.... Well... It gives rise to concern for the well-being of the galaxy.


    I was trying to RP. :(



    EDIT: Sindol only went through the lengths of muzzling me because he didn't make the B team.





  2. See, Saeri-ari (of the defiler legacy) (if this is you, if not my apologies ignore this) allow me to explain to you why approximately half of our server dislikes you. Actually, allow me to rephrase that, allow me to explain why you have caused the majority of the PvP community in the Ebon Hawk to dislike you.


    1. Insecurity

    You are so insecure about a VIDEO GAME. I don't think I have ever seen you in a match, with or against, where you didn't verbally attack, put down, or rage at someone who may have killed you, out dpsed you, or just simply won the game. NOBODY CARES. It's a reg warzone. It's a game. For you to take this personally is beyond my ability to comprehend. I don't know what you're trying to compensate for, but it's one of the reasons people can't stand you.


    2. Put your money where your mouth is

    If you're really going to resort to essentially ego measuring over a game. Queue ranked. Grouped ranked. Where you can have a healer, a tank, and co DPS. ALL OF YOUR CHOOSING. So that you can eliminate your petty excuses like "it's all my healers fault, or it's because my tank sucks". Maybe it isn't them. Maybe it's you. If your that good, I'd gladly accept your challenge, and i'll stream it. This way, you can go on and tell people that you won, they can see it themselves.


    3. You lack common sense.

    Lastly, I feel that no matter how many chances people give you, how many times people swallow the insults you throw at them, just to start fresh. It takes you less than a GCD for you to erupt over something stupid. A compliment given to you, you take as an insult. People are naturally nice. When they said "oh! that was so close, almost got me there". It's not meant negatively. Just today (if once again, this is you) i said "dang! stop with the focus! lol". Only to be met with "Your a trash piece of **** smashmonkey, l2p". As to that i just wanna say: 1. It's my baby sentinel, not even fully 2018 yet. 0 aguments. 2. I'm sorry that i'm playing smash? and that in your mindset, somehow Smash is superior in 1v1 to carnage (LOL). and 3.


    http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/sentinel-marauder #31


    In conclusion, treat people the way you want to be treated. And if you find you can't. Sunday 8 pm EST. I'll be streaming. Get in the ring.


    I think you're confusing Sarrai for Saeari.

  3. I feel a need to address this dire situation. I began playing pub side when it was obvious that pubs were the losing team, and thoroughly outmanned.


    As an imp, I found myself and fellow imps fighting each other. This was fun at times, because I got to kill some of those annoying ******s on my own team that I always wished were pubs...


    This can also breed dissent amongst your own team as some people get really serious about losing and start hating you because you beat them too badly. I can attest to that as I got many hate tells from people angry that I killed them. As if they were not trying to kill me! But I digress...


    So, I began playing pub side with a cool fellow, I had grown tired of constant facerolling pubs and fighting wargames of imp vs imps.


    Me and this cool guy then created a guild which most of you are very aware of named <Anima> and we began hitting the larger, stronger team of imps head-on!


    It was not long before we recruited other accomplished pvpers, and then we began dominating warzones whenever we entered them. It became apparent that after the creation of said guild <Anima> the number of imps to fight lessened, and oddly instead of fighting harder the players on imp side decided to just quit and play their pubs. We can call this the <Anima> effect, if you will.


    My point in this post is to draw attention to a beginning problem on TEH server. I came from Bastion, and trust me, it actually does suck when one team is 5 times larger than the other, and one team is drastically worse than the other.


    When fights are never competitive, that gets old fast. I see TEH server heading this way though, and so, I bring this to our communities attention in hopes that some of you ex-imp players go back to being Imps, and leave the pub team now.


    I realize that <Anima> isn't the only one that is dominating Imps non-stop. But, we definitely have had a big impact on the culture of pub pvp strengthening it when it needed some support. Now it appears that TEH imps are heading in a direction where they need some support. Who is going to step up and help them?





  4. It's a good thing I stocked up on WZ medpacs and adrenals right before this WZ, burned through most of them by the end of the game. :eek:


    1. Name: Grizz

    2. Guild: <Backrocket Bastards>

    3. Class: Vanguard

    4. Map: VS - Voidstar

    5. Stat Category: Total Deaths- 16

    6. Screenshot: http://imageshack.us/a/img27/466/iof6.jpg


    Only posting mine at the moment because I don't have permission from the other players, haven't seen this many deaths in a good while.

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