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Posts posted by GrizzMeshurik

  1. For more than a few days there as been a player continuously harassing people who are trying to Role Play in the fleet cantina. I have submitted a ticket about this as I am sure many other players but they continue to be at large with no apparent intervention in sight. Has anyone else been seeing this issue?


    I've seen this since launch. Everything from constant fleet-shattering forcequakes on the snowflakes to a cadre of naked BT4 dancing on the counter to a fleet of Banthas all parked ontop of unsuspecting snowflakes... :rak_04:


    Personally it's just something you expect at this point for RPing on fleet at all or any public hubs. I'm sure many players before you have submitted a ticket, but unfortunately if it's any indication at this point I doubt BW can/will do anything about it.

  2. Just make sure he doesn't see the hyperdrive before he pays.


    .. we have a hyperdrive?


    I thought I sold it and took the rest of the credits from the guildbank for augments. :rak_03:

  3. Eh, I ended up moving my sorcerers (Julja, and my alt) to Shadowlands. I'll be bringing the alt back, after she makes some more progress, but Julja is probably staying there. As for the time, 10:30 used to be a pretty typical time to get pops here. I don't know what is best now though, as the people involved have changed.


    I'll end up moving my VG back eventually for RP but not until I get a decent amount of games (solo & 4s, sorry Crinn :rak_01:) and most likely will leave my PT there for the pops.

  4. Our guild is working on getting a kickball night together in the upcoming weeks to get more PUG teams into queue so we can hopefully get more attraction towards grouped ranked. Will have dates soon as we decide on what time works best for everyone. If you guys (Backrockets) wanna try getting some pub kickball going on the same night that'd be pretty cool as well. Taking suggestions for dates if you guys have any.


    I'm down, just let me know when you're doing it and I'll see what I can do.

  5. I'm aware, and we aren't avoiding ranked q because of that. It's just we don't have the current numbers to have a select comp on at one time most nights, even though we're trying. Really all we need right now is just a tank and if we can get one to xfer over, we'll be in q almost nightly (hopefully).


    I'm aware of this from the conversations I've had with Bond, and Sindol wasn't referring to your guild specifically in that regard.


    As far as practice in Ilum/Outlaws goes, BB is down most days and will try to get a 4 man out for that purpose. We'll keep y'all posted.

  6. Character Name: Aqar

    Class: Powertech

    Position on Leaderboard: 2

    Type: Overall Damage

    Warzone Code: VS

    Screenshot: http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/627080/module_gallery/original/2198594.jpg


    Character Name: Grizz

    Class: Vanguard

    Position on Leaderboard: 1

    Type: 8v8 Damage Per Second

    Warzone Code: AH

    Screenshot: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/911344/pics/original/3147416.jpg


    Character Name: Grizz

    Class: Vanguard

    Position on Leaderboard: 1

    Type: 8v8 Biggest Hit

    Warzone Code: VS

    Screenshot: http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/627080/module_gallery/original/2142366.jpg


    Character Name: Grizz

    Class: Vanguard

    Position on Leaderboard: 1

    Type: 4v4 Damage Per Second

    Warzone Code: CS

    Screenshot: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/911344/pics/original/3147419.jpg


    And just for lelz, an arena as Pyro :rak_04:




    Character Name: Aqar

    Class: Powertech

    Position on Leaderboard: ????

    Type: 4v4 Damage Per Second

    Warzone Code: MMA

    Screenshot: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/911344/pics/original/3145822.jpg

  7. As someone who has done this recently, 4 Commando healers I can honestly say that you would prefer us to do that. The alternative would be a tank, two dps, and a healer. The games where we played troll comps were funnier and more challenging as opposed to our traditional comp which is usually a Lol face roll win that tends to get boring.


    There is a difference between a troll comp and class stacking faceroll comps. I wouldn't worry too much about troll comps, they usually do a game or two and stop because it is kind of cheesy. At least that's the case with my friends and I.


    We should run Quad-Gunnery again. :rak_01:

  8. I actually do too, besides the super queue part (sorry, but that ruins the fun for others when the teams get stacked like that, queue up at the same time but play it out if you end up against each other or not in same game).


    The most fun matches I've had recently was when Sindol's group was on the other side and we were all in the same channel.



  9. Kitty :eek:


    I think... SWTOR needs more people :t_frown:




    :eek: I think TEH should stay chill and not become a toxic hatefest >.> I've heard stuff about other servers and... The hate is strong... Maybe that is TEH's problem... Not enough hate... :mad::(


    I hate everyone.


    Especially Sindol for sabotaging my solo rating. :mad:



  10. Burandii hit it point blank right on the head. Too many folks rolling fotm, which is unfortunate for some who have actually played those since day 1 and so it's their legitimate main. I have seen way too ranked matches where it's 4 hatred sins versus 4 ap PTs and crap like that. Seen a bunch of full groups of sorcs/sages running around as well.

    I love healing, it's what I have always mained in pvp (raiding too vbut regardless), it is very difficult to get a healer pop in yolo because few healers stand any chance of not just getting utterly globalled against 4 ap PTs so they just don't queue.


    No faults or anything; it is what it is. Bioware has destroyed gameplay to the point where yolo ranked has been dumbed down to essentially 3 damage classes duking it out. Fix the classes that are broken, balance some of the specs that are out to lunch and bring back 8v8 and then ranked may have some chance at surviving. This won't happen though so take it or leave it I guess. My favourite classes are a mess but I have come to just ignore all that, I enjoy my great moments when they happen, lick my wounds when I tet obliterated and just keep on rolling because I still do enjoy this game very much( crazy but true)

    As for group ranked, or lack there of, not sure about that one. The only thing I have seen work a bit is back when TST were posting dedicated group ranked nights for the server, which did provoke some group play. For newer groups and guilds trying it though that have little experience, if they get wrecked by some fotm group every time they queue,they won't be queuing long so keep that in mind.


    I'll q yolos on my commando m8.


    And from the matches I've had.... looks like I'll beat Crinn's rating on that toon too. :rak_04:

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