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Everything posted by Koolthulu

  1. First time I did this, I hit him once as soon as the fight started and died instantly (didn't see he was a champion). Second time I ran behind the friendly guys and let them get aggro. Then Kira and I took out the other mobs, then disarmed the bombs. By the time I did that, it only took a couple of hits from me to finish him off.
  2. The current stuff isn't really worth it, for me at least. I bought the human species unlock, just because I hate playing humans in MMORPGs. Some of the 1.3 unlocks look interesting, so I'm saving my money for those.
  3. From the little time I played this morning it seems like the fix worked.
  4. There currently is no Quesh vendor on the imperial fleet. It is in the known issues thread.
  5. Have a 7970 and have not had any issues with 12.4, but I didn't have issues with 12.3 either.
  6. Yeah, slicing has become all but worthless now. Even with maxed companions, it can take 5+ missions to get 2 of the purple mats. And they are selling so cheap on my server that I easily lose 8k a piece. This plus the lockbox bug means I've stopped running slicing missions. Unless they have something in tomorrow's patch, I am probably going to replace it on my crafters.
  7. They need to to away with the whole crit crafting thing anyway. Give us a schematic for the augmented gear that we can craft for 5x-10x the mats of a non augment piece. If you crit, you get back 1/4 of the materials. This way crafters can easily set a price and the customer gets their gear quickly. Most people who want me to make them an augment piece give up after the fourth or fifth failure.
  8. Koolthulu


    Kira's conversations are tied to the class story. Have you finished the story yet?
  9. I was told by CS that removing the last '0' in the max price range fixes the problem. And from what I can tell it does. Now if that is all it takes to fix, why hasn't this been put into a patch yet? I have gone from 30+ sales/day before the patch to maybe 1/day.
  10. Short Term 1. "Server Merger" is the worst phrase a MMO company can use. This will be avoided at all costs, until it is too late. 2. Unless they are free, not enough people will use them to make a difference. 3. Can you imagine the QQ if this happened? Offering a select group incentives is bad press. Just look at the free month fiasco BW just went through. Long Term 1. This is probably one of the best options. 2. Cooler gear would probably help, but they only have so much to work with. A Jedi in anything but a bathrobe will make people say it isn't SW enough. 3. Actually looking at real playing trends requires paying people who do nothing but that. Just running a script and saying "Oh, this server has 1,000 Republic character and 1,000 Imperial characters. It is balanced" isn't enough. Sure there are things BW can do to help, but it isn't as easy or cheap as people think.
  11. I wouldn't pay anything. Getting to cap and gearing a character in this game are nothing. Especially when you've already done it and know what to do. I know BW won't do it, but they really need to follow Rift's example. Free unlimited transfers to any non-full server. Then when a server reaches a low enough point you convert them to "Trial" servers and force the remaining people off. You do this enough and eventually you get down to a few healthy servers, and you never have the ugly words "SERVER MERGER" used.
  12. The game apparently won't even install on a single processor system. I tried on my old laptop, got a message that at least a dual was required and the installer exited.
  13. Yes, I have been seen this a lot since 1.2.
  14. Got to agree. If I want PvP, I'll roll on a PvP server. Had a couple of weirdos following me around for 30 minutes last night, trying to get me to accidentally flag myself. They must have been pretty bad PvPers though, since they felt they needed 2 50s to take on my 35.
  15. I love events in any game and this one is actually set up pretty good. Hope they keep them coming. But come on, out of all the vast SW lore, they give us space zombies? I'm just so sick of anything even remotely zombie related. They have been so overplayed in all media.
  16. Only if they are fighters and we can have air battles with mobs and other players. Otherwise, don't see much point in having them.
  17. Kira's lightsaber is always on. I have to take it away from her if I'm not going to be fighting for a few minutes or the noise gets really annoying. Companions don't seem to be getting stats from implants and earpiece. You have to unequip and reequip them. And you have to do this every time you summon the companion, mount/unmount, zone, etc. Space missions on my Knight, my companions no longer talk, but my Knight still talks. On my Warrior, they talk like they always have. Of course, the general sound issues that are being reported in other threads.
  18. If someone is transferring of their own free will, then they should have to change their name. If the servers are being merged, then I would say, 1. active sub trumps inactive 2. if all are inactive, then the one that was active last wins 2. if all are active, then most played time in last 4 months wins
  19. I just beat this last night after 5 defeats on the first guy. Finally had to get tricky. I got the Sith to the point he does the knock back and starts floating. Then I just ran away. Put the hostile lizards between you and the Sith (just don't aggro them yourself). When the Sith starts chasing you, the lizards will aggro him and finish him off for you.
  20. This is right from the "Buy Now" page. According to this if you have already redeemed the time code, you should get the title when your free month is up.
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