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Everything posted by deezOneTenTen

  1. I find this type of crap hysterical. No not EA, not BW, not the launch, but peoples reactions. It is amazing to me that people get so mad about playing a game for free earlier than everybody else, and when they dont get to do it, they rage out and call the company to complain. All those people whining about not getting as much FREE time as other people, are taking up the phone lines and taking up employees times from actual real issues. Then the people with actual real issues complain because they cant get their issue fixed fast enough because their FREE playing time is "wasting" away. Its simple. Do you like the game? Then buy it and pay to play it like normal. ANYTHING you get for free at all, should not only be NOT expected, but you should be happy to get it. If you dont like the game and preordered just fromt he hype and buy into peoples whines about a "failed launch" (which hasnt even happened yet), then fine. Cancel your preorder and go do something else and quit cluttering the boards with your infant whining and crying about something you get for free. ITS A VIDEO GAME PEOPLE. You're not 10 anymore. Go to back to work and get a life. If a VIDEO GAME is so important to you that you get mad AT ALL, then you need to re-evaluate your life and what you've done in it. Theres far and away more important things in life to get upset about. A fantasy world not living up to what you fantasized it should be, shouldnt be one of them.
  2. I wouldnt count on more than a day or two of early access at best. I put my code in December 3rd and thats what I figure for myself. Anything more is just gravy.
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