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Everything posted by Darthneubauer

  1. i deleted my 400 cyberctech/scavaging/underworld trading and picked up biochem, the mods u can make are inferior to the Daily reward quests and even more inferior to PVP gear +surge potions and medkits are awesome I crafted a speeder and ship upgrades before i deleted it though ofc other than that its useless dropepd **** is better
  2. [Renderer] D3DFullScreen = false Height = 1024 NativeHeight = 1024 NativeWidth = 1280 RefreshRate = 60 TextureAnisotropy = 1 Width = 1280 WindowX = 0 WindowY = 0 MeshLODQuality = 0 PlantDensity = 0 doShadows = false FarClipScale = 1. doBlobShadows = false UseMinSpecShaders = true VerticalSyncState = true EnableBloom = false TextureQuality = 1 AllowDepthOfField = false SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 0.75 my settings are already lowest, Ilum and Warzones make me lag like ****
  3. if I rushed I would of been the first 50 on my server, I took a relaxed grind to 50, i saw all my story. you are just extremely slow and like to bash on people that play the game differently, I didn't lose out on anything at all, If anything I gained by getting rich on nodes which had nobody to harvest them and gained advantages in other areas. so whatever kid
  4. erm ok? i hit 50 last week /who me on bloodworthy server **** i was in on first day of headstart, i had no competition for mobs/quest spawns and knew how to level it took me around 4 days too, this game is extremely easy..
  5. replies like these are really dumb I got to 50 like a week ago, I didn't power level the game is just incredibly easy to level in, once you've played games like Aion/darkfall and are efficent at levelling. end game is about raiding and pvp, all i've been doing is PVP and crafting while i wait for the slower levellers to catch up, it has nothing to do with ego.
  6. i have 3 pairs of gloves and 2 wrists, should at least be able to trade them for 3 commendations
  7. but he wont. he will have around the same HP/Stats and his armour rating will be lower even green lvl 45+ stuff is around 100 rating
  8. dont make me waste 20mins of my time by queueing and not knowing how to PVP and i wont flame you for being bad at this game thats another reason why we need queue tiers and seperate queues for warzones
  9. I found a cure! it's like a *********** virus if you or your friends have this bug, Create an alt Get the alt to invite you to a party, it will prompt you saying they will become owner of the flashpoint, you are now cured and he is bugged.
  10. try reading the quest, and the tooltips on the map over the objectives...
  11. I dont like huttball because it's a terrible zone, with mega high damage/slow pits of green goo/fire which paired together with Knockbacks that every single class seems to have on a 30second cooldown. makes it one of the most frustrating warzones in any game
  12. sorry bro, but i've pvp'd in every game from UO to SWTOR It doesn't need to have consequences to make PVP fun, which is the point of PVP. the only thing wrong with PVP in SWTOR is the amount of *********** stuns/slows and knockbacks which have a slow built in and only 1 CCbreak which has no imminuty after casting it. once pvp is tweaked and open world pvp actually has some form of a reward it will be great
  13. crap like this makes you reallise how much amateurs they are when it comes to MMOs simple crap like a reconect period or being able to Keybind Marks amongst other ****
  14. the only times i've ever queued was when being dc'd I uually Never queue when mmos are released as i log on before the queues start...
  15. You forget, queues die down when people quit, People dont quit swtor
  16. then placed in a 1600man queue, are you kidding em or what ffs turn on the 10min dc grace period for logging back in this is a joke
  17. Disconnected on taris after non stop freezes and got placed into a 2hour queue, GG
  18. Server caps need to be raised, from the amount of people i've seen in zones during queue times, it can definately be higher most of the time it's totally empty yet theres 2hour queues
  19. if you seriously cannot play tyhe game on lowest graphics, you need to upgrade your PC this is not console gaming you need to upgrade to be able to run new software
  20. i can tell you now, i haven't seen a single player on imperial side that knows how to pvp
  21. is fking impossible to do at level 29. my gear is actually fine i am tanked specced and have the smuggler companion from tatooine, he just does insane damage and has charge/pulls so you can't kite him for your companion to kill anyone else having trouble with this its the one to sneak into the jedi place and kill a jedi boss
  22. if they understood MMO players, they would know to make 4 russian servers and force them to play there. tired of having to shop around for a server which is not going to be swarmed by them =/ happens in every mmo
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