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Everything posted by Nipanther

  1. One easy way to add EC SM and TFB SM to the list is making a requirement that the person has completed it at least 2-3 times without group finder. This would mean that they have had success and have some idea how it works. This would allow a person to unlock the SM Op. Until the person has completed it enough it cannot be unlocked for GF SM Op Tier 2
  2. I just tanked him @ 2 stacks today and it was my first time tanking him. We never lost aggro once. I can't say what you are doing wrong, but when he channels the scream the other tank just spams the taunt so as soon as the channel is over the other tank has aggro. Just keep doing that until he is dead. Of course this was on 2 stacks so more stacks may make it easier for aggro loss.
  3. We did it last night and one shot the boss with no problems. It should let you rechannel once you start. Just can't move once you start. maybe someone went into the middle that wasn't the right color.
  4. The gear may not be that great for SM but man the cash is nice. Just might think about farming the trash instead of dailies. I thought the SM version was nice bc you get to see the mechanics first hand and get to know a little first person look before you attempt hardmode. Our guild one shot the first three bosses so taking undergeared people here for some Rakata runs will be nice. I would like to say thank you BW for the new content. Lets keep pumping out new stuff like this so people keep playing.
  5. Even when he is bugged with the invisible pillar it is not hard to see whats going on. He stands there doing no damage and you cannot damage him. Simply move back. Yes, when its bugged it will cause problems and you may have to reset. I have done this fight multiple times in story mode and endless times in hardmode. L2P your role and know other people's roles as well.
  6. HK-47 is not that difficult. Here are things to remember. 1) No one should be standing in the middle when the center piece comes down - Instant Death 2) Tank should taunt the adds when the come out so that healer can focus on the tank alone. 3) Something I see a lot is when the adds come out the DPS does not kill them. They are the first priority in the fight is to kill them. Tank taunts then is back on HK-47 4) When the 4 panels show up from the center coming down, destroy them so you can start attacking HK. Do this immediately. 5) try to position the adds together for AOE damage if you group has the proper abilities and know-how. Do these things and its going to work out. I tanked this on my Sin when I was like 37.
  7. The Person may be part of the group but once someone says vote to kick you are being removed from voting which means that it is up to 3 people to decide your fate. In this case 2/3 is a majority. I have never been part of a group that kicked someone for not spacebarring.
  8. Vote to kick is important for the success of groups for multiple reasons. 1) when get someone who is a healer who qued for DPS. Your group may not have enough DPS to complete the HM FP if this is the case. 2) You get someone who is under geared, doesn't know the normal story mode flashpoint, or is just not good at what they do. I personally do not get 10 hours in a day to play when I jump online so when the group wipes too often bc people are not aware then you should not be in that group at that moment. Find a guild and have them run through the first 4-5 HM FPs to get you some gear and experience then try the harder ones on Random. Just bc people vote to kick someone doesn't mean that they are better than them but maybe its bc they don't want to spend 1 hour wiping on the first boss. 3) Sometimes people like to go afk for long periods of time or decide they don't want to participate enough. Sorry no free rides. 4) Sometimes you get someone who is bugged and they can't come back in after a wipe, for the greater of the group you will get kicked. Voting to kick is not all that bad. Do it for the right reasons and no one should be upset. If you don't know flashpoints run the story mode first before joining HM Random. There are 3 other people who want to have fun and would like to not always teach people a fight. Most of time I have never had to vote to kick but it happens.
  9. Its funny when people say it should be a majority, its not 2 of 4 people, its 2 of 3. The person getting kicked doesn't get to vote. so a 2/3 is a majority.
  10. PVP Merc Healers may not be the best group healer, but even as an off spec geared healer I do a pretty decent job in a PVP match because I do great at keeping those people who get targeted by the whole ops group. A Sorc will have a fun time healing the whole group when only 1 person is targeted at a time.
  11. I am currently leveling an Assassin Darkness (Tank Spec) and I love it. You are a tank that can heal yourself with your abilities, you can also stealth and CC which is extremely nice when you want to skip some unnecessary mobs. I am currently 37 on my sin and I switch back and forth between Ashara (Melee DPS) and Talos (Ranged Healer) and I feel like I will never die. I normally go to a planet about 2 levels before I should and I can easily take mobs that are 3-4 levels higher which yield higher xp for each kill. I will usually run into problems with Elite mobs 4 levels higher but I can take on ones 3 levels higher.
  12. Easiest way to get her going is buying republic memorabilia rank 2 and keep giving them to her. Then eventually she will want to talk. I have barely finished Quesh and she is already in the romantic stage with me. Then its up to your dialog choices after that. If you have a level 50 just send your companions for level 5 gifts and it will get her even higher affection.
  13. My main is a 50 Arsenal Merc and I love him. I do great damage in HM EC. I can also do decent damage in PVP. We all have roles in the galactic empire and I enjoy mine. If you want to push into PVP then you will want to spec into pyro or healing. At your level there is no need to fret about your gear. Keep all of your orange gear you get and use the city coms to buy mods to replace the older ones. On Bastion I see tons of BHs, mostly healers or Arsenal, with a few Powertechs too.
  14. I guess you must one of those PVPers who let people easily get the door tagged and turret selected. DFA is an easy way to stop the opposing team from capturing something.
  15. Not sure what you are doing to get only 2k hits but my last PVP fight scored me at 3886 highest single hit, which was the highest of all the people in the match. Level 50 Arsenal Spec - Mostly Columi with Battlemaster Pistol and Battlemaster Belt. My rotation is Tracer x3, Heatseeker, Rail Shot(now with 1.3 I get get my 5 bonus stack for rail shot after 3 tracer missiles), then Unload. Rinse/Repeat
  16. I would love to have either a Sith Assassin that can do tank spec or DPS spec; or a HK Assassin droid (which is coming)
  17. You have to be good about using all of your abilities. You have 1 CC, 1 stun on you, and 1 stun with Mako. You are not a tank. Your goal is to limit the amount of damage you take and effectively fight each fight efficiently. For example, if you are fighting a group. Open up the fight with fusion > Death from above > flame thrower, then take out the remaining. If you have a hard elite to take out use that CC to stop the fight if it isn't going the right way. Let her heal you and then start over. As an arsenal spec Merc my focus fire rotation is tracer x3 > heatseeking missles > unload (when my crit is up) > tracer missle x2 > rail shot (maxed damage with 5stacks). I rarely die with mako out.
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