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Everything posted by letitdie

  1. Because cartel market is not one of the main reasons you play this game. At least be honest and say you have everything u want, while most idiots like me that spend those, and MONEY to NEVER get what they want. But by all means keep arguing in favor of capitalist mindsets. That's way of thinking is exactly what's wrong with the world. Greedy and selfishness in all things. Im asking like i asked for a reformulation of the cartel system (wich NOW is at least useful. u can claim bounded items to diferent chars !). And although i'm happy, i still have LOADS of items on the other server, that i can't use on all my legacy chars (AS IN THAT IS THE POINT). Tired of stupid people. And that's not a insult, it's a fact. Start caring more for the greater good instead of your own selves
  2. Also, yes WoW did have free char transfers. Every once a month there was a list on the log in page with the available servers for a free transfer. And tbh, even though i bought this game because i love star wars, i simply don't understand how they're not interested in making it better. Yes we all know this engine is not the best for an MMO, but don't just release new content.... make this game better as Blizzard is doing with WoW.
  3. No i didn't. TOFN server died with my first original 10 chars in it. People just left the server to go to the red eclipse. I used my free char transfer on my best PVE geared toon, to do the same. All other chars are now stuck in a server that doesn't have any1 to play. I did the DvL event only to get the cool gear. That's the only reason i grinded it, and it was probably the last disapointment i putted up with in this game. Tired of this RnG model that only brings me misery and debt tbh... I'm not trying to get a freebee, it's only common sense to treat 1st day players in this topic at least. At least that, since as it seems old players are not at all priority for bioware. I love this game, i'm just getting really fed up with grinding it for nothing, over and over again.
  4. they should keep the uniqueness of each class though. And incorporate companion storylines with them as they are doing so well with KOFE. Continue the class storyline too bioware, that's the expansion worthy of playing for the legacy thingy you created. i wanna see family tree working in the game story tbh ^^
  5. Yeah. I'm probably not the first to say it, but it's about damm time. Grinded dark vs light for bits and pieces and it wasn't at all worth it. So at least let me gather all my chars under one server Thank you
  6. so the saber i'm after can drop as a BOE item on one of the cubes ? I never even seen it on sale on GTN. And from what i read, the reputation trophys to use that lightsaber, only drop from non-existing packs. I'd love they squeaze it in the weapon packs (when they return to the game).
  7. im not saying you're both wrong... i'm saying since this is a video game, and we're spending real money on COSMETICS, would be only logical you could get some ingame currency out of it, since getting what we want is virtually... almost impossible. Rest assure, people will keep complaining about this. Maybe only when we all start wasting our euros, they'll do something about it. It's getting ridiculous guys, i don't even have credits to buy another cargo bay. All my bags are full
  8. y i can't launch either. I didn't complain on the extra downtime but this time i gotta agree with a post i've read. You guys need to focus on making this engine work somehow, more than just putting up new content. I think i speak for a great majority here, when i say i rather have a smooth game like WoW first, then a great storyline (and i love story mode more than anything). I don't know what can be done at this point, but this is a game that deserves a better engine. The current one causes all these issues, fps breaks during ops, and all the random bugs that allready exist for years now. Please make this game better, not just in content, but also in performance maintenance
  9. that's the thing mate. I heard some people say that it would screw up the economy on this game, but it is allready screwed up ! some people are filthy rich in credits in this game because they simply don't buy ugly items. If they don't buy them, i think bioware/EA needs to listen to these complains. Everybody is complaining about the new packs (even though i think they are way better than the previous ones... at least you get a chance to get diferent items this time) and i for one agree something should be done. I said it before and i'll say it again, after spending large amounts of money, me and everybody else kinda expect to get what we're paying for. If they continue to ignore this issue, i think people will simply stop spending money on this game. Outfit creation is something really cool about this game, and many people enjoy the custumization. With that in mind, i think that there should be a better way to get credits for all those useless items taking space
  10. i gotta say, as much as i respect ppl that play this since launch, you can't diss the cubes because you have pretty much everything. i played from launch but only now started wasting some money on this, and i can say i preffer the cubes instead of fixed junk like it was on strategy alliance pack (the previous one before this new one). At least i get something different i can use, even if it's a decoration. Although i agree, for the amount of money they are getting of these packs, they should bring more items. I'm guessing the lightsabers are either very rare drops (in that case it's intentional to make u waste money) or bugged. SUPPORT THE REFUND BUTTON SUPPORT THE "A la Carte" CARTEL MARKET !
  11. I agree, but keep in mind this is a video game. And not just any game, it's starwars. For me, the apperance matters a lot and even though i am willing to spend money, like i allready said before, i kinda expect to get what i'm paying for. I created this topic for practical sugestions on how to get rid of the cartel market items we don't want, for something back. Not asking like a full refund, but some credits would help a lot.
  12. hey guys, So with these new packs and that horrible lightsaber , i decided i want to get the item in the title, but after some research i realise the only way to farm the reputation is buying architect packs (that aren't available anymore). So i ask, is there any other way to get this ? are the packs coming back ? how much money do i need to spend to get a cool lightsaber ? are you thinking of making it like a single purchase in the cartel market for coins ?
  13. Just remembered this topic again, and with the new packs coming out with the new chapter (awesome job again guys... can't wait to play it) i think it's always good to hear some more opinions on this, if you have em. Please post solutions of what bioware could implement as a viable and reasonable way to deal with this. I still think we should have a refund button. but that's just me i guess =/
  14. This is called the old republic for a reason mate. This eternal fleet ? doesn't exist. This kind of power of the emperor and what he did on ziost, proves it's very easy to wipe something out in star wars it happened to Alderaan, and again in the reboot to the new republic. I think they won't put yoda back in the movies, so why not in this game ? They don't even need to reveal much, but i think we all know sooner or later there will be a timeline that follows up to the movies. This is the sugestion box after all. BUT, give me arcann so i can get that freaking chestpiece it the bionic arm from a raid, like we did back in the day !
  15. By all means tell me why.
  16. I guess that all makes sense. But i think many people agree.... there should be a easier, faster way to get your credits back. Either that or like i said... a partial refund option on the CM. I'm allready broke again damm you strongholds and outfit design !
  17. But dude, why can't we have both things ? I think as old as yoda may be, he wasn't the first of it's kind... and ffs i remember seeing the same species in the game as NPC's allready ! Tbh i'd be happy if they keep the secret anyway, and just introduce us the species as a unlock.
  18. what a stupid reason. You're telling me we can't have em in our MMO because george lucas doesn't want to reveal the lore behind yoda ? ridiculous
  19. Dunno about that mate, but i don't mind some ugly items. If you mix it up with diferent armor you can make pretty original outfits all the same. But not this many ugly/worthless items =/
  20. I'd personaly take a gold item that is sure to procc, than 7 worthless mounts and armor sets. Even if it's a ugly gold item
  21. For the first part, i think they have a record on how many of each CM items they sell no ? like a story of purchases.. if so, it would be easy to remove the unwanted (just look at what sells the least and remove it). For that last part, if you're saying that previous system had better armor proccs, i believe then 1 step back may be 2 steps forward in fixing my complain (and others).
  22. That's capitalism for ya. Although i have no complains about these unlocks. These ones are only bought by those who really want them. As i paid for the togrutta and cathar, i would pay for the yoda species if they ever put them in the game. I'm just talking about the packs themselves. At least those should be reworked. Everybody at some points buys a cosmetic armor in this game. And for those like me who don't like to farm, there should be a chance to either at least 1 good cosmetic of every pack, or maintain everything as it is but give us that partial-refund option, since most items are worthless !
  23. you must be really fun at parties. maybe i used the wrong word. i'm not entitled but sure as hell i won't ever spend money in CM again. Maybe i do need to care a little more about farming heroics *sigh* All this could be avoided if we were able to return stuff for something at least. That's the main point of this conversation
  24. well seen as tickets (even though i gotta say they are faster now) take forever to be answered, i think the admins can easily see if some1 is reclaiming smt they don't have. And tbh, i understand an MMO has to have an economy system... but do things really need to be so overpriced ? I get it's a feeling of achievment when you finaly save to get everything you want, but still. With this many items, and this large of a universe that is star wars... you would think you could get all kinds of items without this much trouble to get credits. And like i said, i DESPISE farming
  25. i think that is a really good ideia. Vendors should pay more for cartel market items, at least that way we can sell them fast rather than filling cargo holds with stuff to sell, waiting it fetchs a higher price. I mean i'm sure something CAN be ajusted to what is implemented now, and more just to consumers like us. If not any of the ideas here are implemented, i sugest you eliminate the least selling items completly from the packs. Otherwise i'm sure more ppl will keep complaining.
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