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Everything posted by Belegnole

  1. To be honest I have never expected choices to make a large difference in how the story plays out. The logistics mess that would create would be insane. However what I believe that the Devs were talking about is smaller changes. Slight variations in the story that will give a play through a different feel.
  2. Well, I must ask....What are you doing on the wrong side of a locked door, and how do plan on explaining it to the authorities?
  3. I find it interesting that there is one thing that keeps popping up with the negative threads. In each case there appears to be a potential reason/ solution which includes players spending money. Say this topic for example. want customizations for those companions you have been forced to use. Buy them with CC. Tired of no longer getting orange gear on flash points......buy it with CC. OR, buy it from someone who did. Crafting could be considered suspicious, but I haven't heard anything yet Don't like the rewards from Heroics...again my favorite....want to play the new storyline? pay a monthly subscription. which makes it NOT free to play. Of course this is only one way of looking at it....but it is curious.
  4. They redesigned the game for whales. Part of the excitement of doing content is the drops. if all you get is a couple of credits every time you kill anything including bosses......no more flash points for me, edit: woops! just got a green belt...yeha
  5. Come on, the update to the game was for one reason. To make more money..... Many of the changes will directly or indirectly cause you to spend more money. In the corporate world someone was bound to think of these things and implement them.
  6. Just like you needed to vent about people complaining. Others feel a need to vent (and be heard) about what frustrates them with the game.
  7. My biggest gripe so far has been the removal of various quests. Some of them were ones I quite liked and really enhanced the story ( Jedi Knight in this case ). The gear changes I can sort of get my head around. But I will hold off on that one until I can see if what is being offered now is better or worse.
  8. My question is .... how in the heck did she find out. I mean, were you dumb enough to introduce them to each other?
  9. Yes, they are in business to make money. You should check out other games....lol
  10. I would look at what changes you might have made during this time period. Also what other programs are running while you are playing the game. Some programs can take precedence and make themselves the front window, or just force the minimization of other windows. If you have other things running try turning them off if possible and see what the results are. One that got me once was key binds. Some key binds, macros etc are used by more than one program. Due to the wonder that is modern software a non active window may be triggered by a bind or keyboard shortcut even when your working in another window. Windows shortcuts are included in this, such as alt tab.
  11. Look, I'm against the whole sync thing period. BUT! If they are going to do it, they have to do it completely. Otherwise it makes no sense.
  12. We have seen however, every story line in the game so far is treated the same way. That is that your choices do not matter one iota. The same things happen and you end up in the same place. In 4.0 we have seen that some choices cause a small divergence and then things are back on track. Based on how the game is designed I really don't see there being much choice ever for the player. Just the illusion of choice. But if the illusion is good enough and the play is enjoyable, it should probably work for me.
  13. Due to the quantity and reach of the changes that we have been told about, I have stopped playing altogether. I will come back post patch and make up my mind for myself whether I like the changes or not. Individual changes that I already know about are enough in of themselves to cause me to quit the game. However the synergy of all the changes may make the game better for me. Since I cannot tell until patch day.....I wait
  14. They have meetings, and send each other emails. At the end of every meeting they agree on having another meeting to discuss mostly the exact same issues. The issues never get resolved because the people discussing them do not have the skills or knowledge, or worse the permission to actually do anything. Hence they schedule another meeting...........They fill their days with a series of these meetings and act busy in between. This is unfortunately a common thing in the corporate world.
  15. Curious to see what I have stupidly been paying for, yes. Excited for what I have been told is coming....not in the slightest. I have already started playing other games.
  16. I'll have to agree....dumbest thing ever. "we got the invite to Korriban back from the Emperor. " "what's it say?" "he has to decline....doesn't want to be a level 1 toon again."
  17. no If the only choice was to kneel. I would hit the esc key, exit the game and never look back.
  18. I would have fired the person who made it.
  19. Don't worry you old title will be replaced with a shiny new one. You will be "The One", no wrong story....."The Chosen One", nope wrong movie. Oh yes, you shall be the "Outlander". Even though the title has been used for a book series, TV series, and a movie, it shall be new and shiny.
  20. Released from the constraints of civility, by lack of consequence. Humans are often complete tools while on the internet.
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