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Posts posted by Snibb

  1. Without the log's numbers being weilded like a spanking paddle, her concern would not have existed to begin with. No log, no paddle. No paddle, no problem. I believe that was the gist of her story.


    I completely disagree. People will still give you a hard time if you stink. DPS meters/combat logs can be used as a numeric representation, but there are other ways to tell. The paddle still exists without the meter.


    Other ways to tell you stink;

    -As a dps, you constantly pull aggro from mobs the tank isn't attacking.

    -As a dps, whatever points you use for skills (forcepower, ammo, etc) always stays full.

    -As anyone, you stand in any sort of damage aura.

    -As a tank, you pull more than you can handle, and die within seconds.

    -As a tank, you don't use taunts.

    -As a healer, you let the tank die, and the tank is doing what he's supposed to be doing.

    -As a healer, you put up a heal over time before the battle starts and wonder why all the mobs attack you when the tank pulls.


    Feel free to add to the list, as it's just a few examples. Keep in mind that skills/spells have unique animations, so other players can see if you are doing things you shouldn't, or not doing things you should. Some will be polite about it, but the jerks are always going to be jerks regardless.

  2. Parsers don't lie, but idiots who misinterpret them do.


    Idiots will be idiots regardless. Why group with these people in the first place? To the people who are thinking that dps meters will bring idiots out of the woodwork... the idiots are already there... if they're the type of people who would give you a hard time about average or slightly below average dps, they're the type of people who will harass you for something else anyhow.

    DPS meters don't create idiots.

    However, some of you imply that using combat logs makes you a jerk, idiot, elitist, or whatever, and that's so insulting. Many quietly use them to gauge their own ability, but you do not notice these people, since they aren't vocal about it in game.


    In other games I used dps meters extensively for personal use and I can think of only two times where I've booted someone from a group siting damage done. (I'm talking the rest of the group had done 250k damage each over the span of 10 minutes, and this guy did 20k, basically dps'd the first few and then ran with us leeching. If you are this type of person, I do not feel for you.)


    Also, this business of out of game logs sounds like it'll be extremely (and unnecessarily) time consuming to use, with the details being quite vague.

  3. I have zero issues getting a problem finding a PUG FP group in the game today. I have not been in a group that has not completed an FP either. Why would I want to cut down the number of groups I can find simply because some people want to see damage output when it's not necessary?


    If it's not necessary that group will not require it.

  4. It's so simple... Offer in game combat logs/dps meters/threat meters. Make them toggle on/off. Make sharing them toggle on/off.


    If you don't like to use them for all of the reasons mentioned by others, then why on earth (or nar shadaa) would you want to group with people who want to use them (and therefore care about performance on that level?)

    These people care about performance with or without logs, and if you don't, there is going to be conflict. Save yourself the trouble if you don't want advice, or don't want to be harrassed. People can still tell during a fight if you're standing in the death aura, or if you're just constantly spamming your "free ability" to skate by, and you're still going to be harrassed for that sort of thing. If you're just okay at playing your character, and leave your log private, and that's agreed on up front, no one will have a problem.


    This way, you have a solid metric to measure personal performance, while still having the option too keep said metric private.

  5. Perhaps MMO's just aren't for you? It's ok man, sometimes we just have to take the things that bother us the most and let them go. It wasn't meant to be.




    It's not a prob with MMO's in general... this one just lacks many of the fun things I've enjoyed in other MMOs... granted they're working on it. In time this may shape up to be more fun for me and others who aren't enjoying it atm.

  6. If you can name an MMO which releases bug free content updates then it would be a miracle.


    It will have bugs just an any other MMOs updates have.


    It's not all or nothing. If there are a few minor bugs, no big deal... that's the norm, but if there are utterly obvious bugs that weren't fixed, that annoys people.

  7. Still don't understand why they can't have a dps meter in game. Add an option to turn it on or off. Then add an option to turn group dps sharing on or off.

    The way it is right now, we just have a much longer process to get to the same conclusion. Why waste your players' time?


    Edit:BTW players that want an easily readable dps tool are not necessarily elitists, they could be people like me who want a tool to measure my improvement, and see how I stack up against my friends.

  8. People were having a blast with MMOs long before any of the listed items became ''standard'' (i.e. WoW did it, so we must also) features.


    Dont get me wrong, I think BioWare have failed to deliver almost accross the board with TOR, especially at end game, but your listed ''missing'' features are far from being the worst offence. Start with end game difficulty, lack of content and the engine problems, then come back and complain about the UI.


    Are you serious??? Combat logs were around since text based MMO's...

    Even in EQ, combat logs were there... I guess I wonder what MMO's you refer to that didn't have this feature.

    Though as far as I know, threat meters came about more during the WoW period at first through player addons.

  9. I don't have fps problems. Fix your computer.


    Wow, do I really have to say... just because your computer is fine, doesn't mean everyone elses is going to be too...?

    Or, because your personal experience is fine that everyone elses is somehow their own fault...

    There are machines out there that could run Crysis 2 at max settings smooth as a baby's bottom, but will run this game like crap. That should scream issues for the game, not the system.

  10. Missed the point yet again and managed to demonstrate poor reading comprehension. Then you sidestep any pretense of rational conversation completely by accusing my of fanboyism. If your response to my post had been essentially "The same can be said of many SWTOR supporters," I would have agreed wholeheartedly. Instead, in a failed attempt at cleverness, you edited my post to make me look like one of those rabid SWTOR supporters when my post was merely a response to the people with blinders on about WoW.


    If you'd read my explanation of my post and why it was over your head you'd understand that SWTOR is simply too new for anyone to have "rose colored goggles" when viewing its successes and failures. That is why your post failed and why it was over your head. Go ahead and throw out the fanboy insults and ignore any post I've ever made critiquing any one of the many issues plaguing this game. Consequently check the bolded sentence fragment in your quote. If that doesn't demonstrate your true colors I don't know what does.


    Ok, if you'd prefer, the people which I refer to have blinders on because they're too awestruck by the shiny new thing in front of them to see it for what it really is. (BTW rose colored glasses/blinders doesn't have to be time based...) Again, you throw insults, attack me personally, which is usually a resort of not understanding. Where in there did I call you a fanboy? I said that your statement made you seem bias. COMPLETELY different. But hey, if you wanna get all up in arms and lash out, have at it...

    Again Bias != fanboy

    Glad you got what I was saying in the original edit now though... still, don't see how it warranted the rude response you gave. Anyhow... got better things to do.


    Edit: Your original post was full of sarcasm, so for you to attack me for doing the same... come on really?

  11. I find it funny people want day/night because it adds "immersion", but yet, things like the bars in WOW have no music, performers, or even people hanging around drinking.


    SWTOR cantinas have bands, jukeboxes, people drinking and dancing and other things.


    This is more "immersive" imho.


    You would think in Iron Forge the bars there would be happening, constantly empty..............


    I never said WoW was better... there were reasons I left that game.

    BTW, the cantinas could use some serious improvement as well... most of the NPC's in there are stationary, maybe doing an emote. They can do better to make it feel lively!

    Seriously, look around, many many NPCs are basically frozen in place, some are doing an emote... some not.

  12. ...snip...


    And you utterly missed my point. And you insult me saying it's over my head... lol hilarious! :rolleyes:

    So let me explain.

    The arguements on these forums really boil down to the people who see nothing wrong with WoW (which these people absolutely have "rose colored goggles") and for everyone of those people there is a person viewing SWTOR the same way.

    For you to focus on one without admitting the existance of the other shows your bias.

    BTW, I think WoW blows... and quit it a month after Cata (or should I say LK reskinned.) If you read any of my past posts, I'm constantly talking about learning from WoW's MISTAKES and Strengths... which apparently BW didn't.


    Edit: There are many inbetween, it's not all black and white, but the people who seem to stand out the most are the extremists.

  13. Well we'll see won't we. Vocal minorities never get the key word is minority. Be as vocal as you want it doesn't change the numbers. Not saying anyone is right or wrong, just that it'll be awhile before we know. I mean actually know not "know" like people appear to know. ;)


    So where did you get your numbers to make the above claim?

    Do you not see the irony in using your magical knowledge of the feelings of the stated majroity gamer base to dispell his curiousity of whether or not the game is going to lose subs in the coming months. (The way I see it he never claimed that it was going to, but he wondered if it would... big difference.)

  14. I think you are mistaken sir. SWTOR was the bestest game evar and BW is the mostest amazingest devloper in tha worlds. Nevar could there be bugs in the SWTOR! Simply working in the building next door to BW means your poo will never stink due to your proximity to the greatness that is BW and SWTOR.


    Fixed for ya.

    Two sides of the same coin!



  15. .... it's useless fluff ...


    I guess I don't consider immersion "useless fluff."

    Some do... doubt we'll ever agree.

    BTW, darkness, and lighting creates one heck of an atmosphere if done correctly, and really brings your scene to life. Something this game lacks IMO.

    (You only have sight and sound to reach the user with, might as well use those to the max.)

  16. To be fair and objective, this is a question that can only be answered by Bioware....

    Very true.


    ...Actually, you can do this on your servers pretty easy....

    I actually will spend some time doing this on my server only, maybe once a week on the same day, same time...


    ...But even if I did, the doom and gloom crowd would dismiss the effort...

    We're not all doom and gloom you know! I for one would like this game to survive, but I would also like it to improve, and I feel they dropped the ball on some important issues. Important being subjective of course.


    I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss people who bring up issues, however, because you can't fix things if you don't admit there is a problem. And just because you personally don't see any issues, does not mean they don't exist for others.

  17. Since SWTOR is a VO-cinematic based game, even cosmetic day/night cycles would have a massive impact on their cinematic rendering of cutscenes. And I don't think that they are prepared to spend cash and time on fixing their cinematics to support day/night cycles.


    Way too many higher priority issues to deal with right now.


    Ever notice other players moving through your field of view in cutscenes? This means that they're using the games normal rendering with a different POV. They aren't specially cut and rendered scenes, so adding lighting changes wouldn't really create work for them like you are thinking.

  18. Herb, I truly wish you the best of luck and hope your experience continues to be fun.


    I also like leveling alts, so one thing to watch out for is you may get pretty burnt out on Coruscant/Taris quests after a while if you do a bunch of alts at once.

    Also, crafting purples can burn up your money pretty fast because of missions skills and leave you without enough for speeder training at 25 (I think it's 40k + speeder cost.) Purples get replaced pretty fast as you level fast early on.

    Other than that, happy hunting! :p

  19. Question for you guys.

    Why would BW change the definition of Standard, Heavy, Light, etc on servers that never get above Standard?

    I mean, I agree with you that there is no way of knowing when they change the limits and this makes you take the data with a large grain of salt, but it seems to me that if the server is not pushing the limits, why mess with the limits?

    It was easier in the old days when you could do a /who all and see that it returned X number of players. Never tried a /who 1-50, not sure if it would work in this game.

  20. links abound around these forums telling you what I just said to be accurate. people need to stop arguing this because it is counter productive.


    Instead of arguing the FACT that subs are dropping, try contributing to fix the problem. Why is it dropping? What can be done to bring in fresh meat?


    Arguing this kinda of nonsense does nothing to help the game improve or subs rise.


    They'll still refuse to admit short comings of the game and insult you and call you troll. Stop trying to be productive!!! What are you thinking??? :D


    They have something (dunno what) to defend at all costs...


    BTW - To the guy playing for 2 weeks. I was like you, it was all shiny and new, and I took my time going through each planet, finding datacrons, doing bonus series, some flashpoints, but after a month or so the luster wore off and I could see flaws in the foundation. I play with a smaller tight group of individuals and when they left, disappointed, the game really lost it for me.

    I come here to see if improvements are being made, offer suggestions to what I think would make the game more fun for me and my friends, only to be attacked by others in a personal fashion. Truly wonderful!

  21. And WoW with 4 years of development launched with just Molten Core and Onyxia, the latter being a single boss encounter, raids added in with patch 1.1 right around when the game came out.


    And after that Nov'04 launch? Next raid, Blackwing's Lair came in a patch in Jul'05 ... that's right, roughly 8 months after launch.

    Blackwing's Lair, Ahn'Qiraj and Naxxramas were the only 40 person raids (WoW's default size at the time) added in the first 1.5 years of launch.


    There were other 5 mans scattered in, like Dire Maul and a 20 person lesser-raid, Zul'Gurub.


    But please, let's not try to sugarcoat WoW's endgame content availability during "vanilla".


    There was also no way to max level in 2 weeks.

    If you have a game that is this easy to level in, you need one of two things.

    1. A great system for leveling alts.

    2. A ton of max level content to keep your player base entertained.


    We'll see what the legacy system brings, but from what I see this game is not designed for leveling alts as the only new stuff you'll see is class quest on the way up, and the ratio of class versus side quests tips heavily in the side quests favor.


    I also do not like WoW, but for Pete's sake, learn from their mistakes and from their success!

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