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  1. Does anyone else find it just a bit worrisome that in order to play you are REQUIRED to enter the wrong password?
  2. Same with me. I was playing this morning before being told SERVERS WILL SHUT DOWN IN 1 MINUTE...... then the patch fiasco.... then I did all the little tricks they said do in General - and uninstall/reinstall reboot your PC everything. The result is that every time I press PLAY - the app shuts down with so much as a "Go **** yourself" message. I am a subscriber - I pay to play. SOMEONE please respond... .. even if it IS just a "Go **** yourself - we'll get around to it".
  3. Too bad we cant sell the cubes on the GTN...
  4. Finally! Able to log in and update! What's this? Stuck at 99.8%? And transmission speed of 4000MB/s? FML
  5. What IS amazing is that folks are pretty easy to convince to spend $40 for the item directly through the store - and no one would complain about it! Instead - you get this insane RNG-generated BS that has EVERYONE (except for the three or four guys who actually got one) is complaining about. Folks are angry, folks want refunds, etc. Just put it up for $40 and watch the $ roll in... In all seriousness - they guys that are part of the Dev Team that work on the store? They are in WAY over their heads. They need to speak to the guys that deal with this all day every day. That would be the Customer Support staff. You should be pulling intel from them. Instead, you're pulling intel from FAIL.
  6. I have not ever purchased a pack until Tuesday. I used free creds to get 2 packs. In one pack I got a Chemlizard. I dunno if it's new or what or whatever, but it IS new to me. I love it. I think I will name him Bob. Assuming Bob is a he. Checking for that sort of thing on a 12 foot lizard is usually not a good idea. In the other pack I got 2 Grand Chance cubes! Hooray!. It game me a bronze Blaster pistol and a bronze Assault cannon. Which would be OK, really, if I weren't a Marauder. That's OK - I figured I would just put them on my other toons and play with those things on them - even though I don't have a toon that can use an auto-cannon. But as I tried placing the items in the Stronghold bay - it said this crap was bound. SO I cant sell it - I cant use it - is this really how this works? Everything in these packs is new to me - I don't know if I am getting ripped off or not. Is there someplace I can go to see how these items work? Why would they force us to buy stuff we can't use? It seems to me that they should give us the choice to buy specifically what we want or if they are gonna RNG-boink us in the butt that they would at LEAST only generate items that are usable by the toon getting it...
  7. What WILL be funny is if the drop rate is changed and they start falling like 4 year old game servers.... I wonder what mr. 50 mil spent on a sword will think then?
  8. Ok - I went and took a nap for a few hours - are the servers up yet?
  9. Obviously the Community Manager agrees - there is no WAY to make this fun time. FREE CHANCE CUBES FOR EVERYONE!
  10. I have error 208 as well. The time stamp on these posts is a few hours old. I tried phone support - but the wait is over an hour. Is this thing on?
  11. They shouldn't give away credits - they should be giving us GRAND CHANCE CUBES!!!!!!!
  12. My right arm is really strong too - but I don't know why...
  13. I've got all my creds on Y. Not so much X or Z. But the damned Y - ALWAYS getting us trouble...
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