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Everything posted by Kricys

  1. They just love to make the "waaaah I wasnt there" excuse.
  2. Means nothing to you maybe but they were still possibly the first to do it. If guilds were serious they would've had their members preorder on the 21st.
  3. Beta =/= Live. I don't think you were on his server during beta.
  4. Pretty please, level faster. With a cherry on top.
  5. I'm lonely 10 people on tattooine
  6. I for one am glad I don't have to play with some of you kids as I level. If you complain this much on the forums god only knows how much you'll rage over little stuff in game.
  7. 14 people in Nar Shaddaa with me. I'm lonely
  8. They can't really camp you... You get ported to a med center.
  9. Leveled up my crafting just for you guys Buy my stuffs
  10. Well the people made themselves famous by getting hundreds of thousands to watch them lol.
  11. Dammit. Couldn't do it. Logging back in....
  12. Hey now, there were 15 other people leveling in Balmorra with me. Serious competition.
  13. They already confirmed that no one is as high as people are claiming. I'm sure by Thursday there will be a bunch of legit 50's running around. I'll prob finish sometime this weekend. Damn finals.
  14. Yeah I got in around the 3rd wave or the bonus wave before the 3rd wave, whatever it was. I'm sure with an extra 6 hours I could be near 30.
  15. My butt is sore after sitting so much today playing this game.
  16. Kricys is resting too ^_^ Curious how fast rested xp builds up lol
  17. I hit 20 and I'm gonna nap for a bit and then keep at it, saw some 21's in Balmorra. I'm sure some junkies are around 30.
  18. I'm happy Just hit level 20 and calling it a night. Game runs flawlessly.
  19. How far did everyone get. I got in around the 3rd or bonus wave, whatever you wanna call it around 1est. Bout to ding 20
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