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Everything posted by XaporKux

  1. The fact that Rome wasn't built in a day SWG lasted 7 years, look how bad that landed - No mounts for half a year! The first speeder didn't hit half a year (maybe more) after that. And more bugs than you could imagine. Time will tell i guess.
  2. Patch or no patch, people would still have something to moan about. Bioware are dammed if they do, dammed if they don't
  3. Could't agree more. Tuesday is my only day off from work, and where my wife is at work. I know we have to have weekly maintenence but surley the early hours would be the better option?
  4. Tuesday is probably the only time when i get to play all day (with brakes of course ) It'd be nice if the server downtime was in the AM (GMT) rather than in the day. I guess they can't please us all though.
  5. This reminds me of Jedi Outcast multiplayer. "Hey, why did you hit me when my lightsaber wasn't out?"
  6. True true. There are a loads of MMO peeps out there that just enjoy leveling up on their own, maybe join the odd group. swtor will never be for the "hardcore" mmo'er. That doesn't make it a bad game though. Bad launch? Not that worst iv'e seen. I'll stick around for a while, see how things pan out.
  7. SWG was was a lot more broke than this (Anyone for running around for half a year with no mounts?) Endless bugs and such but, players stuck by it. The way some folk have been going on you'd think swtor has been out for a year. stick wth it, or move on. It really is as easy as that.
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