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Everything posted by AttonStarkiller

  1. Suggestion: "For the base Class changes coming to the Bounty Hunter, please take a look at the Mercenary blog." It's 2 paragraphs, just include them rather than here go read something else in the middle of this.
  2. That one is available on the fleet from the Security Key Vendor. Toth can be found at 9 o'clock on the main level inner ring.
  3. You also need to have the Rise of the Hutt Cartel Expansion to purchase the Advanced Biochem and the other 401+ gathering and mission skills. If you have the expansion (either buying it or making the subscriber requirement) and purchased Advanced Biochem, you need to level up to 410 before you see any new schematics to train. Just make level 400 stuff to get to 410.
  4. No you only need to do the planetary storyline on Corellia. It starts off near the spaceport when you are asked to go speak to Darth Charnus. Then you are given a mission or 2 in each area of Corellia until you are in the final area (Government) and are given this final quest. Don't pick up side quests while doing it so you don't take extra time.
  5. The trophies are tied to certain achievements. I'm not signed into the game to look at the set requirements, but look in the HM achievements for Hammer Station, I think you need to defeat Battlelord Kreshan quite a few times to earn the achievement/trophy.
  6. If you're using them for the purpose of moving the armoring or barrel, you only need 3. Barrels bind to the type of offhand, so you need a scattergun for any republic needs and a vibroknife for any imperial needs. Armorings that go into generators/shields/focus only slot bind as offhand and it doesn't matter. Just be sure that you use the correct shield (tech power vs force power) if you're going to equip it to a character. Also if you don't need one of the offhands right now, you can hold onto the Helix Components since the Gree vendors are there all the time.
  7. Voss is designed for 44-47 and Corellia 47-50. If you stick to the missions on those planets there won't be any spoilers. When the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion came out, there was suddenly a lot of new content that could be taken before finishing Chapter 3. This content either gave spoilers or didn't make sense to the player. I'd stick to doing the missions on Voss and then go to Corellia. Don't pick up missions on the fleet other than the daily flashpoint ones, but you really don't need them. Depending on what part of Voss you're on, you might not be earning much XP for kills/missions. The game offers a lot of flexibility with levelling, but it's very easy to overlevel. At your level and gearing, you could easily ignore the sidequests on Voss and Corellia and just work on your Class story. Then move on to endgame locations like Ilum, Black Hole, Section X, Makeb.
  8. Assassins have Force Lift? "Haunted Dreams now lowers the activation time of Force Lift by 0.5/1.0 second while Lightning Charge is active."
  9. For Republic side, there is a bottle sitting on the bar, you click that and the scene starts. It's not marked all that well but it's there. On the Imperial side there is a table you click on as I recall. Good hunting!
  10. The gear currently purchased with Basic Comms is 162 rating, and the gear you get for the first run through is 156, you should be fine.
  11. If a developer has a reason for all the color crystal missions, I think people would be interested to hear it. If this is unintended, when can we expect to see a "fix" for it?
  12. There are a lot of new noises in 2.3. There are these noises like ET got his healing finger cause in a meat grinder. I also hear other people's Treek fighting and whatnot. I never hear other Jaesa's screaming "I'll taste their blood." Are the Tauntauns making weird noises at random times? I hear it on the fleet, look around and nothing is around. It's kinda driving me nuts. Not as nuts as people having pets out in Operations, but close. I know I could just turn off all the sound, but I like the rest of the sounds in game, just not these new additions in 2.3.
  13. Considering the game has gone to the trouble of adding a new tier of color crystals, I assume there will be upcoming dye modules and/or craft-able color crystals coming at time point. I don't have a problem with that. Here's my issue: Archaeology has only 2 means to obtain mats, finding a node or going on a mission. Scavenging and Bioanalysis can also go kill strong+ enemies and "farm" mats. For every tier of Archaeology missions so far (1-6) there has only been one color crystal mission offered at any one time. Now for the 401+ missions, I sometimes have 3 color crystal missions on my list. This gives me only 2 missions for power crystals and/or artifact fragments. There have been a couple of times where there were no color crystal missions, but for the most part there seem to be 2 or 3 at any one time. This seems a bit excessive to me. Can the color crystal missions be limited to 1 at a time, or better yet can you offer more than 5 missions at a time so that if someone wants to collect 3 stacks of color crystals in a day (why?) he can, while those of us who are synthweavers can spend our credits on missions that are a benefit.
  14. HK-51 is fun especially the comments he makes as you go around Makeb. The gear he came with is a bit light for leveling but since you can make armorings, mods and enhancements, you can really buff him up. I got my marauder to 55 without going to Makeb. I was using him to run dailies to get credits to support my other toons so I got to Makeb at 55. I had done a lot of my initial leveling with Quinn and since I got his achievements maxed, I decided to rotate my companions a bit to get the achievements for them. I am almost done with the Makeb story and I've done all the content with Pierce. Yeah he's not really used much, (kind of like Skadge, you rarely see anyone questing with him) but with the right gear (140ish rating) he's done a great job for me. I just make small changes to my own play (basically how I start a fight) and we're golden. I can usually get through a couple of mobs before having to heal up too, so stuff seems fast. As long as you have your companion geared well and play to match the strengths of the companion you are golden. Using HK on Makeb does allow you to increase his affection with the right conversation choices, so even if you don't play with him, summoning him for those can be beneficial. Unless you show organics too much mercy.
  15. Am I missing something? From 401 to 450 there are no bracers or boots for either Heavy or Medium armor?
  16. I've been playing my healer extensively since last summer and he was the first I played up to 55. That is the exact tree I use. Now I'm just working on gearing and getting back the crit, surge and alacrity I lost in gaining those 5 levels.
  17. I'm a healer and I prefer Xalek. I have him full campaign, but I have most of his armoring as resolve (more willpower) with the mods and enhancements tanking stats. Also have a resolve hilt in his saber and a resolve armoring in his shield. His total hit points are a little lower, but he does more damage and holds aggro really well. Like most of the others, I mostly send him in first and then spam force storm and heal/shield him as needed. I completed the Makeb story using Xalek and got through all the boss fights with him and completed that while still level 54. I am really of the mindset to keep 2 companions well geared and use them as needed/preferred. With all my characters that is a type that compliments my build. As a healer, I have no use for Talos (even though the stuff he says makes me laugh). So I keep Xalek geared and Ashara. With the new "Rakata" level armorings and stuff available wtih the planetary comms, I've been turing my HK into the Hunter Killer he was meant to be.
  18. I haven't had Khem off my ship in 6 or 7 months. I'm a healer and I actually have his gear slanted towards Resolve vs Force Wielder. The mods and enhancements of everything are useful tanking stats (abs,def,shield,acc) but with using resolve hilts and armorings. I feel it gives him a lot more firepower and he keeps aggro very well. The tradeoff in total health I feel I can make up as my healing is up to snuff. With myself in full campaign/partial DG and Xalek in Black Hole gear, I was able to go through the whole Makeb storyline (finished at level 54) without asking for help. I also like that if I had a piece of light armor that I had augmented and i want to go to a new shell, Xalek will be able to use that item with a new tanking augments. I went through a time where in some fights I preferred a dps companion and would use Ashara, but adding the extra willpower to xalek, I was happy with our combined dps. All that being said, I know plenty of other people that go everywhere with Khem. I do prefer listening to Khem speaking in combat to Xalek. I kind of wish they'd added some new phrases to his rotation. I just might put that in the suggestion box.
  19. Unfortunately it is intended. "Rakata Force Mystic" (from Tionese through Dread Guard) will not stack with "Force Mystic" (from the new sets). I'm a Sorc Healer and I wish it wasn't so.
  20. I follow @SWTOR on Twitter so I knew the server was coming down, but is there a reason why there can't be warning messages in game that you're bringing the server down? It's just courtesy.
  21. In the cartel market, I have always felt that any artwork is simply that. I have the purchased with credits from the GTN multiple pieces of Trailblazer, Spymaster and Phantom armorings. I knew what they would look like on my characters from using the preview function. In the case of the Phantom chest, if I had wanted a hood, I would have already been wearing something with a hood. I don't happen to like hoods as my character (male) has long sideburns, which I like when I can see his hair. I don't want to cover his face completely in a mask. With the hooded chest pieces, my toon frankly looks crazy since he is bald with sideburns. It's actually kind of creepy. And seeing the back of his bald head stick out of the back of the hood is also unacceptable. In the case of the Spymaster chest, I selected it for my Powertech and paired it with the Outlaw leggings. It looked nice to me and was the look I wanted. Now with the new design, the part below the belt clips as I run or move. It does it constantly. Again, I selected these pieces off the GTN based solely on the icon and preview views. It had absolutely nothing to do with any artwork on the cartel market. For all of us that scoped out the in game pictures of the gear (sites like dulfy and others) and made purchases based on that, this is a complete stab in the back. Sure there are players that like or love the changes, but considering that a Phantom chestpiece was going for 300000 and more on the GTN shows that a lot of people really liked the look. If I had an inkling that this was going to happen, I would have likely waited or gone for something different. In the interest of full disclosure, I do like the Trailblazer change, but if you came back in the next patch and said, all looks are returning to 1.6.1, I wouldn't be mad about it. Right now though, I am mad about it.
  22. Thank you very much for organizing this. I have had quite a few transactions with HC members and everything has been as promised and the pricing (I provided the mats) was quite reasonable. I now have much better main and offhand items for a couple of my 50s. Thank you!
  23. I too am looking for someone who can make this, either faction. Mats and credits set aside too.
  24. If you feel your Quinn isn't healing you well enough, you might turn off his cc (carbonized stream). This ability is channeled for 8 seconds and that's 8 seconds he'd not healing you.
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