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Posts posted by Ankhkharu

  1. I know how they work the SW universe. This might astound you but there are people out there who know things you don't. You shouldn't assume your ignorance on a topic is a universal thing. Heat doesn't have a color unless it's burning something (that parts real science). As to why he has a cross guard? To look cool mostly, I mean do you think lightsabers staffs are practical?


    Here's the cross guard lightsaber: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Crossguard_lightsaber


    The moment you said I'm ignorant is the moment you've totally lost any credibility in my eyes. Your only argument for crossguard theory is what? It's there TO LOOK COOL? **** me, that convinced me on the spot. I'm done wasting time here, go back to reading the wiki articles and pretending to be the guru of SW universe little man.

  2. Yeah... I don't think you know how lightsabers work. If it was just venting plasma and not a blade, the plasma would shoot out to infinity.


    You're absolutely correct I don't "know" anything about lightsabers and neither do you because they don't exist. It's not venting plasma for godssakes, it's just venting extreme amount of heat.


    Crossguards? How many lightsaber users are in force awakens since the force is only awakening? 1 and he's old ? So guarding from what exactly?

  3. No, man... this lightsaber has already been seen in the extended universe. It's a lightsaber crossbar, not vents.


    Have a look at the trailer and you can see the small bits protruding from the hilt are vents - and I say it because what's coming out of them is actually burning and looks nothing like lightsaber blade.

  4. These are vents, not "small sabers" if you look at the blade it's shifting and seems unstable, it most likely is the case of imperfect replication of the original lightsaber where whoever made this one had to improvise due to construction knowledge not being available anymore. Guess he didn't want to go to Luke and inquire.
  5. Working as intended,


    You think Bioware wouldn't know this would have happened? They did us a favor by not announcing "participation reward" sooner, otherwise the whole season would be filled with people that just join to lose 10 games.


    Ranked should require full pvp gear, period. There is simply not enough people playing ranked wz for real matchmaking, so at least make it so you can't join RWZ without it.


    I returned to the game late in the season 3 after taking a break from it after S1, because of what Bio did, achieving decent rating in 20-30 games without queue sync or win trading is simply impossible due to number of undergeared clueless people and trolls (I've had people join games with no gear whatsoever). Total cesspool.

  6. Solo ranked is a cesspool most of the time at this point, since they announced the rewards you have all sorts of people queueing up for a match, no gear, no idea what they're doing and not interested in winning at all, they just want the crystal. Personally I was never a big fan of solo queue, I don't like getting stressed over just a game.


    My advice is to do what you're doing and improve and your own pace. If you ever see me in a wz or ranked game /say hi :-)

  7. From a marketing point of view, this would have been brilliant idea to bring the game to consoles, dumb it down and make it more action based. I mean, anything star wars-ey on consoles sells like hot cakes. Give the console players Cartel Market and you're set.


    Fact is, the guy mentioned Torguta as playable species, cross faction gameplay (which at this point we're pretty sure will happen at some point with the new expansion bundling factions together) and continuation of class storylines (which nobody did expect since so many resources have been pulled out of SWTOR).


    Either he's very very very lucky with all that guesswork or he has some insider info. Which thinking about it, wouldn't really be too hard to come by if you work for either Disney or EA.

  8. AKA Darth Malgus facemask less the glowing bits so we can recolor it to our liking


    Basically, one of the coolest face masks in the game (since launch despite so many different armor models to choose from) and yet it's still not adaptive. Operatives, Marauders, Bounty Hunters and of course, Juggernauts can wear it, can't see the reason why Sorcerers as well as Republic side should not be able to equip a simple rebreather mask.


    You released the full Juggernaut renowned set as Sith Raider set yet no mask to go with it, guys it's about time. My asthmatic sin is not complete without it ;-)

  9. Thanks for all the replies guys, yeah I pretty much got all the adv classes I was after at 55 now so it's more or less what I will spend time on between now and expansion. I think I'll stick to concealment op for now and get some pvp weapons for commendation swap.
  10. Sup guys,


    Been playing since launch with some minor breaks, got experience with pretty much all classes at 55 except shadow/sin tank, but it's getting to a point where I have most of my classes semi-geared up and I keep hopping between them without being able to focus and truly master one specifically. I have periods when I play one more over the others but they're all kinda around the same valor. I'm also decent with all of them but not the kind of decent when you play single class for a thousand matches.


    So, need help to choose - if you had all classes geared up at 55 and wanted to stick to one what would you go with considering current meta and your overall experience for 8v8? I really don't like arena too much anymore, I've played a lot in S1 and got burnt out. Also, I'm on ToFN and I get this feeling that Empire is much more pvp focused.

  11. All this would achieve is more PUGs in Rated for top teams to rotflstomp on which would lead to frustration and sense of not being able to feel good at PvP. If someone can put together an 8man team they are probably already playing rated anyway.
  12. You have most likely encountered a player that isn't new to the class. I played Operative on Ahto City back in the days before the merge and I just started leveling one. I do tend to make quick work of other players at level 13 or 14 mainly thanks to the knowledge and long hours put into the class at release and after. Of course this stops being the case once you face people with 40+ lvl and gear surge stacked they will most likely tear you a new one, even if not very skilled then by gear alone.


    My advice is not to worry, Operative is a very 1v1 centered class and can easily get upper hand even at lower levels, paying a steep price in mobility and utility.

  13. Sorry mate, but this is purely CPU's fault. You need somewhere around 2.8-3GHz to handle all the crap that happens in the background. Graphics is not the issue, this has been tested and benchmared into oblivion since the game came out, you need more juice per core, not better graphics or RAM sorry.


    I ran the game with 280GTX graphics and 2.4ghz core 2 quad, upgraded to i5 and ran the game in highest settings everything maxed out etc. no issue anywhere.

  14. Go marauder, in 2.0 assuming not much will change with skill trees for marauder Carnage will be freaking ridiculous. I've played since the beta, first as vigilance guardian then as for last 7 months or so marauder annihilation specced. Only thing that jugg/guardian excel at is ball carrying and possibly guarding nodes if they are tank/dps hybrid.


    In 2.0 every marauder will respec into carnage for pvp at least, it's just that good.

  15. Before I respond to relevant points, let me just say - PvP is what I play pretty much every day since 13th December. I've played nearly all the classes and decided to stick with Marauder. I'm also decent at PvP and very rarely lose 1v1 if such a thing occurs in a warzone, unless I'm on 30% hp and even then not always. My point of view will be purely PvP oriented.


    The quintessential 2-3 sentences I've highlight in bold for feedback.


    1. People think Marauder class is overpowered. In my opinion, a decent player who plays PvP a lot can make any class seem overpowered and in need of a nerf. Ranged players don't realize how squishy we are, our most useful spec has little to no burst, if we get stunlocked we get torn to shreds since all our defenses are active. If DPS operatives were any more popular, we'd be in big trouble. Pyro's can kite us into oblivion with their never ending auto snare. I see Sages and Sorcerers trying to facetank me which is a very very bad idea. IMHO at equal gear level I could defeat most Marauders as any other class, some, like gunslingers/snipers, would have it much easier, some a bit harder but it's not a matter "I can't do anything marauders are OP". Yesterday I've met first Sentinel in a Warzone that was playing on my or possibly even higher level, he was using his abilities in the right time and not making mistakes while circle strafing and running through me all the time. I can understand how this can be confusing to people who don't come from a pvp background as it makes activating your abilites a lot more difficult. When you end up losing to a Marauder who self heals himself and you're dead and he's on 85% HP, yeah that could seem like a straight OP thing, this however can only happen if player is inexperienced and Marauder pops most of his defensive cd's.


    2. Annihilation is very good 1v1 however doesn't provide much group utility, damage easily countered if the group has 2+ guarded healers as they have more spare gcd's and will purge your dots. This is my biggest gripe with Anni spec, purging makes you feel like you do no damage whatsoever. Carnage - ok for RWZs but easily countered by plethora of knockbacks, stuns = low uptime on target, short window for Gore doesn't help but I do understand why this is the case. Rage? Gimmicky spec useful once every blue moon in Voidstar but anywhere else other specs would come ahead, it does good damage only every 15 sec or so. Smash animation is slow and easily countered by someone who knows their stuff.


    And now just my general feel of the class vs others, feel free to skip this one


    Sorcerer - Madness 9 sec root for 2 sec, they slow and kite us, you get to him he sprints away, dots you into oblivion and runs away from you. His dots tick for craploads of damage and aside of going into Camouflage not much can be done to counter it.

    Sorcerer - Lighting - turret spec, only dangerous in PvP if left alone

    Assassin Darkness - (in)famous tank spec with dps gear, before the nerf they would outlast everyone, it seems to be more in line now, experienced player behind this class is very very dangerous

    Assassin Deception - Hit hard, hit fast, when out of stealth this class can't facetank and stand toe to toe with us, if attacks from stealth it can tear you a new one very quickly

    Pyro PT - Uh where do I start, this class has very low learning curve, you could put a monkey behind the keyboard and it would do very well. All attacks are instant, in reality thanks to CGC you're always snared. Dots have 100% armor penetration and every six seconds you get rail'ed for ridiculous amount. God of kiting and damage at the moment, two pyros on one team can put enough pressure on enemy healers by just spreading the dots it's insane. Best single target damage in game. Very good counter to Marauders.

    Mercenary - you let them cast, they crit like a ^(*^*&%&^$%&$, if you can stick to them as Anni you'll probably win. Turret specs are easily countered in general thanks to 6sec interrupt.

    Sniper - Hard counter to Marauders if played well for obvious reasons, was least played class in the game, I bet it's a lot more popular right now

    Operative DPS - not many of them around, if they get you from stealth you might just wake up dead if there's anybody else from their team around. If this class ever gets a gap closer I might just consider going back to it (I have one at 50)

    Juggernaut Vengeance- good defenses for a DPS spec, a lot of upfront damage but fully shut down with 90% accuracy debuff. If they have their defensive cd's up they will whoop your *** hard

    Jugg Immortal - not many of them around and when you see them in full WH it's like 25k hp, they still do decent damage but fighting them feels like throwing rocks at mount everest.

  16. I played as Op for a while after the release, this is what I think was the case:


    around lvl 40 two things happen for concealment specced Operative, first - you get Acid Blade as top 31 point skill which debuffs target with 30% armor penetration. Second, you get access to surge mods. Operatives have naturally much higher crit chance than any other class. If he was fully decked out in surge, he would be tearing people apart and there's nothing you probably could do about it.


    Think of the bright side, they have next to zero group utility and crap mobility. Stealth and burst damage being the only things that keep people playing this class, and many have rerolled to some form of healer already. For me, gamestyle got boring very quickly, you also feel very useless in Huttball compared to other classes, unless your idea for usefulness is to be able to take someone from 100-0 in few gcds once every 2 min or so.

  17. Main reason why PvP in group edition is so fast and TTK is low is because of debuff stacking. Once this is fixed and debuffs overlap instead of stack (i.e. I'm debuffing the target with 8% armor reduction but he already has 8% reduction from someone else, it will stay at 8% and right now it is additive so 16% etc.) dying under focused fire will take longer and game will become more tactical, they already said it's work in progress.
  18. Skolops as much as you probably would like it to, your personal experiences dont seem to apply to rest of the population. Great majority of players are enjoying this event and will enjoy it for the days to come. Yeah it will make finding a group to do something a bit more difficult initially, but will change soon after. So stop exaggerating the whole situation and writing walls of text as I'm honestly trying to find something valuable in them but all it says is



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