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Posts posted by Lorrimar

  1. Thanks for this. What about against multiple mobs? For instance, the three droid bosses in HM D7 with the shields. I could not keep the aggro on all 3 of them for the life of me.



    Multiple mobs can be rough for a Guardian. Force Sweep on CD & Cyclone Slash as much as possible & use that AoE taunt. Single target for us feels pretty good right now, but our AoE threat is pretty poor. In a non aoe situation, just put enough threat on the mobs to keep them off your healer & mark one to have your DPS focus fire down. I have the social marking item thingy i use for stuff like this since right clicking the regular marks takes too long.

  2. I asked that question for the developer Q&A this week & got this answer today:


    Currently, there are no PvE green Lightsaber crystal schematics that provide +41 stat color crystals. Orange Lightsaber crystal schematics for +41 PvE stats drop off Primal Destroyer – the Rancor world boss on Belsavis. There are currently no PvP orange Lightsaber crystal schematics that provide +41 stat color crystals. The PvP green Lightsaber crystal is on the PvP items vendor for 500 Warzone commendations. It is not sold as a schematic. Players buy the crystal directly.



    I've posted another question asking if we will see Orange PvP crystals & Green PvE crystals. Hopefully they will decide to pick mine to answer at the end of next week.

  3. Last week I asked the question regarding availability of green & orange +41 stat color crystals. Thank you very much for your response. It seemed to indicate that Orange was currently a PvE crystal color & Green was a PvP only crystal color if you want one with +41 stats. My question this week is: Are there any plans for adding Orange crystals for PvP & Green crystals for PvE with +41 stats on them?
  4. With the game update to 1.2 Artifice patterns were added for +41 stat color crystals for blue & red off the daily vendor as well as blue & yellow off the pvp vendor. Many people are wondering what happened to the green and orange crystal patterns? Rumor is that the orange patters are a random drop from high level mobs & chests, but I have yet to read or hear anything about anyone locating a pattern for the +41 stat green color crystals. Can you confirm that the orange patters are now high level world drops & can it be confirmed that the green color patterns are in the game somewhere?
  5. One of the 1st things I started looking for when I started playing ToR was a slider to scale my UI. I feel like it's just a little to big for me. I don't often click on abilities, so it is more of a reference than a target for me. I couldn't find any options that seemed to allow me to adjust the size of the UI more to my liking. However, I just watched the "A Look at the old republic" video here:




    If you check around the 2:43 mark it looks like exactly what I am trying to do. Is this option somewhere in game that I just haven't been able to locate or is it something that is going to be added in a future patch?


    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    Thank you.

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