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Everything posted by Lorrimar

  1. when I quit I had 4, a paladin, a warrior, a shaman & a mage. I raided on my paladin. I just don't get excited about the same "collect 12 bear butts" quest in a different zone. I have never used the friend invite, so I cannot comment on how much that effects leveling. As far as BoA gear, yeah, I leveled the mage & the warrior using that & while it made it slightly less painful, I did not feel like it made the horrible leveling in wow much more than marginally better 8 characters to 55 in swtor is pretty impressive. I doubt it's something that I will ever attempt. I'm not much of an achievement hunter, so I don't take things like that into account when deciding how to spend my play time. I could absolutely see that after 8 times you are feeling burned out leveling here, but I bet someone with 8 90's in wow feels just as burnt out for leveling as you do. Lastly regarding the GF queues in ToR, queue as a tank or healer if you class is capable of it. I leveled my sage that way & barely had to do anything other than class quests on planets & most of the time my queue popped in <10 mins. Also, with the addition of the Kuat Drive Yards you have a dungeon available to almost any level with a queue that pops almost instantly for DPS. I do it a few times a week on my 48 gunslinger.
  2. I wouldn't necessarily call it a short attention span. I work a job that I love, but generally requires a 40+ hour work week, I like to occasionally go out with my friends & SWTOR isn't the only game I am currently playing. That said, there are only so many hours in the day. If i decide to check a game out & spend 2-4 hours on a Saturday afternoon giving it a go & after that point I feel like it's not something I am going to enjoy then that's most likely going be the end of it. My 1st SWTOR class was a jedi knight & the 1st 2 hours felt pretty epic & absolutely made me want to see more of the story for my character.
  3. Yeah, I was there for that. It ended up being marginally better than the complete cluster f*ck that it was before, but it was still really really bad. I mean you can polish a turd all you want, but at the end of the day its still a turd, just a bit more shiny now.
  4. in SWTOR leveling is pretty fun, they wrote a good story & it has nice voice acting. Usually for me leveling is just something in the way of me getting to end game, but his is the 1st game where I have actually enjoyed leveling. Leveling in WoW is punishment for unnamed sins. It's tedious, boring, repetitive & all in all one of the least enjoyable leveling experiences out there. If I was still playing wow, I would buy up those things in a heartbeat. For SWTOR, I wouldn't touch something like that.
  5. I've played wow on & off since a few months after launch. I left wow for a year when swtor came out & then went back when I quit swtor (largely due to lack of new ops). If you dislike dailys, wow may not be the game for you. Since I have been back to swtor (about 2 & a half months), I have done some dailys, not many but a few. They are not my favorite thing in the world, but are completely unnecessary for end game progression. Now imagine this, you're running your SM ops & HM 55 FP's you finally get enough ultimate coms for those shiny new pants that you have been eyeing for the last few weeks. You go to purchase them only to find out that to use the coms you already ran FP's & Op's for you have to go do dailys every day for the next month to have the privilege of spending your coms on the upgrades you wish to buy. The last wow xpack might as well have been called World of Daily quests, cause if you want to upgrade your gear, get ready to do those same dailys for the 23rd day in a row. I left wow because my raid group fell apart. Outside of the raids there was literally nothing that was fun for me in that game.
  6. me personally, I run ops & flash points. I play this game for the end game group centered PvE. Hopefully we'll see some more non tactical FP's & Ops in the near future
  7. there's a dude on shadowlands pub side that looks exactly like Lion-O from thundercats! O.o
  8. I think that most people when trying a new game are going to give it a couple hours & if nothing up to that point makes them want to spend more time on it, then that's the end of that. Maybe the Devs should spend a little more time making that 1st 2 hours more compelling. I know I'm personally not going to push through 10 hours of a game hoping for it to get good when I feel that it sucks at the 2 hour mark.
  9. My main, 55 sage healer http://i.imgur.com/Mypmhfi.jpg
  10. a cowboy type hat without a chinstrap, face mask or goggles attached to it.
  11. ..........& suddenly every sage stopped throwing rocks & started throwing lightning. but seriously, I would buy the hell out of this.
  12. checked yesterday & this is still happening with patch 2.6a
  13. checked yesterday & this is still happening with patch 2.6a
  14. Just checked this today with patch 2.6 & unfortunately it is still not working correctly. It seems that any animation that makes your saber disappear (looting, casting some force abilities, clicking meditation) still cause all the effects on the saber to go away until you put it away & then pull it back out again.
  15. Just checked today with patch 2.6. Unfortunately this is still broken. not sure if it's the same on all models, but I am using body type 2.
  16. The issue: Once you kill that weekly quest boss in an operation, there's always at least a few people that leave & since you are already past the boss that completes the quest, it's generally very difficult to find replacements for the players that leave. My suggestion: make every boss after the "weekly boss" also complete the weekly quest. since you are saving yourself to the op, it's not like you will be able to go back & kill that boss again that week. I feel that it would make life a little easier on those of us who like the full runs. Thank you
  17. I purchased a Dark Initiate's Robe off the cartel market when I was around level 30. it never had a problem with clipping the back of my character's head until a recent patch. Now: http://i.imgur.com/iVMlL6F.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nWd1F2y.jpg I have also noticed this same clipping issue with the Diabolist Robes. I recently acquired those, so I am not aware of how long they have had this problem, but I can assure you that the Dark Initiate's Robe did NOT have this issue prior to the patch before last.
  18. checked last night after the new patch & this is still broken
  19. I actually had one I forgot to turn in last bounty week. when i tried to turn it in this week, it just started the quest over. @op You lost today, kid. But that doesn't mean you have to like it.
  20. WoW has more content, but has been dumbed down to the point where you have more character flexibility in the latest Call of Duty game than you do for your character in WoW SWTOR has nice character depth, leveling isn't the chore that it is in WoW & a better crafting system. However that said, it is lacking in content comparable to WoW.
  21. what's really odd is that I also have a volatile derelict lightsaber as well that does not seem to have this issue. I have never seen it lose it's effects.
  22. This game could always use another tank of some sort *shrug*
  23. I gots me a gunslinger that's just a waitin for the next one too.
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