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Posts posted by Lorrimar

  1. What part of "I don't want to fight the Dread Masters for another 12 months" do you not understand?


    This, so much this. As someone who has played since right after launch, I have seen SM of every op in the game, HM on 80% or more of them & even NiM on several. I DO NOT wish to keep doing the same ops I have cleared again and again for the last few years. It looks like I will have to find another MMO to give my 15 bucks to each month.

  2. Good thing they fixed the slot machine loot though much more important then ops loot the 16m ops loot has been messed up since 3.0 and the slots have been out what a whole week i cant wait to see how much stuff 3.1 messes up


    Actually & this is coming from someone who runs 2-3 16 man ops every week, I believe that the slot machines were more damaging to the game as a whole than the missing loot in 16 mans. While it would have been nice to get that fixed this patch, at least it has been acknowledged & is being fixed in a fairly short time from now.

  3. Lol if you are upset about 7k pulls, wait until it is 11.8k per pull. But regardless, I dont see that as much of a drain considering you can make that in 3 daily missions. But the do need some credit sinks in the game.


    I'll quit this game if the only reliable way to make credits becomes dailys. I don't like dailys, I don't do dailys. If you like em, that's awesome, but they are not for me.

  4. Really? Our guild has a 16m team that we run through both SM ops... and we haven't ever gotten 16m loot.


    My guild also runs weekly 16 man ops. It seems that there is a small % chance that you will get 2 token drops. We have only seen it happen once with multiple clears each week. It's horribly lame & really discourages people running 16 man.

  5. What do you need all that cash for? If you just runs ops, you have everything you need.


    I suspect Bioware did some math and decided that cheaper prices for casuals was more valuable than keeping a few rich crafters happy.


    Repair bills, stims & the absurd amount of credits it costs to pull the mods out of a new piece of gear. Also I occasionally like to change the way my character looks. Unfortunately that has become so outlandishly expensive that I have actually craft & sell things on the GTN just to change clothes once in a while.

  6. I run ops & make all my money selling mats & crafted items. I have no desire to run dailys for cash, I like crafting. So now instead of sending my minions on rich yield crafting missions hoping for purple mats, I'm going to have to stand in front of a slot machine clicking for an hour a day or my prices on augments, armorings, augment slots & barrels are no longer competitive. When you can get an epic slicing material from 5k worth of tokens, something is broken. I have always enjoyed a robust economy in my MMOs & it will be sad if the economy tanks so hard here that crafting is no longer a viable way to make credits. That may finally be what makes me try out some of the newer MMOs in the market.
  7. I'd really love to hear if/when a fix for this might be coming out or if I should just give up because the dev's can't be bothered to fix a visual bug that's been going on for a couple years now. I just wish I would have know this thing was broken before I put the time in to grind out Gree rep.
    • Massive skill tree overhaul
    • 2 new planets
    • 2 new operations
    • 2 new tacticals
    • 4 new hard mode tacticals


    As well as whatever else they haven't shared with us yet. To those of you who were moaning about a lack of content.. satisfied?


    Nope, not at all.


    The massive skill tree overhaul is rubbish, taking away options because it's a pain in the *** to balance your game is a cheap, lazy way out.


    2 new planets - ok I guess, if it's just 2 new daily zones, that's a waste


    2 new Ops - not enough, need more Ops


    2 new Tacticals - that probably will be only max level which makes no sense as the only time you really need tacticals is when you are leveling


    4 HM FP's - that's nice, but again, need more real (not stupid tactical) FP's

  8. *sigh*


    the simplification of the talent trees was one of the main reasons that I left World of Warcraft. When the average Call of Duty game has more character customization options than your supposed RPG, there is an issue. God it sucks that this game is being made stupider.

  9. And what extra customisation is there? I just don't see it. Perhaps there are some hybrids in PvP, but mostly it's 36 + change. therefore, I don't see anything changing. And I especially don't see enough customisation as is to involve PnP lol!


    I'm not necessarily talking about hybrid specs, though I do like the fact that there are viable hybrid specs out there. For example, my main is a healing sage, but my spec is just a few points different than the spec that most healing sages run. I manage my force a little differently than most sages I have talked to & was able to tweak my spec just a little to suit my personal play style. That's what I value.


    I understand that no pc game for the foreseeable future will be able to emulate the sheer volume of customization options available in a pen n paper game. I've already compromised my customization options by moving to playing my RPG's on a computer, I simply don't wish them compromised further.

  10. For some reason I feel like getting rather GRILLED today, so I decided to leave this here. This is what I(important) would want.


    1. Cataclysm style talent trees: I feel like current talent trees are one big mess that goes against "show don't tell" principle. Any upside to it? Well, it's rather easy to balance for devs. What is missing? The focus of talent trees is not visible enough and you can be left up to lvl 40(Engineering Sniper) wondering *** am I good at/*** is different. Such scenarios MUSTN'T happen! I repeat, MUSTN'T. Every specialisation should be plenty different by the level 30(at the very latest-and this is too late as well-act 2 ffs!). This is where Cataclysm style talents would come in handy. Example: Dirty Fighting Scoundrel:


    Base ability: Wounding shots(you can't really argue that this ability is the core of D.Fighting)

    Base passive 1: Cheap Shots(DoT + WS dmg +10-20%)

    Base passive 2: Quick reactions(After leaving stealth: Energy regen +25%)


    See how nice accent it'd give to D.F? Instead of waiting until 30 or so, you get it, you see it and you evaluate it ASAP. What's to lose? Hybrids, but they are on the path to extinction anyhow, so nothing lost :D .



    That alone would make me move to another game. I came to MMO's from pen and paper gaming & value the level of customization that is available in the talent trees in SWToR. This was the primary reason WoW no longer gets $15 from me a month. When your average console shooter has more character build customization options than an MMORPG something is dead wrong.

  11. that's what's really weird about this bug, it's not actually All weapons with special effects. I have a gree lightsaber that has this problem, but I have a (i believe this is the name) volatile derelict lightsaber that has a smoke effect on the lower part of the blade & that effect stays put no matter what. You'd think that if some of them worked correctly it would be easy to fix the ones that don't but apparently that is not correct. :(
  12. This is not a hate rant or anything, just some observations. One of my long standing pet-peeves with the game is the setting.


    So, the game is set somewhere around three thousand years before the events of the Star Wars movies, yet the technology is still the same. The weapons, the ships, the cities, even the fashion are the same as that in the movies. Look at how far (real) human technological advancement has progressed in the last three thousand years—even in the last fifty—and yet the design of battleships, even handguns, in the Star Wars universe has not changed in thousands of years. I think it would have been cool if the game was set as the many races had advanced into space travel, or just discovered laser technology, etc. Anything that would have made the game feel like it was a long, long time before the rise of Darth Vader.


    That said, I’m not gonna stop playing!


    Anyway, what is your take?


    I haven't read this whole thread, so I am unsure if someone mentioned it or not, but check out the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov. It's all about how technology can ebb & flow in a universe. I always took the star wars universe to be much like that. Through various wars & other actions things have caused technology to advance & then degrade over thousands of years multiple times.

  13. Well yes but I don't want to open too many of those legacy sets as they just end up taking up space. I am sure everyone has their own way of doing things but for me this legacy storage, though not entirely what I hoped for, is certainly more than a crafter's storage, that's all I'm saying.



    my apologies brother, I did not mean to spit my venom at you. I am just so damn disappointed that after all this time, this is the garbage that we get. Instead of being something that could have been incredibly useful & helpful.

  14. You clearly don't have a lot of characters. I switch back and forth constantly to move gear and items around. Think of an item that you have on one of your 21 characters but you forget which one.... Now I can stick such items in a legacy bank. Believe it or not but this will literally save me hours each week.


    I guess not as I only have 11. If you have been a sub for a while, aren't you getting the 4 crates of legacy armor on each of your characters? Personally each of my characters opens up & unloads a single one of the crates & stores it in their bank, that way everyone in my legacy can mail stuff pretty much at any time to another member of my legacy. No additional GHS nonsense required.

  15. Aside from shared crafting storage, which is actually a big deal to some of us, I will also be happy to stick all my legacy bound gear in here. The idea that all my legacy orange gear is in one place and I can move mods without having to use the mail system is also a great thing to me.


    If a character gets a drop and wants to send the mods to an alt, chances are the legacy gear is on another toon as it is. Then I have to log onto the other toon and send orange legacy gear to the other character, then remod and send it to the character the mods are for after wich I have to send the legacy orange gear back to the character who has all of them for safe keeping.


    With the legacy storage it saves me 4 mail messages and 1-2 character relogs. To me that's a great thing.


    Also items like the mggs and hydro thinner etc can be easily shared, not to mention found. Or items like the legacy relics. Once you have a number of characters and forgot which one had what.


    Sure I really wished it could hold credits as well, but it certainly is more than just crafting storage to me.


    that seems like a lot of development time to save you what, 3 minutes while you send those 4 mail messages & logged in & out of 2 characters?

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