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Posts posted by ceryxp

  1. For the second data stream you have to use the macrobinoculars that are in your Mission Items inventory. If you try to scan with the icon on the mission it will fail. The mission fails to update the mission item thus preventing it from scanning. It has been this way for years.
  2. It's not specifically stated what he did, but it's claimed that The Emperor did something to the Valkorian body to protect it from the ravages of the Dark Side that had consumed other Voices.


    This, but it also appears that Vitiate was not always in control of Valkorion, which may have been a factor.


    We do know from lore that Vitiate took a little time to fully integrate with a new Voice, so there had to be some process of integration and / or hollowing out of the host, but I suspect the process of integrating with a new Voice was similar to that of possessing Master Surro on Ziost, and since it was more of a forceful possession that burned out the host. That appears to be different from what Vitiate says they did with Valkorion, and, it would seem, what Vitiate planned to do to the Outlander. Vitiate says that they found Valkorion on Zakuul and hollowed them out to make them a host.


    I would say the difference is that Vitiate took the time to prepare Valkorion as a permanent (or semi-permanent) host and intended to do that again, but the Voices were not afforded as much attention. The possession was more forceful and they were always intended to be temporary.

  3. What you have asked for, OP, is to friend a legacy, which is absolutely not the same thing as a legacy friends list.


    I would love a legacy friends list. A single friends list that is used by all of my characters on my legacy so that I do not have to add a character multiple times on my characters. That would be great.


    But that is a hard no from me on a friend a legacy system.

  4. Okay, I think I understand the issue. I think you purchased the Appearance Options: Chiss Customization 1, which costs 240 CC. The species unlock, called Legacy Unlock: Chiss costs 600 CC if purchased through the Cartel Market, 1.5 million credits if purchased through the species page in your Legacy window (requires, IIRC, minimum level 10 and legacy level 50), or those same values if unlocked via the Appearance Modification terminal.


    The Appearance Options: Chiss Customization 1 is a pack of appearance option for Chiss characters, specifically 2 skin colours and 2 hair colours, but it does not unlock access to the species for your legacy.


    Open the Cartel Market and in the search field type "chiss," which will return those two items. If you hover your mouse over the Appearance Options: Chiss Customization 1 you may see a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in it on the Buy Now button; that means you have already unlocked the option for your account. If that is what you purchased the, somewhat, bright side is that appearance option unlocks such as Chiss Customization 1 are account unlocks, so those appearance options will apply to your entire account across all servers.


    Unfortunately, if that is what you bought then you did not unlock the Chiss species for your legacy and you will either need to spend an additional 600 CC's for Legacy Unlock: Chiss, level a Chiss character to level 50, which will unlock that species on that server, or spend 1.5 million credits to unlock the species in your Legacy window, if you are eligible.

  5. Years since Iv'e played and have a general question about buying the species unlock from the cartel market : For 240 cartel coins I can buy the species for different character creation but how do I unlock say Chiss for empire side sith warrior or inquisitor? or Any new character on my account thats not a bounty hunter? ... Anyone know what i have to do even though I just paid 240 and still species are locked when I create a new character.. hmm


    When you purchase a species unlock from the Cartel Market it will first go into your unclaimed items, from where you will have to claim it. You can view your unclaimed items via the button in the bottom right of the CM window. I believe that species unlock tokens go directly into your inventory, but if nothing appears in your inventory check your pack explorer (it is one of the icons to the bottom of the menu that sticks out to the left of your inventory). If it is in your pack explorer than you will need to additionally claim the token from there. Once the species unlock token is in your inventory you need to right-click it to apply it.


    Unlocks for the basic species are per legacy / per server. The premium species (Cathar, Togruta, and Nautolan) are account wide unlocks. Once you have applied the species unlock there are two ways you can verify that it applied. If it was one of the basic species you can view the species tab in your legacy to see that the species is unlocked for your legacy. If it is a premium species you will have to check at character generation, from which you can also verify basic species, as well.

  6. Ideally they would relocate the US servers to TX so that ping is more fair for everyone (but we know they won’t)


    Oh no, that would be a terrible idea. The Texas energy grid is utter rubbish. Due to a few reason, but mostly just Texas being Texas, the Texas grid is the only one in the country that is not on the national grid, and Texas has failed to make much needed upgrades to their grid. The big power failure of winter last was not the first time that has happened. Twice before it has happened, for the same reason, and both times follow-up reports indicated that Texas needed to make a number of improvements to their energy production and delivery systems. And they have yet to do so.


    There are many other reasons to not be in Texas, but that is a rather big one.

  7. Have they actually made any official reference to when it will start? If not, this does seem like a good guess based on what they do with PVP seasons.


    I was actually surprised when I logged in and all references to galactic seasons were suddenly removed from the game. I expected season 2 to start immediately or to get a placeholder saying it was on hiatus with some idea of when it might start up again.


    They said during the stream in July that Season 2 would launch with 7.0 and that 7.0 was coming around the holidays 2021. Which, more than likely means, ~2 weeks before Christmas, we may (maybe) get a patch the following week, and then they will go incommunicado for 3-4 weeks, and the first real patch to fix the game breaking bugs will come sometime in February.

  8. If you did not complete the story you do not receive the legacy achievements. Whether you levelled a level 1 character to 70 and skipped the story, used a Master's Datacron to level to 70 and skipped the story, or started at level 70 with a Commander's Character Token you skipped the class story. Further, as mentioned in the pop-up warnings that precede the latter expansions, starting them locks you out of the class story, which includes the class companion conversations. If you want the class story achievements, and the companion achievements from completing all conversations, then you must play the entire class story. Further, unless it has changed, using anything to skip the levelling processes (either an MD or a CCT) does not grant the species unlock awarded for levelling a character of that species to level 50.


    From your post it sounds like you skipped the class story, which means you do not receive the class story achievements.


    Also, it is Consular, not Counselor. Although, the Consular is a counsellor as they do tend to give sage advise, and they do have the opportunity to become a Councillor by joining the High Council. So, it could be said that the Consular is both a counsellor and a Councillor.

  9. 100-level grinds, paired with a timer and cash-outs, aren't intended to be completed. They're intended to produce cash-outs.


    And yet I did it six times (two accounts on three servers to level 100) well before the end of the season. And on the other two servers I got to level 28 on both accounts. Now, full disclosure, I did use credits to unlock level 95 on my alt account on DM. But then, I did also have surgery a few weeks ago and that limited how much I could play for about three weeks. I did not spend a single Cartel Coin on the season, though, and my CC balances on both accounts have swelled as a result.

  10. 4) They're asking to have /complaining about not having, the same romance choices as male PCs but as female PCs. So, it's asking for the same thing. Only difference now would be, for it to happen, it'd have to be a new NPC that everyone can romance.


    No. Once again, what has been pointed out is that there is not one single male Jedi Force user companion that can be romanced and even Charles has acknowledged that discrepancy.



    All the complaints about sexism (both explicit and implicit)? Big difference between that and "can we have more male FU romance options please? I would enjoy that for X reasons"


    Yeah, it is difficult to bring attention to an inequality without pointing out there is an inequality. So your issue is with how it was asked, and since the "ask" was not to your specification that it is wrong. Yeah, and that type of gatekeeping has been going on for centuries.


    Well you can both sod off since your only rebuttals seem to be "well not everything has to be equal," and "no one wants to kiss the fish-man?," or "your phrasing does not meet with my approval." Well, we do not need your approval to point out any -ism, -ist, or -phobia. Not especially when they are made so evident as the clear male cis-het bias that is evident throughout most of the game, especially in the OC game. Even SK recognizes it.


    Though, it does seem a lot of the stories were written with the class being male (even the female written smuggler story was said to have been written on the idea of it being a male character).


    What I'm surprised by, a bit, is that all the classes were written with that thought.

  11. The point the OP is trying to make is that the male force users have female force users to romance while the female force users do not have male force users. While there are 4 male romanceable they are not force users and some would like a male force user .


    They were responding to SithKoriandr, who has been trying to frame this as people whining for equality.

  12. Female Force user companions ('*' indicates they can be romanced):

    1. Kira Carsen *
    2. Nadia Grell *
    3. Jaesa Willsaam *
    4. Ashara Zavros *
    5. Lana Beniko *
    6. Senya Tirall
    7. Veeroa Denz
    8. Darth Hexid
    9. Master Ranos


    Male Force user companions:

    1. Lord Scourge *
    2. Xalek
    3. Guss Tuno
    4. Arcann *
    5. Choza Raabat


    Nine female Force user companions with five that can be romanced, four of which can be romanced in the OC story (male PC only), and four that can be romanced by a male or female PC later in the game but three of those are class locked.


    Five male Force user companions. None can be romanced in the OC story. Two that can be romanced by either a male or female PC in the late game, but one is class locked.


    No, no problem here. It seems quite clear that romance in this game (at least during development) was dictated by the lower brain; especially considering that every single one of the OC romances are -- well -- as they are.


    To be honest, I think BW has had a romance problem since the day the game launched because they decided to launch without SS/SG romances, and then when they did add SS/SG romances they half-arsed it by saying that all lesbians are Republic and all gays are Imperial.


    Going back and redoing the OC romances is not on the table. Late game it seems like the romances have largely been forgotten. The few companions that have returned as playersexual have received a single cutscene and nothing more. If they do add a male Jedi companion who can be romanced (probably Arn) we all know that it will be a single cutscene and then never, or hardly ever, spoken of again. Honestly, is it even worth it to add it if they are not going to do it right, if all it will be is a single cutscene and then forgotten?


    The only way that BW can fix the lack of a male Force user romance in the early game is to add new companions. Companions similar to Treek, who can be recruited as early as level 10 on the fleet, who have a story and conversation cutscenes, and maybe even some missions that our PC can help them with. Otherwise, anything else is a wham-bam thank you cutscene ma'am now fugedaboudit.

  13. I would disagree with that.


    You disagree that the majority of people continue to run the events, after they have maxed their reputation and purchased everything they want with their tokens, because of Conquest? If that is what you are saying, and it must because that was the point I made to counter your earlier claim, then you really do not know what you are talking about. The only reason the events are as active as they are is due to Conquest. That is the motivator that will keep people playing them. It should not be to acquire a secondary currency to purchase the items from that event when a credit sink would be a better option.

  14. If everything can be bought with credits instead of in-game currencies, a lot of people will not play that content unless that is the content that generates the most credits. The problem with everything being available with credits is that a lot of people will chose one type of content to rule them all because it generates the most credits per hour. Or as I sometimes call it CPS instead of DPS meaning credits per second.


    In your example of Dantooine...making them all buyable just with credits will cause people not to play the event because there are other things that you can do that make a lot more credits...


    Irrelevant. People will still have to run the events to earn reputation necessary to purchase those items. Making those event items available for credits rather than an event currency will not cause people to play them less as the reason most people continue to play them is Conquest. Conquest is the primary reason people continue to play the events after they have maxed their reputation and purchased all of the items that they want. If the events were not good for Conquest they truly would be abandoned.



    Also your proposals for GTN tax increases will likely lead to more people using the alternative (direct trades) the higher the GTN tax gets. If you get rid of COD mails and direct trades, then people will have to use the GTN, but I can't see people getting very excited over that.


    Whether the GTN tax is made variable or not, or even if it were completely removed, would not matter as the GTN is soon to become irrelevant to high value items due to inflation and the one billion cap on GTN trades.



    And cosmetics are locked behind another currency...well they cost cartel coins and they can be sold for credits, but there aren't enough cosmetics in game and that's the problem. There is very little that can be generated in game.


    Yes, that would be an example of what I said at the start, that BW ignores good credits sinks because it is a source of monetization. Far too many decorations and outfits are CM exclusive and there are far too few in the game that can be purchased with credits.


    At the moment, the only decorations I can think of that can be purchased with credits (not counting the GTN) are the basic decorations that Felusia Stato sells, the Rakata themed decorations, and the decorations that can be purchased on Onderon and Mek-sha. Every other decoration that I can think of that can be purchased requires a secondary currency.

  15. Real talk, the inflation problem is partly caused by bioware, not the GTN...


    Sadly, since bioware is largely the reason inflation exploded like it did, I have little faith in them making it any better. I expect 7.0 to introduce a lot more arbitrary paywalls and ridiculous vendor prices, and the GTN will only get worse as a result.


    Fairly on point, but you missed one very large factor. BW is not largely to blame for inflation, BW is entirely to blame for inflation and the single largest factor is the infinite credit generator that BW has in their basement that is constantly pumping out credits. No economy in the world could support constantly printing more money, and yet that is exactly what BW does. Every credit in the game came from BW, even those acquired through exploits and cheats. I have seen people blame the credit sellers, but those credits they are selling came from BW. This is further compounded by the fact that BW is awful at credit sinks.


    They overlook good credit sinks like, for example, the appearance authorization terminal, where all changes should cost credits, because it is a source of monetization whilst implementing foolish sinks like the 500k to train skills. The single greatest credit sink in the game is the GTN tax and BW gave ways to effectively eliminate the tax. If possible, the GTN should have a variable tax rate. Of course, the GTN tax will not matter soon if inflation continues as it is because people will take their merchandise off of the GTN to go to direct trades, which are not taxed. I can understand having a secondary currency needed to purchase gear so as to time gate progression, but nothing else should have cost tech fragments. Not the mounts, not the pets, not the 5.0 armour shells that never appeared. Space Barbie is likely one of the largest credit sinks in the game, and yet far too many pieces are locked behind a secondary currency. Drop all of those and just apply a credit value so people have something to spend their credits on. What do I mean? The Dantooine event items all require a secondary currency. Drop those and apply a credit cost to everything. The industrial, synthetic, and universal prefab vendors sell decorations that require a crafted token. Drop those and sell everything for credits. Drop all of the secondary currencies from everything and sell everything for credits.


    The simple fact is is that BW is to blame for the inflation. They continue to add more and more credits to the economy and do not give us enough to spend them on.

  16. Hi Jackie,


    Can we get a response please to the fact the expansion is launching in 2 months...


    From where did you get the idea that 7.0 was launching in 2 months? Today is 15 September, 2 months from now is mid November. They said holidays 2021, which for everyone not in the US that means Christmas, so it is more like 3 months yet with a release somewhere around 14 December (21 December at the latest).

  17. Geez, some made comparison with SWG ending after pruning. Keep your sunny side up even without stupid Enure.


    Whilst ignoring that SWG continued on for, what, another five or six years after the NGE, and it was not the NGE that caused the servers to shutdown. And they compare this to WOW and how WOW's ability prune cost them so many players, whilst ignoring that WOW did not have significant losses until all this legal stuff about the rampant, sanctioned harassment came out.



    About the latter point, my opinion is that in this game people tend to make too much of a drama when changes are about to come.


    That is not opinion. That is a statement of fact. Their hyperbolic, irrational, nonsensical rants are worthy of my 3 year-old nephew having a tantrum because we did not put on the correct train video.

  18. Conquest, there are guilds that spam invites in order to sustain a very aggressive removal policy for inactives. By itself, that can win you a planet when they all open up on Total Galactic War weeks (the one coming up incidentally), and push you over the edge in other weeks.


    In order for Conquest points to count for next week the character has to be invited this week. That immediacy does not lend itself well to mailed invites that can be ignored, overlooked, or deleted out of hand. There is a feature to auto-ignore guild invites. Even though I have that turned on I still automatically add anyone who sends me a spam guild invite to my ignore list.


    Your reply does not answer the question as to why this game apparently attracts every spammer the world over. Further, your reply brings up another question. For those guilds that do spam invites do you really think they are going to be mailing guild invites, when sending mail has a cooldown between messages, rather than continue as they currently do, which is to use /who to find the unguilded and then just roll through the list inviting all of them?

  19. I respectfully disagree.


    Unfortunately there are some online guild players who already spam invites like crazy. Creating offline invites will flood toon mailboxes with...spam.


    What I wouldn't mind is a more centralized approach - like a phone directory where guilds could advertise themselves and players could better match to guilds compatible with their playstyles and interests.


    You know what is super funny?


    Time and again we hear that the reason F2P and preferred players can not use the forums is so that the forums are not spammed by spammers making F2P accounts. But I play, or have played, other games where F2P and preferred players are able to use the forums and those games do not have an issue with F2P forum spam.


    We are told that the reason F2P players have such draconian restrictions on chat is to stop credit spammers, and yet credit spammers are able to spam (when the filter is not working) at level 1, when F2P can not use chat, and those other games that I play allow low level F2P players to use chat and they do not have issues with credit spammers (or that game's equivalent version of in-game currency sellers).


    You say that the ability to mail guild invites will lead to spam, and yet other games that I play have that option and players are not bombarded with invite spam.


    What makes this game so special that it invites all the spammers the world over? Especially considering that the game is dying and is in maintenance mode. I read that on these forums so it must be true.

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