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Posts posted by dannythefool

  1. The class which was designed to kill healers was nerfed. This will only get worse.


    No, the class that was designed to kill healers is commonly regarded as weak in the first place and was buffed, despite being strong enough already- but nobody plays it because the style that is particularly efficient against healers is a) hard to play and b) doesn't generate OMG OVER 9000 crits.

  2. It's funny to see people who don't understand general basics of things. I'm sorry but your situation in no way shows that the drop rate is not 20% or even 25%.


    25% drop rate chance does not mean you will get a drop every fourth bag.


    That's not what he said. He said out of 108 bags, he got 12 items. For this sample of 108 bags, the drop rate is ~10%. With a sample size of 108 bags that either means it's really more like 10%, or there is a huge margin, both of which is bad.

  3. Or that the PvP in this game really isn't good and is busted and people like you say things like this to make yourself seem like you are a good player.


    PVP in this game really isn't good, but that doesn't mean complaints from people who don't understand their classes or their opponents' classes are suddenly and magically valid.

  4. Healers don't get MVP votes because the play particularly well. They get them because if they really focus on healing, they can't get as many medals as everyone else. Obviously you can tell whether that was the case by looking at the medals they got. But all in all it's just a clutch to keep healers interested in healing in PVP until the stupid medal system is fixed.
  5. Tanks who guard me instead of running ahead when everybody else is also not running ahead are the most annoying thing ever :/ Keeping the ball for too long is not how you win this game.
  6. There's 110~ people on the Republic Fleet and 240~ on the Empire Fleet, which is exactly what it was 2 weeks after release.


    That's bad though because there should be a steady influx of new 50ies who ran out of PVE and should now spend their time on the fleet...

  7. And PLEASE stop calling Juggernauts/Guardians the "tank class." They have two DPS talents trees that are both perfectly viable. I guess this also means we should start calling Assassins/Shadows and Powertechs/Vanguards the "tank class" as well?


    I would agree that assassins/shadows are the tank class. Assassin tanks get an AC buff so armor is on the same level, they have awesome CC for a tank, they have some of the best internal/elemental mitigation in the game, and awesome GetTFO.

  8. You must not work in software development- I don't think you realize what really broken code does to a system- I haven't experienced critical bugs due to patches as yet- with the exception of the Ilum exploit- which, to be fair- was a design issue.


    As a matter of fact, I work as a software engineer in QA. But like you say, it's not technical issues that become worse in patches. It's design issues. No amount of technical QA can do anything about that if the designer doesn't listen. It certainly won't turn any lights red in a continuous integration system or anything of the sort.


    The technical issues were merely not fixed when the patch notes said they were. I still sometimes can't get into /ops chat in warzones, I still sometimes get randomly booted back to character selection, warzone wins still don't count for the quest, ability delay is still there, and so on.

  9. crap like this infuriate me. Don't you see all the patches and fixes they attempt to release as promptly as possible. Sure it opens a new can of worms... but slow patches? don't be stupid. They been releasing patch fixes every week.


    Half of them just plain don't fix what the patch notes say they should be fixing.

    Most of them break existing content or make it worse instead of improving it.

    Yeah I can live without that kind of patch.

  10. Der angebliche Speedhack war der Sprintkanister der im Huttenball in der Grube vor dem Zielbereich steht.


    Der Speedhack existiert und das ist auch dokumentiert in Form von Videos. Das hilft dann natürlich nicht, wenn die Leute die diversen Sprint-Skills oder Kanister noch nicht gefunden haben...


    Cool fand ich auch anderswo im Forum den "cheatenden" Operative der ständig "Medpacks benutzen konnte". Haha. :D

  11. Man sollte das komplette System überarbeiten. Was weiß ich. Mit Rang 10 darf man sich Handschuhe und Gürtel kaufen. Mit 20 Ohrstöpsel und Implantate, mit 30 die Armschienen und Hose, mit 40 Helm und Brust und mit 50 Waffen und Relikte.


    Dann dürfte ich mir ja in dem Moment in dem ich 50 werd alles kaufen. VR 50 ist der Rang den jemand hat, der vor 50 regelmäßig PVP betrieben hat (höher geht ja nicht). Auch meine beiden Story-Chars sind mit VR über 30 bzw über 40 angekommen.


    Auch sonst kann man das derzeitig nicht am VR festmachen. Mein aktueller CLevel 38 Char hat VR 38 (cap halt), und natürlich noch kein einziges Champion-Teil auf Halde. Wenn der VR da irgendwas zu sagen haben soll, muss man auch den kleineren Chars die Möglichkeit geben, die Sachen schonmal auf Vorrat zu kaufen. (Mit der Änderung sind natürlich die sechs vorher gesparten Beutel immerhin mal was wert. Aber die hat man extrem schnell zusammen.)

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