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10 Good
  1. 9 out of 10 PUGS are bad for me. That said, I just attribute it to Murphy's law Before F2P it was not bad really. Now, I only op or flashpoint with my guild. Just not worth it.
  2. What would be easier to play of the three tier trees in ya'lls opinion? Easier as in less complicated open/rotations/combinations/if-situations? Ex: madness for inquisitor is basically a button1, button 2, button 3, button 4 three times, repeat Whereas lightening is button 1, button 2, button 3 unless <x> then button = but watch for <y> cause then you need to hit button - but always go back to button three to make sure you hit it three times to get the proc... You get the jist.
  3. Corellia Run is my favorite, as it is not a whining *****fest. Most podcasts are negative griping by people who rarely/never play anymore.
  4. I started a guardian last night and am wondering what I should spec first in, defense or vigilance. I am solo pve
  5. I run lightening on my sorcerer and telekinetics on my sage. I love it. And its actually not hard. I use only a few spells, almost never have problems with force, and only cast my telekinetic wave/chain lightening when i have procced the instacast, so usually the longest I am standing still is less than a second. YES, you have to watch procs, but you learn what they look like and hell you do not even glance but for a fraction of a second. Granted, it is not as easy as hotkey 1 hotkey 2 hotkey 3 hotkey 4 hotkey 5 hotkey 5 hotkey 5 <next badguy, repeat> But it is certainly not stress inducing, sweating blood and getting ulcers either. That said, it IS more difficult if you, like most, go madness first and then way later in the level switch to lightening. Madness is brainless, you can pick that up at anytime. But basically, I would do a search of all the rotations threads, write them down, find the commonalities, go to a lower level planet than where you are at, and practice. It wont even take you an hour to pick it up. Good luck!
  6. People come to the forums to ***** and go to the game to have fun. I only come to the forums to wade through the endless whining crap just to find some threads that post actual information on topics i have questions on. Get into the game and you will find plenty that are having fun and happy. There is nothing but despair here.
  7. The irony for me is, I agree with him, this class is much less fun for me. I went through the forums, adjusted my rotation and play style. But I used to tear through everything with Aric, now I have to methodically use specific rotations for everything with Dorne, whom I cannot stand. The game play is different, though completely workable. I am now just going to finish out chapter two for the legacy endurance buff and ditch commando. I agree that it is no longer fun, I do not agree that a sage/commando should in any way take heavy damage or be unplayable. I would do damn near anything to have a sage play with me. Commando/sage with Dorne and Qyzen is obscene, borderline apocalyptic.
  8. The "real' gamers played DAoC, UO, and Everquest. We would play 19 hours just for half a bubble of experience at FINS. And if someone messed up and we died, we lost 4 entire bubbles. Death was hard, dying meant possibly losing all your gear. Actions had real consequences, rewards cost real effort, skill was based on how you played, not what gear you had. I stayed up 19 hours, skipping work the next morning/day just to hold a relic keep the mid's accidently stopped guarding just for 110 precious skill points that were used to buy 3 abilities... THREE... and I was tickled pink that we were able to hold them off. Thats right, you used to manually have to hold pvp gaines, all day and all night, in shifts, for realm bonus', otherwise it could be a one month long campaign to recapture realm gaines. This was the era of gaming, and we were gamers. And then WoW came along and turned a whole bunch of whiney *****es into "gamers" who whined and *****ed a lot. QQ'ing over dying penalties, QQ'ing over how long it takes to reach max level, QQing cause they wanted everything playing an hour a day 2 or 3 days a week. Gaming went from being "the journey to the top" to "lyke, omg, ur armor is teh suckz" at max level. It became about calculus, spreadsheets, 1 extra percent of damage, and endlessly, mindlessly, doing the same repetitive thing over and over for nothing at "end game". So, to answer your question, what happened to real gamers? If WoW was your first experience into gaming, you will never, ever know, haha Disclaimer: No whiney brats were actually harmed in the typing of this post. This post is intended 60% for good natured humor, 30% nostalgia, and 10% ribbing. People offended should put their big boy panties on and get over it
  9. Glad I read all the way through. Playing with another person, my gameplay is fine with commando with absolutely no problems no matter what type of other player I am playing with. The OP and his wife just do not know how to play their classes well. Even two healing sages I think can do just about anything, even heroic 4's. My problem is when soloing, due to the hours I play (4am to 7am), I mostly only get to solo. I think my rotations need adjusting for the new 1.2. For PvE, which is the best tree, and what is the best rotation. Having played DD mages my whole life, trooper has been very fun but very new to me, and just starting to get the hang of this class, 1.2 kind of threw me for a loop. I am loving the storyline though and kind of want to continue (I know, one of THOSE people )
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