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Everything posted by Arkerus

  1. I would love to see that happen just to see the forum warriors struggle to take back those words.
  2. Its definitely not the end of the world. I simply understand why people complain about the clutter in regards to 3-5 topics of the exact same thing. With that attitude (and you know, generally, I agree with you) then why would anyone even respond to anything, anywhere on this forum if its utterly trivial (including this)? I think its because we find converastion and debate interesting, even if trivial in the scheme of the universe. And at that scale, nothing matters anyway. So back to my point, I completely understand why some people get annoyed at the same topic bring posted multiple times when a post in the "current' thread would actually add to the conversation more effectively.
  3. Depends. I don't think we'll survive the event horizon. (Or maybe we will...)
  4. Did you NOT read my post? Did you miss that part where I said: "Not that it won't happen anyway *slot machine*" That was my whole point with that statement. Even Bioware can communicate in a manner that doesn't match reality. MY larger point was that I would rather Bioware try to release notes on the forums instead of leaking it to 3rd parties. They still CAN leak things to 3rd parties but post here as well. Read. Read. Read.
  5. I hope their is a CC sink on the 'outfit designer' so the forums implode, creating a black hole and possibly a compressed alternate universe inside our current space time continuum.
  6. Clutter. More clutter. But no one is stopping anyone from doing it. I support people's point of view that the same topic, 15 times, is clutter. I often have to wade through three different threads to find the one that best suits the actual conversation.
  7. Just because you don't get a response doesn't mean you should run off and make your own thread. And I suspect what you are getting at isn't really a game issue or a technical question. You are probably look for someone to respond to your statement or idea. Sometimes people just don't care and that doesn't mean we need another thread.
  8. I can agree with that. I don't think they need to change much (since I am not under the delusion that they need to be on the forums 24/7) but posting OFFICIAL notes and updates after streams would be nice. Hearing things through 3rd parties or after the cantina tour can often lead to incorrect conclusions or bad assumptions. (Not that it won't happen anyway *slot machine*)
  9. What you are speaking about is an unavoidable part of being human. Generally speaking, certain players will always try to find the "best" combination of utilities that maximize what they want to do. Its human nature and we can't avoid that nor can Bioware create a perfect system that has perfect gain and sacrafice. At least with the new system, if one chooses to move between PvE and PvP (or other activities, or doesn't like something, or changes the way they play), they can change their utility choices on the fly without doing a complete re-spec.
  10. I believe we are getting new content with each "expansion" patch this year. I have no qualms with them turning tacticals into HMs. I don't consider that recycling. They aren't claiming they added content. They simply state that the "easy modes" now have a HM option. Content is released differently. Yes, I know the counter argument already: "BUT I consider it content and my definition says that its recycled content blah blah blah". Well, Bioware has content patches that add stories to the game. They also turn tacticals into HMs but they aren't claiming its MORE content.
  11. I don't have any issues with the tacticals being turned into HMs. I'm not sure what OP meant in his first post in regards to the "original intent" of the tacticals. Tacticals were designed to be beaten by any combination of tank, healer, dps. Four dps is just as viable as four tanks. Now if the issue comes down to the fact that boss mechanics are wonky for tanks, simply state that you believe the bosses should have a more traditional aggro model. I enjoy the new HMs. They might need some balancing but they are certainly beatable.
  12. No. It wasn't. IT was meant to create MEANINGFUL choices and remove hybrids. While you can debate that you now have LESS options in the new systems, the options you have often make you pass on something in order to gain something else. It was never about more or less. It was always about impact.
  13. Going ape%#$^ over the community manager is ridiculous. Bioware dropped the ball but its hard to blame the messenger even if he shares partial blame for how this was handled. Blame Bioware's process or lack thereof, not the person directly. No wonder these people only last a couple years at each job. My brain would explode if I had to deal with this "community" every day.
  14. I admire your enthusiasm. The lack of development doesn't stop me from playing but the writing has been on the wall for a while. GSF is in bug fix mode. Seriously though, if I saw a small minority of the player base doing something, I'd move development away from it as well. It comes down to ROI. I hate it but that's real life for ya.
  15. I love GSF but if you think ANY more updates are coming, you need to take a deep breath and learn to accept reality. GSF is in "maintenance mode". SWTOR (the entire game) is obviously a fully supported product but Bioware took a long hard look at ROI, fan interest and their own skill set and decided the GSF portion is going to maintenance mode only. Accept it and move on. Hey, I'm not happy about it either but its time to get over it.
  16. Even as a "glorious defender" of Bioware, I can't defend this. They released a machine that dropped materials (essentially) like rain from the sky. Issue #1. They make a small note about a possible minor adjustment and then wreck the original item almost completely negating the in game or real world value that was spent on it. Issue #2. They let the issue go without an official statement and instead the statement has to leak from the Cantina tour. Even worse, there will be no more adjustments to bring it back in line with its value. Issue #3. This whole thing has been a blunder since it started. Time to move on. The damage is done and I don't think there is any more we can do.
  17. I remember when we all posted after the class changes came out: Bioware, this won't work. We will be kited by range, don't have any great damage options and we have little to no defense. I'm not even saying Bioware should have done anything as its their game and they thought it would work out. In this case, however, the community was right.
  18. Specifically referring to FPS... The UI is still chewing CPU cycles. WZs are borderline unplayable for people with a CPU any older than a year or two. Its the culprit. Turn your UI off and suddenly the reality is almost 80-100 FPS. Whatever fix they did last patch did virtually nothing.
  19. Not really. I think everyone expected a change to JJ. It was a given. They changed the odds matrix completely, which is not what was communicated.
  20. Its called practically or essentially zero because while not mathematically zero, the impact on gameplay with the new drop rates is nothing (barring the money removed from the economy). How anyone can say this isn't an over reaction on Bioware's part is difficult to comprehend.
  21. This is reasonable. Since this morning I stated we will most likely see this patched again to bring it back in line. I have a hard time believing we won't see one more adjustment. The original value was too generous but this most recent change almost feels like a temporary fix so they can talk about the final changes. I think most people agree what they need was FAR beyond what was necessary. It should not, however, replace general crafting.
  22. This grossly glosses over the actual issues at hand. You fail to understand what the issues really are. There isn't much else to say.
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