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  1. My group is getting ready to start hard mode flashpoints with me as their tank. I have looked about the forum but other than saying to do the daily quests for mods/enhancments i havn't really seen mention of the kind of defensive stat levels to aim for as a good starting point. HP - 16,838 Armor Rating - 6,181 Damage Reduction - 38.40% Defense Chance - 24.73% Shield Chance - 36.41% Shield Absorption - 35.11% I still have 2 daily mods left to get and i don't have a moddable bracer piece. Do these stats look ok to start heroics? Also i am unsure at what point to stop stacking +def and start getting shield chance/absorb.
  2. not sure if it's been posted already as i have not read the whole thread, but what about a stat like expertise that is for PVE? it would still keep the PVE gear seperate but require the PVE gear to progres through PVE content while also leaving them to add PVP gear with higher stats?
  3. i was starting to wonder why i always dropped so fast, i was just on my way to the forum to ask if i was doing something wrong when i came across this post. i'm a fresh level 50 shadow tank and in all honesty i am not the best pvper and i don't have the greatest gear but i did feel something was wrong when i was hitting for 200-400 damage with double strike and maybe 700 with my project (not so bad damage wise for a tank i figured) but then i noticed i was being hit for 2k+ and even got chain critted for 4k a hit at one point. i was just thinking gear was the issue but i guess it's not.
  4. personally i wouldn't mind if BW added the ability to change AC but only twice and only before level 15 or 20 maybe, what the OP is asking should be a flat out no. playing as a shadow tank none of my 3 trees are exactly the same as a sages, and my gear is different too, the only things that are the same is my armor is light and my stats are will and end but my weighting for those stats are completly different and this is without taking into account all the secondary stats like crit, surge, etc.
  5. one thing to take note of is that game development hasn't radically changed since WoW came out, what Blizzard developed all those years ago doesn't now magically get done over night just because Blizzard already did it. a game that began development in 2007 and took 4 years to make (making up these dates for the sake of my example) could potentially take longer and cost far more than a game developed in 2001 also taking 4 years. also lets not forget that Blizzard were publishing their own game, they didn't have a massive publishing company telling them when they needed to get the game out by or telling them this or that needs to be changed. i think it's really unfair to simply think bioware were too lazy or stupid to add in these wonderfull things that WoW now has added since it came out. TL;DR WoW has been developed for about 11 years, Swtor for about 4 (looking at when they were announced so i may be off with these times)
  6. I'm pretty sure Stephen Reid said on twitter that this is what they were planning, i donno if they have increased the servers caps yet though. Edit: a possible option would have been to do what another game did (i think it was Warhammer Online) where the servers with massive queues were cloned and then gave players to continue their characters on a different server without need of transfering.
  7. this is true but surely this is one of the most important times to give the best customer service possible, we are the people who have already commited to the game and already paid them. we are the people who will be the most likely to be still playing the game a year from now so i just don't feel that is a good reason to excuse what is happening. (sorry i know you arnt exactly using it as a reason to excuse all this but you are the last person i saw using it so i quoted you =P)
  8. actually it's possible to detect if someone has just left the game on auto run, the whole auto run thing didn't work on Warhammer Online.
  9. please point out where i said it was biowares fault
  10. the queues are getting a little out of hand, it's getting even worse now that people have found they can just auto run into a wall and avoid the AFK kick. imo BW have tried to do too much to get a smooth launch that it has ruined the whole thing. i don't see it being fixed untill launch tbh as they have said the servers are capped lower than they should be in order to force the population to spread out over the servers.
  11. 29/11 here still waiting. if that was the last wave they really should have said
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