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Posts posted by Lundli

  1. Dunno about you but I saw the OT when I was maybe 8 or so, and thinking back on it I wouldn't have any problems with 8 yos watching it now. Seen stuff labeled T that's much more politically incorrect than Star Wars or TOR.


    The only thing that even remotely makes me think there's something more to the plot than typical good fights evil and saves the day is the fact that the Republic actually does some stuff as well that's slightly incorrect.


    I wouldn't call Mengele style experimenting on prisoners "slightly incorrect" :D


    That said, the OP has a sick and twisted mind :)

  2. Been noticing this on The Red Eclipse (EU server) too, lots of people in the lower areas. I was also pleasantly surprised that the server seems to be fairly balanced when it comes to factions when I finally got around to rolling a char on the Republic side.
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