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Everything posted by Josewales

  1. Bads are afraid that their static punching bags will get nerfed by giving them equal survival tools. SWTOR pvp is based on utility and defensive CDs.
  2. Every time when my foe and me are down to a few HPs...I am glad I did the grind.
  3. Yes pvp missions! Or better yet a pvp planet and do away with the dormant pvp servers once and for all would be better. In any case, to prevent another lazy Ilum fiasco...BW can not make it linear. Anytime a model is ABC linear, the ugly Zerg head spawns. Also prevents engine stress and excuses. This can be done in random and multiple objective spawns. I would love to see such open world incentives. That would complete the pvp experience and less craving for another MMO to fill this void. But again, to many Care Bears would probably ****** because they can't have it all...as we are now seeing with pvp companion. Rift went through something similar...where the pvers cried and complained that they had to pvp for one endgame trinket.
  4. The two most important & ignored skills in WZs in my opinion. How many times do you see 4 to 6 players hanging around finishing off one foe, where a couple of them should be anticipating where the next node party is. Win teams usually have a punctual few that understand these simple skills very well. I myself play a Sin and defend nodes regularly...I always smile when I don't have to call out and keep focus on my KBs instead. Because there are a few out there that know how to camera swing and play numbers. Even if I am on a 1v1...it's easy to see who is checking up to see how I am doing before committing over. Doesn't matter if you are bad *****...if you aren't there in time to party.
  5. Some really good takes here. Mine is simple. After reading power vs. crit comparisons, I bought both for my Sin & Slinger. Both I found power wins hands down due to high crit bursts in pvp ques. I can live with 30% rate compared to 40% if it means one can burn one down easier when needed. With crit I find myself playing cat and mouse more. It's about style I guess...I don't care about leader boards but kills when needed. My take.
  6. Question is not for those who don't want it....therefore yo no need to reply:P Since we will never see an actual RvR model that works thanks to the Ilum fiasco and old engine excuses, I for one could make do with a few RvR open events w/pvp rewards similar to the Pve Bounty week model. Get us spread out and avoid the ugly zergs and lag whine. For us that sit on the fleet between ques...we need to spice it up! And for once a sense of an actual wat going on in the game. Come on BW make it happen. It Won't take much. Feel free to throw in a progress map, random objective spawns (outposts & npcs), mission terminals, player bounties and kills, kill & immune timers, and so on. Just look at the old skool and even a couple new gen MMOs for tips. So who wants some?
  7. I know pvpers have a wide array of complaints, but enough is enough! BW needs to start finding solutions to all of our needs. I for one am a RvR'er at heart and am pissed off that the pvp servers are dead with no incentives to pvp in the actual game. The Ilum and engine excuse is BS! Sinfe the long over due & latest patch BW boasts improvement in performance...well let's see how good it is in a larger scale of open pvp then? Can we at least get a RvR zone/planet again that works and promote pvp integration? I am tired of doing fleet laps waiting for dusty ques. I gave up last year trying to pvp in the actual game via pvp server due to lack of open and meaningful pvp. Now that the pvp servers are dead with no hint of band aids from BW, why even play on a pvp server? There are no incentives. Pvpers need more than ques to complete the pvp experience. I for one would love to pop in the open between ques. Come on BW, listen up and give us some open carrots that works for a change. I for one can put up with a bit of lag...I am not spoiled. I made it through AO's lag back in 2001 and your lag is chump change compared. Nike it! I beg you BW.
  8. What a derpy post. One can still a open pve in pvp gear...go get some and have fun playing both for a change. Why should pvers get best of both worlds anyways? We don't complain about your pve....so don't complain about our pvp. Again, what derpy post.
  9. Meh... 1. No gnomes and elves. 2. Combat mechanics and UI. 3. Very casual friendly (to old and busy to hard core). 4. Cuz it's Star Wars. With the recent improvements and changes to the old skools (ie. DAoC & AO), it's very tempting to jump back into a RvR and integrated MMO that actually works. But I do not have the time to commit to hardcore gaming these days, especially the old skools. Therefore a few training ground instances every week or so suffices. In turn I continue to sub until I find the time again. You...
  10. @BW give us some open caRvRot sticks ! Can't you see that players are bored.
  11. Before WoW arrived on the scene, I remember losing myself into pvp night in and night out in the likes of Daoc, SwG, AO, etc.... I couldn't wait to get home from work to boot up. Even almost lost a good woman over those games for over 5 years. Now it's running laps in the home city or fleet waiting for daily ques and shut the comp off soon after. I thank BW for making my old lady happy:P. Point is that MMOs these days don't have the pvp addiction like the old skools did. Common denominator to them...immersive & community cooperative OPvP/RvR!
  12. With new gen MMOs finally bringing the sand after a long decade of failed Blizzard themepark copy cats, did Bioware drop the crystal ball regarding the next gen of MMOs? I for one still pay my dues here until a new sandbox arrives that delivers a balanced and complete pvp experience. Arenas and WZs are nice but there was a time where they served more as a training ground for real endgame and inegrated pvp. Now that the Star Wars genre is revitalized, I for one was hoping there would be new investments and in turn SWTOR pvp model would take the next step and evolve into a 'complete pop experience' for a change. The new Xpac says no! Oh well here I sub and wait until likes of Repop or CU arrives. Are you bored with the same old also?
  13. I been mostly pugging for the last couple years due to the fact that most pvp guilds are elitists themselves...with no guild bonuses for pvp (another example of lack pvp content). I rather go pug and enjoy pvp without trying to impress. Concerning bullying, most WZ tactics only require common sense, focus and camera swings. I only pay attention to chat for call outs....the rest is just useless babble. Most bullies are to lazy to camera swing to check nodes and blame others. Sure we see some stupid poo in there, and warrants a call out here and there. But that is beside the point.
  14. So no real data as expected. Maybe a dev poll would help clarify...but wait, BW doesn't do polls. They pick and choose their feedback with no real representation from their customers. That imo is why BW has been failing pvp since launch. I been piping mmos for 15 years now and the mmos who spun surveys gave their customers a sense of value to the game. Concerning the comments of no real way of telling who is a pvper and a pver ...I myself do not pve on a pve server. Unless it's a datacron or a piece of eye candy, I stay away from it. I am sure there are many that do the same. Or on the other hand, how many bads sporting 50k hp do we see in WZs to be never be seen again? Point is that there are subs that only play one side of the coin...it's just a matter of BW caring enough to understand their demographics and stop arrogantly shoving lack of 'real' pvp content down our throats. My opinion.
  15. Anyone know an accurate ratio regarding how many pvpers there are compared to pvers? If it is high....then why in the hellz does BW continue to take our subscription cash for granted and refuse to give us any real pvp change for the last few years? Bad business?
  16. Dual faction = 3rd Faction (neutral)? If so, usually MMOs use 3 factions to help balance open pvp. And again if so....Gob Gob! . When ROTC pack was teased, I was imagining a cartel faction may be used in a similar way, where our dark/light alignments would indicate what side we fight on instead and help combat the need to cross serve. Cartel and Raven storyline has Allegiances switching all the time it seems...therefore this model shouldn't upset the fanboy imo. Back in the day when I played ANarchy Online, FC had/has a similar crossover system. It took time to cross over and level up the trinket to prevent flavour of the day. It worked very well. Anyways, there I go dreaming again:D
  17. After reading a few reads on the recent teasers, one's pvp imagination started to go wild in respect to player driven story lines, especially when it comes to pvp. Meaning, integrating some kind of real RvR into the actual game that makes a difference. Oops I forgot...this is BW who doesn't really care about their black sheep and are lucky that we get one new map a year to pacify us. But hey, maybe the recent low TS turnout might send a message since the devs were oddly mingling with their customers. Anyways I don't expect any real change....just a simple map to the worn out pvp sideshow. What do you expect?
  18. For the past couple years there is no denying that the pvp community is dwindling across the servers. Especially the pvp servers. Even though many pvpers dont really care to look outside the 'rockpaperscissor' Blizzard box due to various reasons, there are some like myself that craves a well planned out, balanced, adaptive & living open RvR model to complete the SWTOR pvp experience. In turn would delete the urge to look elsewhere to fill such a void. Be it old skool MMOs or half broken new gen MMOs Even though BW has no interest in implementing a 'real' RvR model, one cant help but wonder how many subs would return to the game if by miracle they do one day. The more pvpers, the better for this game....and cash return that EAWare only seems to care about. There are simple solutions to integrating RvR into the actual game playfield....ie. true pvp incentive rewards (not Gree eye candy) and random multiple mission objectives to offer that combats zerg and balance issues. Therefore, not much of an investment for such a return without reinventing a whole new planet for us...but still doesnt hurt to dream. Again, would a 'good' ORvR model bring back subs? I think so. PS... The engine & linear Ilum launch fiasco are only excuses derived from rookie mistakes.
  19. Only reason why I played on a pvp server is to play beside and against skill in the past, since the pvp servers offer no real open pvp. For me, to complete our SWTOR experience...we need more than instancesd side games and integrate pvp into the actual game. As a result would bring choices! I like WZs, but there is more to the pvp imagination when comparing old Skool MMOs. Problem is that most never end gamed RvR MMOs and know no different...and in turn create no pressure on BW to step up outside that box. Concerning ganking....ganking means either the pvp model lacks diversity and choices to their model or lack of constraints in the open play field. Instanced ques is in my opinion is an easy cop out to a simple model. One of the key components to successful pvp, is the uncertain. Old Skool MMOs such as SWG & Daoc....brought it back in the day. There was ample opportunity to pick your poison....in turn prevents boredom. Ever since Blizzard introduced millions of new sub spawns to our genre, the imagination to pvp died. Now we play in a simple rockpaperscissor game on a hamster wheel sporting eye candy. And for the pvers complaining about an open model....pffft we don't complain about your mobs getting our way:P. You can't have it all brahs:)
  20. Pot5 ques are dead. Just waiting to transfer my Sin back to Harb...seems like great timing now.
  21. If BW let's say attaches an exclusive pvp trinket at the end of the open stick...subs will roll in. Take Rift as example...CQ had an exclusive endgame trinket that the pvers QQ'd over it...while us pvpers enjoyed the activity. Point is that without incentive or player investment why participate? That's where BW showed their noob colors right at launch...they obviously didn't endgame any other pvp MMO besides WoW. Now they continuously lose pvp subs and refuse to look outside the beaten blizzard box.
  22. Is it because there is no 'real' open pvp? I for one am waiting to transfer once again a couple toons to a more populated pve server for better ques. Dear BW....get off your lazy and cheap donkeys and for once make open pvp a well planned staple to SWTOR please. PvP servers are finally on its last breath as many in the past couple years predicted. So be it...but at least give us an objective pvp planet or open and ongoing RvR objectives on the existing planets. Gree doesn't count since it is more geared for pvers and pvpers need more than eye candy regarding incentives....tis why majority remain on the fleet. Also, once every few months event is not even a token for us. Why are there are no plans to revitalize the pvp servers....with missions, influence on game, etc... that are well planned out contrary to the Ilum fiasco? Devs are no longer noobs...so it's time to deliver! Your engine is a lame excuse, and a few of us will never buy it. Once again it's all in the carrots and rewards. Back to running fleet laps.
  23. For the last few years it's been the same old complaints and arguments regarding the state of SWTOR pvp. Imbalance, old maps, lack of BW care, etc... Round round we go as most continue to run their laps on the fleet waiting for ques. In my opinion if we want change, subs need to start looking outside the arena box and imagine the endless possibilities on what can complete the pvp experience for all and not just a few wow heads that only care about rockpaperscissor instances and ratings. The more happy pvpers, the better it is for the game and in turn your experience. Recently I went afk for about a month, upon return I immediately roamed the open world looking for skirmishes on Pot5. Nada a thing, just pubs and sith pveing beside each other in the usual harmony! Once again, I reminised on what PvP MMOs were before Blizzard ruined our genre. Old Skool Games such as Daoc, SWG, AO, etc...gave choices and in turn a more complete pvp experience. SWTOR promotes boredom and complaints. New maps or rating gear will not cure this. An immersive and diverse pvp environment will. Be it RvR, Open World PvP Missions, bigger WZs, or PvP that influences the actual game....and become more than a instance side game show that it is. I for one do enjoy the WZs but crave more as a pvper. The mechanics, eye candy and Star Wars is what keeps me sub'd. Not the pvp itself! BW has been lucky that the state of new gen MMOs lack an adaptive, supported, well thought out and planned pvp model. Sure there are a few attempts worth mentioning, but there are missing pve and mechanical components that support such. All BW would have to do is complete our pvp experience and they would have a winner of a game finally. The rest of the game is polished and great...just not the pvp. I for one am tired of the complaints. BW needs to reinvent their pvp wheel that will maintain and attract old/new subs....period. I thought EA was greedy:P
  24. A new WZ map is still not the answer. We still still do fleet laps waiting to que and boredom will continue once the novelty wears off. Also obliviously BW didn't care to anticipate that they lost many subs wanting more last couple years. Again, they still have time to recapture subscriptions and complete the game. I am sure we all seen some a variety guilds pull the plug regarding since launch. I for one as part of a 200 to 300 player guild that fell apart mainly due to lack of a good 'real' and open pvp model, where maybe a dozen still play to this day. I was dumbfounded that BW acted surprised at the time that so many wanted to pvp....they just let that pvp base go without any counter design to prevent such. If it wasn't for the genre and the sad state of new gen MMOs...I would of been gone for good also.
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