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Everything posted by XTREDEN

  1. Open world pvp cant be played in large numbers in this game because of the engine. That is the problem and unless they swap engines (ain't going to happen) open world pvp is a myth in this game.
  2. Its not that they went F2P. Its that they went F2P so soon, after layoffs, firing EP's and server transfers. It's that they have all but said FAIL and you all know it. How is ilum going to be fixed with F2P and super spacey secret expansion? Star Wars is about conflict and economy and this game has none of it.
  3. I am a paying subscriber right now. I am bored to death with the game, in all honesty I come to the forums to find something interesting to go try in the game, but I spend more time citing rants. TBH, I got bored once I hit 50. I was here because I love pvp and Star Wars, but the pvp at 50 is lame. I will probably un-sub maybe a month after GW2 because that game will be more fun, its all new content to me and the pvp I have played of it was more exciting than this is. If I don't play this game for say 2 weeks I will likely cancel the sub. Not to mention I don't have the latest PC and GW2 runs great so far, SWTOR runs great sometimes, often not so much. Now, if they actually do something meaningful with the end game pvp I will gladly keep subbing. Gladly. The problem is I don't see them focussing at all on that, they have cut people and now F2P tells me less money to go towards solving the problem (for me). It would be different if they said "hey, its broken and its our number 1 priority". But no, Legacy and HK was higher priority. That is the H2G truth, I know I am not alone.
  4. If you call cutting off arms and legs and issuing free wheelchairs saving things...ok. seriously, name 1 top tier F2P game. Are there any that went F2P where the subs went up because of it? I am serious, I am not aware of any and I want some hope. Someone share a good link so we can ***** about it.
  5. The stages, popularly known by the acronym DABDA, include:[2] Denial — "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me." Denial is usually only a temporary defense for the individual. This feeling is generally replaced with heightened awareness of possessions and individuals that will be left behind after death. Denial can be conscious or unconscious refusal to accept facts, information, or the reality of the situation. Denial is a defense mechanism and some people can become locked in this stage. Anger — "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me?"; '"Who is to blame?" Once in the second stage, the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue. Because of anger, the person is very difficult to care for due to misplaced feelings of rage and envy. Anger can manifest itself in different ways. People can be angry with themselves, or with others, and especially those who are close to them. It is important to remain detached and nonjudgmental when dealing with a person experiencing anger from grief. Bargaining — "I'll do anything for a few more years."; "I will give my life savings if..." The third stage involves the hope that the individual can somehow postpone or delay death. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made with a higher power in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. Psychologically, the individual is saying, "I understand I will die, but if I could just do something to buy more time..." People facing less serious trauma can bargain or seek to negotiate a compromise. For example "Can we still be friends?.." when facing a break-up. Bargaining rarely provides a sustainable solution, especially if it's a matter of life or death . Depression — "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die soon so what's the point?"; "I miss my loved one, why go on?" During the fourth stage, the dying person begins to understand the certainty of death. Because of this, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spend much of the time crying and grieving. This process allows the dying person to disconnect from things of love and affection. It is not recommended to attempt to cheer up an individual who is in this stage. It is an important time for grieving that must be processed. Depression could be referred to as the dress rehearsal for the 'aftermath'. It is a kind of acceptance with emotional attachment. It's natural to feel sadness, regret, fear, and uncertainty when going through this stage. Feeling those emotions shows that the person has begun to accept the situation. Acceptance — "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it." In this last stage, individuals begin to come to terms with their mortality, or that of a loved one, or other tragic event. This stage varies according to the person's situation. People dying can enter this stage a long time before the people they leave behind, who must pass through their own individual stages of dealing with the grief. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%BCbler-Ross_model We are somewhere between Denial and Anger at the moment. That and GW2 hasn't launched yet.
  6. Its sad, Jacobs got shafted and everyone knew it. How the hell do you ruin SW and SWTOR in less than a year. Are these guys all politicians?
  7. Hmm, as a software architect I am pretty sure i can code (or else I am extremely overpaid). That said, my thought here is they did big requirements up front instead of Agile and now they are paying the price for not getting rapid feedback. What's the point of beta if your not going to implement the feedback you got.
  8. I like this, dont just kiss it good bye, KILL it goodbye. News flash though, you cant kill something that is already dead.
  9. How will announcing something that isnt currently in the game bring back players who left for reasons that are currently in the game? "Well, baby, I am leaving because you bore me and your breath stinks" "Please come back, I have cable now!" "What about a toothbrush? Here is $15, please, just fix your mouth" "I will pay your rent" "SCOPE WOMAN!"
  10. Time to go prestige mode. Delete all your characters and start over, this time you get all 8 without buying any gear, doing any heroics or playing with your left hand. seriously, bad deal when less than a year and people can do this. Game MIGHT be a bit too easy.
  11. Common thread here is how the company treats its customers. Sometimes a game is so great customers lightly overlook it, but not so true with MMO's. In a game that you play over a long period of time, having a company you feel is not on your side and not making decisions that support growth is a big deal, at least to me. The biggest issue though is they keep releasing sub-par games. Half finished or inferior to competitor products. The only thing that somewhat saved the ship with this game was the Star Wars franchise and loyal fans to the genre that just wanted a great SW fantasy game to play. We stuck around through a game that was released before it was ready. Maybe the only people who are left are people who just prefer star wars to wow and other games, because this game has not been as high quality as its competition.
  12. The only grinding I have ever enjoyed was: 1) Farming DF in DAoC. Probably because it was a dungeon you fought your way down into the depths and could get caught at any time by the other side when the ownership shifted. Made it exciting. 2) Master class grinding (skill grinding) in early SWG to have the chance to become a jedi. You earned it and you got to play one character and be every class (not at once mind you), but there was something gratifying about that grinding. I know not everyone liked it, but for me I couldn't get enough. Grinding out daily's that never change is so freaking boring.
  13. Operatives Imo are the best. Great heals, stealth and you can still pack a decent beating. Almost too many tools. Other thing is I think their resource management is superior if you learn not to spam heals (which you shouldn't on any healing class. Merc: Kind of a cools style of healing, a little like Operatives but without stealth and imo not enough defensive tools to compete with operatives. Sorc/Sage: Most potential, really good heals and a ton of tools, but you go down like a ****** in a strip club. You have many tools to manage combat, but if your stunned you just wont live. You can be an ok off healer/hybrid damage dealer with balance though and its a rather fun play once you get used to it.
  14. This. Its odd, at first I thought lightning was so much cooler than throwing pebbles, but every single damn spell the sorc has seems to involve lightning. I distinctly remember telekinetic being part of the movies for many of the sith. Other than that though,I think the story is much less repetitive early on for sorc, but last chapter for sage is pretty good. Maybe its because the first was so boring.
  15. They make Bounty Hunters look so damn cool. I would have bought this game based on tha.....wait a minute
  16. Even if the game ends (which I don't think it will) and even if you leave the game, don't think of the time you spent here as wasted. Did you not have fun? Did you not enjoy the game? It's like a relationship that doesn't work out, no hard feelings, move on to the next.
  17. Is there any reason to quit that people would accept? He didn't like the lack of this feature and quit, its a valid reason as any I guess. Would he re-sub if they added such a feature? I personally don't want it, it doesn't fit into lore.
  18. They do it because 50 pvp is not as fun as 1-49 and IMO 50+ pvp is terrible on a number of levels. Other games gave you a way to lock your xp, People like to dominate and your chances of doing it in 1-49 is much greater than 50+, at least initially.
  19. This is what I see: 1) Loss of subscriptions that led to free transfers from dead servers 2) Executive Producer Resigns 3) Massive Layoffs 4) More Layoffs 5) Free to play, right now just until L15 but maybe full F2P later 6) GW2, MOP and other titles looming 7) Next year we will get something new for SWTOR So you lose subscribers in a subscription based game, your EP resigns, you cut your staff and your competition will increase soon and you might go to F2P. You only do those things if your losing money or predict a loss of revenue. These are steps in the wrong direction, but we will have to see. Maybe it will be all good in the end, I doubt the game will shut down like SWG did anytime soon, but it may (likely will) become even more of a niche.
  20. Quite simply the engine sucks. Even with SSD load times suck. Shards suck. Its bad and I hope they fix it, this game has a ton of technical issues imo, and from what I have heard it doesn't matter a whole heck of a lot how good your rig is, the problem is in the engine.
  21. The most alluring features that separate this game from others (from my perspective): 1) Star Wars Lore. If you love Star Wars and MMO's well this is your baby. 2) Story Based Leveling: Instead of JUST grinding quests, you grind a story that is based on your advanced class and Star Wars lore. It's like logging in and playing a movie or a book. Your actions somewhat shape your story. 3) Legacy System: All of the characters you create eventually become part of your legacy, with inherited traits and relations. It's rather unique. After that, its pretty much like any other big MMO, you got your group based instance runs and pvp battlegrounds and a really terrible world pvp situation. You grind gear at the end level. Standard stuff, only its sith's and jedi and bounty hunters and not orcs and goblins and noble human fodder.
  22. I think maybe its because you can Q from 1-49 in virtually no gear and still be effective, but as soon as you hit 50 your instantly useless until you gear up. This only really becomes obvious once you bash your head a few times and by then you have a sour taste in your mouth. I agree, its easily avoidable by being proactive, but the sheer amount of squish gears you see just indicates people are not figuring that one out for one reason or another.
  23. I suspect maybe I am not alone in this, but I like SWTOR. Its not great, but its decent and it has the whole SW lore aspect. What I find lacking is the end game "to-do's" and its not really BW's fault, they built their game around a story from 1-49 (well i guess it is their fault actually) and now they need to figure out what they will do with the 50+. I will likely stick around for awhile for that...but not forever. I firmly believe we saw legacy system so early vs. Fixing the end game debacle because it stalled the situation. Legacy gives you a reason to not focus on the end game and instead roll alts. After awhile though, the stories lose luster and your left repeating stale and broken content. Enter GW2. Its a different approach that may or may not work. It isn't based on the same played out leveling style other games we have use. What it does offer though is an end game promise in WvWvW pvp. That alone got me to pre-purchase. Not to mention the game engine runs way better on my POS laptop than this game ever did. So, for me, when GW2 releases I will play both games. SWOTOR basically just buying time until something meaningful is done with post 50 content. I only have so much time and attention to spare for games though so eventually one will win out. At this point, pre-release, its way too soon to tell. I know quite a few friends in RL that are doing exactly the same as me and I suspect we are not alone. Y'all can bash the OP, and me, all you want, but there is a portion of the population here that really likes open world, strategic epic pvp battles. Like it or not, if this game doesn't have it and others do we will probably go play those games. You can say good riddance, but remember that if the servers start turning to ghost towns again. That situation only happens if the game isn't living up to expectations. Summary: this game is good, but is it interesting enough to beat out a flashy new game with a better end game promise? Who knows, maybe GW2 will be extremely boring. We will find out soon though.
  24. I like a lot of them but I would have to go: 1) Thrawn Trilogy. This should be a movie. Who could play Thrawn though? Gary Oldman is my vote. 2) I, Jedi 3) Fatal Alliance. 4) Decieved (Just finished last night, short but I rather liked the Malgus story line) 5) Darth P. Taking a break from SW stories and going to read Game of Thrones series and then Walking Dead.
  25. This game was supposed to be an epic production, the type of thing you leave as your legacy. Either Mr. Vogel feels he met his goal or he wants no part of its future. Either way I don't think its a good thing when your EP bails. Perhaps he has a personal reason, maybe he was asked to leave. I am not sure, but my gut tells me this isn't a good sign.
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