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Posts posted by Waiting

  1. Yeah, I've had pieces of heavy armour drop (three so far) and a piece of light armour, but that's after days of farming the same instance. Funy thing is, I've been trying to get the sharpshooters gloves from Cademimu, the ONLY piece of medium, agent specific gear I've yet to see drop and so far, no dice. Get the pants almost every run, and the jacket, but not the gloves. I never saw the flaw in the loot drop system when I was leveling up, but now that I go back and try to have a little control over how my companions look, said flaw is glaring at me.
  2. I'm running Cademimu with my level 45 agent to try and get various pieces of gear to make my companions not look like they fell into a vat full of clown props. Strange thing is, I almost always get the exact same drops from the exact same guys every run. For instance, I ran Cademimu 21 times today and got sharpshooters pants 19 of those 21 times from the first boss, and so on with the other bosses. It seems like only medium armor drops and only rifles or sniper rifles, very rarely anything else. From what I've read of other posts, it seems like an instance is tuned to drop optimal gear for your character 99% of the time.


    This is all well and good when 4 people run an instance at the right level. Naturally you don't want them to waste thier time for gear they can't equip. However, this makes it next to impossible to get specific pieces of orange quality gear, (from below level instances) for yourself or companions to try and combat the problem of looking like a booze addled hobo who stumbled through the set of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Does it seems like the drop system is tuned this way to you, or am I just horribly unluckly? I find it hard to believe the RNG is at fault when I get the exact same piece of gear from the exact same boss 19 out of 21 times...

  3. What now? Why, now you chase the gear carrot! Be a good little drone and go chase the gear carrot, you rube. That's right, chase it and pay us for the privilege to do so while we tell you that it's genuine "content" which is worth your money.


    Same old story for a decade now. All there is to do after max level is make another character and repeat the process until you've consumed all the actual content you care to consume.

  4. Congrats you just described a single player RPG, or a game like Diablo as what you like!


    Now I await the "No it isn't"


    Diablo? That's just more of the same. Mindless dungeon crawling and fighting the same enemies over and over again in the hopes that some piece of gear will drop. Diablo is a gear acquisiton game where the story comes in third behind character skillpoint/stat allocation. Basicaly, Diablo is the embodiement of what I said I don't like about the endgame for your average MMO. Did you even read what I typed? Probably not. It's alright though, right? How dare I expect an endgame beyond what we've had since EQ? I should just acquiesce and accept mediocrity with a smile and a creditcard number as you apparently have, I suppose. I mean, why expect anything to change or ever get better, right? Yes, that's the type of attitude which really takes you far. It's a good thing you weren't with the cavemen who discovered fire...

  5. I feel your pain, OP. Also, I agree completely. How anyone can find hours of grinding for gear entertaining, I'll never know. I, too, stopped playing characters in WoW when they hit level cap because I'd sooner suffer a sack full of angry bulldog ants tied to my head than run the same dungeon/dungeons and/or dallies every day for months at a time so I can update my bleeding GEAR, (which I don't give a tinker's cuss about beyond how it looks and whether or not it allows me to tackle even-level solo content).


    I play these games for the mission/quest lines and whatever over-arching story may or may not be present, but apparently the majority of MMO gamers enjoy this kind of tripe or there wouldn't be game after game released featuring this vaunted "content", if content it can indeed be called. It truly is sad. I'll get two, maybe three characters to cap and then I guess I'll move on until some developer somewhere can make an MMO which doesn't rely on a gear carrot to keep people playing.


    My fellow MMOers, mindless grinding IS NOT CONTENT. This IS NOT A QUALITY ENDGAME and you shouldn't settle for it. If you enjoy mindless grinding then good for you! You have a lot of games from which to choose.


    This game, like many others, is really quite good up until level cap, (at least, the storyline is anyway), in my opinion. However, until people stop paying for this stuff via monthly fees or "free" to play systems or what-have-you, developers will continue to make crap for us. Why not? They have no impetus to change, do they? Don't fix what isn't broken. Hey, if they want to pay to play a game where their character's ultimate fate is to grind for tokens with which to buy sets of gear which all look alike within their weight tiers besides different colouring, then lets give it to them!


    Honestly, it makes me not want to play at all. I feel as if I'm wasting my time. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm enjoying the class stories, I'd have stopped already. I'm willing to pay them for that experience, but I will NOT pay to NOT have fun. I was never a fanboy and I never had high hopes for this game because I've simply been around the MMO block too many times to fall for hype, but dear god, could someone PLEASE come up with an alternate endgame to the currently going model?


    I think therein lies the fatal flaw for MMOs. Developers can't think of dynamic, meaningful content quickly enough to keep people happy so they just crap out some innane grindfest for the endgame and hope people get addicted enough to the progression system to keep playing and paying for that 1.0% stat increase hovering over their nose. The first game which can break this mold will be the new standard by which all other MMOs are judged and the person or people behind it will become very rich, indeed.


    Why do you think they didn't put an appearance tab in or allow all gear to be moddable? Because that would be too easy, wouldn't it? That wouldn't require you to pore over the galactic market for hours a day trying to find the perfect piece of orange quality gear which you could use to make your character appear as if he DIDN't lose a fight with a trunk full of clown props. No, that wouldn't require you to devote hours to the game where you AREN'T partaking in the missions and storylines and AREN'T consuming content thereby keeping you paying and playing just a little longer.


    Why is it that it costs 220K credits to get a 10% speed increase to your speeders at level 40? Why is it that training fees are ridiculously expensive? Why are there so many money sinks in this game? Because the longer you spend grinding out credits, the less time you're spending consuming content and the longer you'll keep paying and playing. On top of that, in the end they're hoping you'll settle for more grinding than ever before and continue paying them, even though the process of grinding for ANYTHING in one of these games is a soul-consuming act of purest boredom which is really more like a job than fun. Hell, it even requires you to fill out a damned application and attend to a schedule if you want to get REALLY serious about it.


    That's not just this game's problem, though. Pretty much all of them suffer these same pitfalls, it's just that someone has to break the mold someday. That might not be until someone comes up with a way to generate dynamic, interesting and meaningful content using some type of automated program. Until then, enjoy the ride and get off when your stop comes up.

  6. Yeah, I want all that stuff too; game would be much better for it. Quality of life, Bioware, that's where it looks like you really skimped on the development time. I don't think the game's going to die if these aren't implemented RIGHT NOW but you sure as **** need to work on them. There's no excuse for most if not all of these things not being present in the game already besides a rush to release and/or a vain hope that the playerbase would somehow miss the conspicous absence of some basic functionalities expected of a modern MMO.


    Good game, just needs to address some basic issues.

  7. Who the hell would buy this game to rush to max level? Get rid of the mentality that the game starts at max level; for this particular title, it doesn't. If you want to hit max level in a day or two so you can "start playing tha game" or whatever, you're playing the wrong game. This is your own fault for being an imbecile, not Bioware's for making the game.
  8. I agree with most of the Empire's tennets in real life, so I figured it'd be a good fit for me in the game.


    Stratified society: Check

    Efficient government: Check

    Calculated acceptance of "human" nature: Check


    If I were forced to play some kind of murderous psychopath as an Empire player then I'd have to be Republic. However, being able to be an idealistic patriot who truly wants to serve the people but has to contend with the machinations of various self-serving Darths and the constant intrigue which comes from being Imperial Intelligence pretty much seals the deal for me.


    The only story line I can get into on Republic side is the trooper and that's mostly because I have a healthy respect and admiration for soldiers and the millitary in general, in real life.

  9. Found them all but Hutt Cartel and Red Blade. Spent hours looking around every nook and cranny and I even made a new agent and did the entire 1-10 experience over again to make sure I didn't miss any of them in phased areas. No luck. If they're even in the game, they're hidden in some ridiculous place no one would ever think to look for them.
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