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Posts posted by Waiting

  1. At this very moment, there's nothing to do at 50 besides farm for this or grind for that. If you enjoy repetitive activities, you'll love being level 50. If you enjoy the storyline, you'll hate being level 50 because the stoy ends at level 50. Hopefuly they'll add more things to do at endgame in this, a self proclaimed "story driven MMO", than commendation farming for fugly endgame gear.
  2. I believe a lot of the unmitigated hatred is due to the sky high expectations and hype people built up for themselves. I remember back when BW first started releasing videos and every little thing they released was followed by comments such as:








    *Gurgling noises followed by frantic typing sounds*


    It was like watching a bunch of toddlers on their first trip to Disney World. When someone shows you a 45 second video of some guy weilding a lightsaber with a blade that looks like a bright red crazy straw and your reaction is one of the previous, you're way too into the hype. When the game releases and it turns out to be just another MMO with a lot of problems, you're devastated and begin lashing out at the people who couldn't bring your unrealsitic dream to life.

  3. When your MMO releases with:


    1. All of the high setting textures and other graphical effects missing or broken
    2. A counterintuitive UI that cannot be moved or personalised in any way
    3. Ability delay (need I say more?)
    4. A laundry list of bugs and glitches, a lot of which have been in the game since well before release


    your MMO simply isn't in release-worthy shape. Now, I know MMO forums are generaly a place where people go to complain and so there's an inordinate amount of complainers here, but never in all my 17 years of playing MUDs and MMOs have I seen as many early post-release complaints as on these forums. Some of it is because of all the people who fell for the ridiculous hype that preceeded this game, some of it is from trolls and the like, but most of it stems from genuine concerns about things that just shouldn't be wrong with an MMO that releases on the final days of 2011.


    This crap was excusable a decade ago, but no more. Game's good, but there are some elementary problems that I would maybe expect an indie developer to experience; certainly not Bioware.

  4. I'd be happy if I could just find out how to get the TD-17A Talon stuff. Not the colossus stuff, just the regular, lower level and moddable set of TD-17A Talon armour which includes bracers and belt that are also moddable. I think it all drops randomly from lower level mobs and I know the chest piece and perhaps the legs are mission rewards.
  5. You heartless bastard! How dare you try to deny people the ability to shave 0.00765 seconds off of their travel time by mounting up on their speeder bike to travel from their ship hangar door to the cargo hold?! When you add up all the time you save by zooming around populated hallways on a FREAKING hyper-speed hover bike, you get three, maybe four seconds! So to hell with your "immersion"!
  6. The one BIG problem I have with this game (and why I'll probably stop playing once I finish one class story on each faction) is that the only unique missions are class missions and those missions make up a relatively small portion of the overall mission count for either faction. I don't think I'll be able to run through mostly the same content more than once on either side; a story's just not interesting when you've seen most of it already.


    Actually, I have another BIG problem: All the great story and voice acting ends at level 50 and this game becomes another mindless gear grind where you chase tokens around like a token-chasing sheep. Same tired, more-than-a-decade-old formula that needs to go away.

  7. There's little difference between WoW's endgame and SWToR's endgame.


    They both feature mindless farming of gear and/or "tokens" with which to purchase gear, only WoW has more of the aforementioned mindless farming because it has been out longer. Neither game has an endgame of which I want any part and it looks as if SWToR is only adding more of the same.

  8. I think Republic players would all quite en masse due to being faced with an army of JarJars running at them in BGs and on Ilum.


    Imagine being tea-bagged by JarJar the Sith Sorcerer.


    Fun times for all. I'm sure there wouldn't be total chaos. Come on, Bioware. Don't listen to these pople. They're not risk takers, like you! Gungans for the Empire! Make it happen!

  9. I come from Vanguard: SoH. Don't ever, EVER demand bug patches to the exclusion of content patches, especially when they are minor bugs...or complain about getting content. Major, game-breaking bugs, by all means those should be fixed ASAP. But you will always have bugs in an MMO. You cannot sacrifice content patches for unending bug patches. That is all.




    Ahh, Vanguard. That game was so fun... too bad it's not supported by SoE anymore. I'd give up a random body part for someone to bring that game back to life. I miss my Gnomish blood mage and Mekalia...

  10. The tricky thing about the whole "make a new character when your old one hits max" is that, unless you make a new character on the opposite faction from your old one, you're going to be seeing the same missions you just got done playing through; the only bit of light in the tunnel will be your class missions, and those are a minority of the mission content when compared to all the other stuff which is the same for everyone in that faction. I'm sure the class missions are all good, but I can only run through all of the same side missions once, maybe twice, before I'm bored to tears. That means I'll probably only have two characters before I quit and move on, one on both factions.


    Grinding for commendations and gear is right out. I didn't do that in any other MMO I've ever played, and I'm not going to start now because grinding for anything simply isn't content and it isn't fun. So yeah, game is great from 1-49 and then, everything that makes it good dies at 50. My character is 45 right now and I'm not looking forward to when the ride ends.

  11. There's no grind in the 1-49 game. If there is, you're doing something wrong. Seriously. I've been doing all the missions I can get my hands on and I consistently outlevel every planet upon which I set foot. I usually don't even get to a planet until I outlevel it by two or three levels because I consume every mission I can find, no matter what it is. If anything, the 1-49 game is an anti grind. Sure, some of the missions are a little boring and they all use the same formulas as quests/missions in past MMOs, but the VA does immerse me quite a bit and helps to distract from the occasional tinges of boredom. I'm level 45, just started Hoth and am still going strong.


    However, at 50 the grind begins. Running the same daily missions over and over, the same flashpoints over and over, all so you can farm commendations to upgrade your gear. That's the very definition of "grind" and it's time we got out of that rut we've been in since EQ; that rut where it's acceptable in any way to give players something that IS NOT fun on ANY level as a substitue for content. Killing the same mobs for hours on end to gain one level is not content and is not fun, just as running the same daily missions/flashpoints over and over until your eyes bleed is also not content and is not fun; those things are just lazy shortcuts to keeping progression driven (i.e. most MMO players) players addicted and chasing after the gear carrot. For players like me, players who focus on story-driven content and don't really care about gear or phat loots or big numbers, this game ends at level fifty. Only thing to do is make a new character and sadly, once you've seen everything one faction has to offer, making another character isn't very attractive to me considering the fact that the majority of the missions available to a faction are not unique to your character. I suppose I can start completely over on the other faction but I'm just not sure I have the will to do so.

  12. I'd give it a six of ten. I was hoping for some kind of endgame beyond "chase the tokens, upgrade your gear", (speaking as a person who hasn't reached endgame yet but is dreading it). Speaking of gear, most of the endgame stuff looks like it was vomited forth from the most delirious imaginings of the most demented hobo on earth; most of it is just plain horrible. The class storylines are engaging as are some of the other missions, but most of it's just filler as of yet. The linearity doesn't bother me; I appreciate story-driven MMO's as much as sandbox style, I just expect a bit more payoff for the linearity than what I've seen here, so far. Lots of other things bother me about this game too, but it's just good enough that I'm going to give it a few months and see what happens.
  13. What's worse, the loot drop system is apprently tuned in such a way as to only drop gear appropriate to your character 99% of the time (in flashpoints). That's all well and good when you're leveling up, but when you hit max level and decide to go back and farm orange gear from lower level flashpoints in an attempt to personalise your own companions to some degree, you're out of luck. I've been farming Cademimu for days to try and get the light and heavy armor there for two of my companions and it's not working out well. I get the same exact pieces of loot from the same exact bosses almost everytime, with only five exceptions over the course of four days and hours of farming; yesterday, I got the same pair of pants from the same boss nineteen of twenty-one times.


    It seems like they're trying to do everything they can to make it as difficult as possible for us to have an acceptable degree of control over how we and our companions look.

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