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Posts posted by AislingKerrigan

  1. I absolutely subscribed without a second thought. This is one of the only MMOs I've played past the first month and I've played every major MMO since Ultima. I also had the opportunity to play an early beta phase of TOR in 2010 and then again for 3-4 months before release, so I knew this would be the MMO I stick with.


    I'm also in a guild with over 200+ members in game and I have yet to see people even considering quitting. So it's not doom & gloom for ALL of us.


    Eagerly looking forward to future releases.. (expanded space combat please? :)).

  2. Because according to DE, you can't releate to an alien that isn't extremely similar to humans.


    It's a BS excuse. Nautolans, Togruta, and Cathar are no less human-looking than Twi'lek are. My guess is they're going to hold off on adding more races until the expansions. Like how WoW added Belfs, Spacegoats, Goblins, etc.

  3. Its obsolete now with all the matching sets that were put in the game.


    What matching sets are you referring to? I'm lucky if I can find one or two matching chest/leggings that are modifiable, but gloves/boots are always hot or miss.


    If they hadn't completely nerfed the mod system this wouldn't be such an issue.

  4. I really miss this feature from beta. Has there been any word on its return? I know there was a dev blog about it last month but I was hoping we'd get more details on when/if it will return. My Trooper looks like a total clown :rolleyes:
  5. Self-build i2600k, 16GB RAM, GTX580, Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.


    Always play Fullscreen(windoswd) @ 1920x1200.


    No [graphical] issues on any part of the game; Warzones included.


    Interesting. I know someone with almost those exact specs but they still get the green light artifact/glitch on some planets. The glitch is driving me nuts.. I might try switching to Nvidia'a beta drivers but I think it's on Bioware's end. Hoping they can fix it soon.

  6. i7-920 2.66Ghz

    6GB DDR3 RAM 1333Mhz

    2x EVGA GTX 560 Ti SCs in SLI

    500GB 7200 RPM HD



    60 FPS (v-sync) with everything on high @ 1920x1080


    I couldn't be happier with this setup. The second 560 was kind of overkill but I couldn't get performance I wanted from just the one 560 Ti. With v-sync off I could run the game on high settings w/ 60+ FPS but the screen tearing started getting annoying. With v-sync ON the one GPU couldn't cut it - my FPS would bomb occasionally.


    • 2x EVGA GTX 560 Ti SCs in SLI
    • latest Nvidia drivers (285.62)



    I have been getting this graphic artifact for months in beta and STILL in the current build. I know at least two people having the exact same issue on a GTX 580 and a GTX 460.


    Bioware CSR's can blame it on bad drivers all they want, when the fact is that IF this is an issue with the game's compatibility with the LATEST graphic drivers than it falls on the developers to fix it. They should have been working with Nvidia for months leading up to release on getting official driver support. I've seen NO mention of SWTOR in any of the driver releases.. even the beta ones.

  8. It's not in for launch. You can use a custom (orange type) armor with the hood down and keep it modded to stay relevant if you want.


    The problem is I haven't found any orange type heavy armors with the hood down.

  9. I'm a Sith Warrior and have been using a skirt pretty much since Lv. 10.


    I think there are a handful of orange pants, but from what I remember they're more like Lv. 20+. But they're there.



    You're doing it wrong. SW should be wearing medium or heavy armor depending on your AC. Not light armor.


    Reminds me of the other night when I invited someone to a PUG because they told me they were a Sage.. but turns out they were a Sentinel wearing light armor/robes. Sounds like an identity crisis to me..

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