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Posts posted by AislingKerrigan

  1. honestly I hope you are right lmao. Bioware has burned me for the last time!


    EA was expecting TOR to be the next big thing and bring in an insane amount of revenue like WoW does for Activision/Blizzard. They've even relegated Bioware's other divisions to re-packaging Warhammer as some crap PvP game and a new Command & Conquer game. And Dragon Age 3? They pulled developers from that to come focus on TOR... which isn't going to pay off.

  2. Problem with subscriptions is you're subsidizing other player's content. If you only play an hour a week and another player plays 10 hours a day and is constantly raiding... who is getting more out of their $15? Why should the casual player be paying for all that end-game/raiding content that keeps getting added?
  3. Doubtful. I don't know anyone who is playing past their 6 month sub (or current sub.. mine runs out in a few days thanks to the free month Bioware gave me). TOR will probably be under 300k subs by mid Summer and F2P by November. I expect a F2P re-release in November to try to draw new players.


    I also think this is probably Bioware's last online game and possibly even one of their last RPGs for a long time.

  4. TOR has the same generic naming system from WoW. GW2's system is MUCH better. You're allowed to have a space between first & last name and names are cross-server.


    One of my transferred characters names is like QFBCBEFBCBCBCBC... I'm going to leave it at that because I don't even care.

  5. I refuse to pay a subscription for this particular game because the only content they're adding is stuff I have had NO access to thanks to low population servers. I'm not paying for someone else's game/content. And monthly subs get expensive when you end up having to turn to other MMOs and subscribe to multiple games when this one isn't fun enough to play.
  6. You can add me in with the ~25%. I finally cancelled my subscription (been dragging my feet for a while). I haven't really played since the Rakghoul Plague event and see no real reason to continue paying. It was kind of fun the first play through but like a single player game it lost it's appeal to me after that. This is also going to be the last subscription-based MMO I ever buy into.


    I don't like the idea of paying monthly for content without having any control of who the content is developed for (most of the added raid content in 1.2 I didn't even get to TRY). I'm not paying for someone else's content. I'd rather just pay for a game upfront and know exactly what I'm getting.


    I still have 32 days left and I'm not even going to bother playing during that time. I just picked up Diablo III and I'll probably play that until Guild Wars 2 releases.

  7. I'd bet a ton of money that the 1.3 mil figure is including the free months subscription they gave out....

    That 1.3 figure is also BEFORE DIablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 are released.


    They'll be lucky to have 1 mil subscribers by the end of the month.


    Yea I assume a significant chunk of the subs they're going to lose will come from the 30-day free playtime and 6-month subs. It's really sad that a game that took 6+ years to create lasted only 6 months.

  8. I agree with the OP. My subscription ends in late June (thanks to the free 30 days) and I see no reason to keep subscribing. There's never enough people on to find a group for endgame PvE and WZ queues take WAY too long. I haven't logged in since the Rakghoul Event.
  9. Star Wars is nothing like WoW. GW2 graphics wise is almost a direct copy. Its the same old tired nonsense every one of those games has. The voice acting sounds like it was done by homeless people. Its just terrible. No wonder they dont charge a monthly fee the game is just horrid. Noone would ever pay per month for it. Looks exactly like WoW I dont care what you guys say. Also plays nearly identical.


    LOL so to you all fantasy RPGs are the same? So by that logic Neverwinter Nights was a ripoff of Warcraft?

  10. I didnt like GW2 at all. I am not a big fan of cash shops in games. Also it looks just like WoW plays just like WoW. In fact my friend thought it was the ne wow expansion I had to tell him no its GW2. The he we went "Really? Eww!".


    Sorry but it plays nothing like WoW. The combat is action-based (dodging, flanking enemies, your attacks affect multiple enemies). SWTOR plays exactly like WoW.

  11. They're two very different games. They compliment each other and I kind of plan to play both of them.


    I love the freedom in GW2 to just explore wherever I want to and come across events/quests that way. If I see crops burning off in the distance I can go investigate and get swept into a 30-45 minute event series involving Centaurs raiding farmlands, kidnapping farmers, etc. All while cooperating with dozens of other players.


    The other night I was doing some small events with my friends closing portals (to the underworld supposedly) in this swamp and the next thing we know we (and probably the other 20+ players spread across the swamp) set off a massive event and this BEHEMOTH comes out of the swamp and we all have to band together to take it down. It's not scripted, it's not story, it's just spontaneous, unpredictable fun and I personally enjoy it.


    There's NEVER the sense of 'oh he just stole my kill/loot'. It REALLY is cooperative and players will actually go out of their way to revive/get you up during a fight. I think the community will be nothing like SWTOR/WoW and I mean that in a good way.

  12. Im glad it's back, but does anyone remember during the end of beta when it was removed?

    I thought they mentioned that it was removed because they had

    A better system in the works and didnt want people to get used to it.


    All they did wad take the same system snd add slot choices.


    Anyone else remember?


    Sorry, typing on phone...


    This is their way of improving it. Their problem with the last system is that when you received a new piece of gear and attached it, it would AUTOMATICALLY unify to chest piece and apparently it took away the feeling of having a new, unique looking piece of gear (not that I ever complained). With the new system every time you attach a piece of gear you have to go in and manually toggle the unify color on. They also improved some of the colored textures SLIGHTLY (and by ''improved'' I mean most of the pieces don't fully color match.. they still retain some of their original colors).

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