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Everything posted by SneiK

  1. Sure, but take out heals/cleanses away from non healers. ...not.
  2. Yep, better luck next year? R.I.P Commando & Mercenary 2011-2013
  3. IM is actually lowering your overall damage output. The DMG/Heat ratio just isn't there. And it can be cleansed, so it's not reliable against all targets. Using it when the heat allows it, when it cannot be cleansed, and not losing Rail procs is how you can increase burst a bit if specced to, and target below 30%: there's some very little extra pressure added, but not overall DPS (you will have to let some steam out after the kill, if you can kill anything = losing DMG). IM is still there for some purposes, I agree, but it isn't how it was supposed to be and needs a change.
  4. We're rated now, start the damn steram!
  5. Normal warzones should not be about skill, they should be about fun. Hence, it is not fun to play a map one doesn't like. In rateds, I play to win, so I don't care about the ability to choose the map there. And no, you don't necessarily have to split queues. One route could be letting people mark 'preferred' 'neutral' 'not preferred' maps and the queue system would take those into consideration. The problem is getting worse after every new warzone they release. ...And to the guy above: you get better by repeating. If you can't choose a warzone, you can't repeat. Hence you will not become the best that you could be.
  6. Give me the option to backfill every normal warzone that has less than 1min left. 10 seconds even if I'm merc/sorc/operative. A quick way to finish my daily...
  7. bump. Notice the date of the original post. I'm still waiting...
  8. You certainly un-quelled this thread...
  9. Bump. BW c'mon, just give the Merc some love and see how it does. Just give it something, fast. It's 12 months due.
  10. Bump after edit. Looking for streamers.
  11. OP, could you point out, that you don't actually need to buy BM ear/impants/relics nor belts/bracers(this I'm not 100% sure, maybe check it out as I don't remember anymore) nor mainhand/offhand since the WH counterparts do not require them.
  12. Bump. Thou shall not let this thread die. But just in case BW doesn't like bumps... Yeah, I must agree with someone on this thread. Good suggestions...Something.
  13. The Jedi can Turn to the dark side, and vice versa for the Sith. Also, there's a constant power struggle inside both the Republic, and the Empire. No reason why there couldn't be some kind of cross faction gameplay added. I think Episode 3 made the SW Universe a lot less black and white, since the 'good guys' were actually made 'bad', for letting evil take lead. You know...Evil exists because the Good guys let it.
  14. Fair enough points, but you are mistaken. Try learn something from this: I am moving away from you at FULL SPEED. 180 degrees is the limit. Strafing west, while shooting to east, is possible, and it's full speed. Your shield only cleanses slows/roots once, and it's highly likely that you will get slowed after that very soon. And don't forget, that the Merc could spec degauss as well. As so, you get no more rail shots, no TD at all, no IM (no guaranteed DoT to Rail on), no RP, no FB. You will do no damage at all, compared to the Merc. If I need heals, I use them instant while moving. I won't since the game is lost if I let you <10m without grapple, and if I don't, I don't need heals. Oh, and your pull is 45 sec CD, 35 when specced. My KB is 30 sec, 25 with Set Bonus. I will always have the KB before you have your Pull again. I thought I made this pretty clear. Then you come on about how you win Pyro Mercs who backpedal....Jesus.
  15. That theory is based on facts and knowledge of both classes, which I have been playing since the early access of this game. And I have applied that theory many times. I will beat a PT Pyro, no matter how good he is (The theory assumes he plays the class to it's fullest potential), given the right condition (Not letting a PT walk next to you. Which is not that hard to accomplish). You are right, AC vs. AC, it's not even a competition, as I can win the PT in greens, hell, I might try naked. Also, please don't use nonsense like 'DPS Merc', it tells nothing. 'Arsenal Merc', and 'Pyro Merc' are both DPS. I agree with everybody 100%, that Arsenal is a big no-no in many ways in PvP. And the fact that a Pyro Merc can win a Pyro PT, does not mean that the class can do as well as the PT overall. I just wanted to point out that fact, as it's something not many would think is so. (Not even the PT we have here).
  16. Yes, why did you think BW put 8 marks in the game? Wave goodbye? I think you don't understand what a Ranged DPS is about. I have full DMG potential at 30m range. You can 'wave' goodbye to your healthbar, and have a nice day at the spawn area. You're constantly assuming you will get to <10m without using grapple, in which case you would win, but you will not get it so. None of your DMG matters, at 10+m. You can't stun either btw (Hello, patch notes?). You only have Rail each 15sec, and yes, I only need the proc from the Unload, not the dmg. I don't care if I lose that, in a situation like that. Anyway, I don't care if you get it or not, I just proved to you that a PT Pyro will lose to a Merc Pyro (In normal conditions, that means no coming <10m without grapple). It's up to you what you will do with that information.
  17. Arsenal Merc is a whole different story. A PT Pyro will kill an Arsenal Merc, with 90% health remaining. And it will take a lot less than 12 seconds. And if there's LOS possibilities, so will Merc Pyro. With no LOS, it's harder, but still doable. But, if you think Arsenal will cut it, then you should have nothing to worry about, the class/spec is just fine, isn't it? True story (Seriously, no sarcasm.) Oh, and Phasersablaze, Foxmob is a PT Pyro in this game. I don't think you understood that, as a PT Pyro does not have any of the abilities you described.
  18. Sticky grenade won't do any DMG, and I have it too. You need to close the gap. So, you use your grapple and snare? Easy, I pushback and Cure. Again, I am 10+m away from you, and you are unable to do any hard hitting attacks, while I can snare you from range (better than you, with more accuracy and offhand), stop to get a rail proc (The rail proc happnes at the beginning of Unload, and it has 75% proc chance btw), and easily regain range with Cure and Rapid shots between my instant DMG dealing attacks. I can even use my Power Surge to get either an instant Power Shot (possible rail proc) or an instant 2-4k heal. Oh, how will you start the fight at 10m in 'real world'? You have a stealth I don't know about? If not, you will have a nice mark above your head, and I'll see you all the way from spawn, 10000000 meters away. You obviously know nothing about Pyro Merc. I don't think you even know how to play PT Pyro. PT is my main btw.
  19. Newsflash: there's plenty of Arsenal Mercs, that PvP. Doesn't make them any good tho. Now, back to my little game. So, what would you do against the Merc Pyro, Foxmob?
  20. Ok, let's play. Let assume I am a Merc Pyro, and I have eyes, so the fight will start at 10-30m. I could pop, say, TD/IM/Rail on you, all while moving away from you at full speed. What do you do?
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